On the edge of the void, for the first time

Going upwards rather than outwards, admittedly (outwards is my next step). 2,798Ly above the galactic plane certainly isn't a record, not by a fair old chalk, but it's a personal record.

And I know there are threads for people who've been to SagA* - it's down there somewhere - and Beagle Point and whathaveyou, but I just wanted to log my membership of the wholly unofficial club Commanders In Places Where There Are No More Stars To Be Seen.


The view from my cockpit. The great blankness of the void.

Unfortunately, from here, I go back. There's a black hole I could reach with jumponium, but I've only got one germanium, and there's nowhere in this system I can search for some more. So, I'll spin around, go back the way I came, back down to where the skies are bright. But for one brief moment, I saw the true nothingness, and its infinite black is seeping around in my veins, and it will forever be calling me back, back, back again.

And how much more black could it be? And the answer is none, none more black.
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Going upwards rather than outwards, admittedly (outwards is my next step). 2,798Ly above the galactic plane certainly isn't a record, not by a fair old chalk, but it's a personal record.

And I know there are threads for people who've been to SagA* - it's down there somewhere - and Beagle Point and whathaveyou, but I just wanted to log my membership of the wholly unofficial club Commanders In Places Where There Are No More Stars To Be Seen.
Welcome to the club of being in the total dark. :)

The first times are exciting and I was nervous and even had hand sweat at times. Starting to get used to it though, but I love being on the edge. Just wait till the day when you're out there, and you can see the whole galaxy in your view port.

The view from my cockpit. The great blankness of the void.

Unfortunately, from here, I go back. There's a black hole I could reach with jumponium, but I've only got one germanium, and there's nowhere in this system I can search for some more. So, I'll spin around, go back the way I came, back down to where the skies are bright. But for one brief moment, I saw the true nothingness, and its infinite black is seeping around in my veins, and it will forever be calling me back, back, back again.
Load up as much as you can for jumponium. The further you go out, the more you're going to need.

This is my view looking back
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Yep I love it out on the galactic edge, where the stars thin out and there's nothing but emptiness left to look forward to. Really makes you feel the size and grandeur of the galaxy like nowhere else can. I also enjoy pushing out as far as I can, even dangerously so. Something about tacking my way among the stars while carefully thinking about every single jump just makes me feel like I'm really exploring. Fighting with the galaxy map and fuel stores in a constant effort to just get a little bit farther out...
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The first times are exciting and I was nervous and even had hand sweat at times. Starting to get used to it though, but I love being on the edge. Just wait till the day when you're out there, and you can see the whole galaxy in your view port.
Glad I'm not the only one who feels anxious, with all light and life and hope so far away. But it's addictive too, I dearly want to go on even though it would be the end. Particularly as the next step would be a black hole; what if it had no other bodies, and there was nothing but a gravitational lens through which to gaze upon the whole galaxy? I should bookmark it and go back one day, when I can. It'll bother me forever otherwise.

And yes, I will certainly be stocking on jumponium wherever I can. Maybe that system I could've reached had some planets with germanium! Ack. I look forward to the introduction of the mats traders.
I quite like it down in the Basement poking about.


Finishing off Surveying around the "Mariana" area

New Wolf Raynet way down in the basement Nearby.
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I sort of accidentally blew up my ship whilst investigating a high gravity planet and not paying enough attention. So I'm going back to the attic! And now I have some germanium and arsenic on board, so perhaps I can go a little further.
I sort of accidentally blew up my ship whilst investigating a high gravity planet and not paying enough attention. So I'm going back to the attic! And now I have some germanium and arsenic on board, so perhaps I can go a little further.
High G planets are dangerous. It's so easy to go about and fly in full speed or boost or such and totally ram the surface. Even with experience, I've accidentally done it anyway.

What was the gravity on the planet?
High G planets are dangerous. It's so easy to go about and fly in full speed or boost or such and totally ram the surface. Even with experience, I've accidentally done it anyway.

What was the gravity on the planet?

It was about 4g, so not too bad. But I was distracted by the rugby - a dangerous combination. And you know how it is, once the downward momentum gets out of hand, you're done for.
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