[PRIVATE] Only for adults [ZENI]

Goal is to create a group, than Minor faction of solo players who play PvE and not much about chatting in game. Having a home system to care, grow. expand and protect, without someone pushing you to do anything and nothing is mandatory.
It doesn't matter what is your playstyle (dedicated, occasional, relaxed) or preferences (Trading, Mining, Combat, Exploring, Hunting). Only matter is to respect other members as they are obligated to respect you. We will try to do our best to help you.
It doesn't matter which power you play in game no one will try to force you to change your preferences, especially we know that obtaining different powerplay items, require changing of pledge to galactic powers.
There is a plenty of player Squadrons, Groups and Minor factions in game they all have some kind of goal, many of them are famous like Fuel Rats, Anti-Xeno Initiative and many more, so they have their agenda. We don't.
We like to participate in Community Goals.

Why adults only?
Simply we kinda avoid spoiled players who enjoy ruin other players fun and brag about that. We accept totally new or super experienced players, and we won't argue about someone's experience and knowledge of game.
If you expected this will be about "Adult content" you are in wrong thread but thank you for reading so far :ROFLMAO:

Why "ZEN Industries"?
Exactly because ZEN and Industries are opposite and in pure contradiction. But you can have imaginary industry of creating pure relaxed state of mind. o_O
When I started game didn't think about creating any Squadron/Group/Faction I used my "All Games Nick" (I was owner of my private company "Zen Industries" before I retired) but it is a good name for Faction so sorry if you don't like that but it wasn't intention to promote myself... Future faction name sounds serious and lore friendly like "Sirius Corporation" :oops:

Why to join us?
If you didn't understand what is written above, there is no reason to join us.

Now if you are interested please apply in game to Squadron [ZENI] or contact me CMDR ZEN INDUSTRIES but only in case about joining this group/Future Minor Faction. I respect other people privacy, please try to respect mine. Do not contact me for any other reason because I won't care to respond or accept your friendship request f I don't know which kind of player and person you are.
Any Ganker, Scammer, Spammer, Troll, Clogger (Proven Combat Logger if you play PvP) or any kind offender will be kicked out of Squadron/Group/ without any warning

Frontier - Inara
Profile: Search in game CMDR ZEN INDUSTRIES or EDSM, Inara... lol even google it.
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