ANNOUNCEMENT Odyssey Update 2021

Hilarious! You can't put the letters A, S and S in the middle of a word on your ship name (e.g. Ambassador) without triggering the swear filter, but the NPCs can puit the word "hole" after it and that's just fine :D
Yup, Odyssey has higher PEGI rating than base game / Horizons.
you can get missions from one of the terminals that are located at various positions in the station.
after assigning keybinds so I can move on foot, discovered there's no mission board, instead, you've got to talk to people, ok picked up a mission to kill someone, so what am I carrying, have I got a gun or something, having bought a gun (the cheapest one cost 50,000 all my money) how do I equip it, how do I bring up my mission list?


Volunteer Moderator
after assigning keybinds so I can move on foot, discovered there's no mission board, instead, you've got to talk to people, ok picked up a mission to kill someone, so what am I carrying, have I got a gun or something, having bought a gun (the cheapest one cost 50,000 all my money) how do I equip it, how do I bring up my mission list?
Don't ask me, man I only work here!

(actually I don't work here. Also I still have no option to download it. I'm not bitter. No, not bitter at all. AT ALL.)
Finally got home from work, started up the old ED launcher through steam and...

Easiest thing ever, menu option right there in the box like it should be.

Also, took less than 5 mins to get past the "preparing" stage.

See, you all soon, well tomorrow, after I have slept, been back to work etc etc...

Not impressed so far. Running around trying to restore power to a settlement while several other commanders are doing the same, and all we're really doing is getting in each other's way. Absolutely no clue what's going on.

Not really my kind of game. Think I'll wait for them to give us our ships back.

Not impressed so far. Running around trying to restore power to a settlement while several other commanders are doing the same, and all we're really doing is getting in each other's way. Absolutely no clue what's going on.

Not really my kind of game. think I'll wait for them go give us our ships back.

Phase one isn't really a game as such, it's for stressing the servers and ironing out any wrinkles with the connection to them and other people.
Hi All,
My download has just stopped dead. I have tried restarting the Launcher, still no progress, it just gets so far and then stops....
The speed figure does not change at all.
Do I need to reboot my PC?
I am not using Steam, but just the regular ED Launcher.....

In the Client.Log, I just see endless messages like this.....saying "DownloadedDataMismatch"

20210329-151243: { "action" : "DownloadedDataMismatch", "Downloaded" : "38e3b6f75b35d9380580854f570bf10e466a9a1c", "Expected" : "a142459ad2f1cdc68399b5c7016f5f0c6cf7db46", "LocalFile" : "C:\Users\Reg\AppData\Local\Frontier_Developments\Products\PUBLIC_TEST_SERVER_64\Win64\0d\db1f8a0e2e29d25851cee856a466dac55f8858e7", "RemoteFile" : "", "date" : "20210329", "time" : "151243" } ;

Does anyone have any thoughts?

Hi All,
My download has just stopped dead. I have tried restarting the Launcher, still no progress, it just gets so far and then stops....
The speed figure does not change at all.
Do I need to reboot my PC?
I am not using Steam, but just the regular ED Launcher.....

In the Client.Log, I just see endless messages like this.....saying "DownloadedDataMismatch"

20210329-151243: { "action" : "DownloadedDataMismatch", "Downloaded" : "38e3b6f75b35d9380580854f570bf10e466a9a1c", "Expected" : "a142459ad2f1cdc68399b5c7016f5f0c6cf7db46", "LocalFile" : "C:\Users\Reg\AppData\Local\Frontier_Developments\Products\PUBLIC_TEST_SERVER_64\Win64\0d\db1f8a0e2e29d25851cee856a466dac55f8858e7", "RemoteFile" : "", "date" : "20210329", "time" : "151243" } ;

Does anyone have any thoughts?

Try the 'Verify Files' thing?

Once you've finished creating your character you can quit out of Open and go into Group or Solo. That ought to stop all those pesky commanders turning the power off after I've just turned it back on ;)
If you've purchased the program via Steam, including Odyssey Alpha DLC - restart steam completely, then hit Play on ED and you get that little window that has options for "ED, ED: Horizons, VR something". Click on ED. This should bring up the launcher for ED - from the launcher, logout and then log back in with the button that says "log in with steam" or "Steam Login" or something. After that is done you should see the new option available to download Odyssey Alpha in a list next to the blue button in the lower left. It will take a good several minutes to just prep the files so be patient. Apparently after it downloads and installs you will have another wait, so don't close out the launcher until it says you can play it. Probably also a good idea to go to options and turn on "Detailed Update Log" and restart your launcher before downloading.

This worked for me but I can't promise it'll work for you. But if you're having a hard time getting it to show up it's worth a try, yeah?
Thanks mate, that worked!
With regard to the Download problem, I had where it seems to go round in circles downloading the same files endlessly ....

Did some digging in the Forums as I am sure I have seen this error before....

Cleared out my download to start from scratch and disabled the "Enable Error Check" option in the options menu in the launcher.

It is now downloading again, so I will have to see if that solves the problem.

Fingers crossed
Stupid question: How do i open the mission details. Once I pick the mission I just can get the summary title in the nav/map but there's no panel that tells you the complete mission text anywhere. I have configured all key bindings for everything but there's nothing that suggest the presence of a panel such as the one you have on the left inside the ship. Any idea?
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