I've invested over the past 7 years since the release of ED on a PS4, switching at a point to and Xbox one, and a gaming pc. Some 9 thousand hour's playing ED. Not starting to play video games until my late 60's, I had major issue's with the various learning curves involved with a game pad, and later a warthog. And the various menu's one is mandated to utilize when play an AAA game.

LONG STORY SHORT. I finally installed and booted up Odyssey, and it only took a second to realize. I need to learn how to negotiate a whole new menu system. In my process of learning, i clicked on this and that, opening and closing various sections of the new menu. And at some point though I wasn't aware of it until. A couple of hours after wards. Sold my GOD Corvette. Got so angry, I deleted my entire profile. Yes, I realize it was stupid, but apparently what's done is done. And after all the hours invested. There's no way in H. E. doubled toothpicks, I'm gonna start from day one again as a new cadet.

Thus this is my goodbye to any and all. It's been nice most of the time, hope you all continue to play for many more hours and years.
Sold my GOD Corvette. Got so angry, I deleted my entire profile. Yes, I realize it was stupid, but apparently what's done is done. And after all the hours invested. There's no way in H. E. doubled toothpicks, I'm gonna start from day one again as a new cadet.
Ummm...selling you ship doesn't do anything to your rank in the Federal Navy. All you had to do was rebuy the ship.
you should have contacted support directly after mistakenly selling it …….. they may be able to restore your account and ship you wont know unless you try
Ummm...selling you ship doesn't do anything to your rank in the Federal Navy. All you had to do was rebuy the ship.
Year's of 8 to 10 hours a day, six days a week; Gathering materials and testing various engineering all gone in a simple mistaken click. I snapped. Lost my cool, etc. etc. etc.
Sorry to hear that nemo, I've been playing video games since pong and space invaders in '70's.
I recently transferred from PS4 (7000 hours) to PC account and have spent 2 weeks on and off, whilst playing, setting up the PS controller to act (almost) like a PS controller on Nvidia Shield (as I only had old laptop which won't run any ED version).
No reason you can't use XBox controller as far as I know.

I have also given up on using EDH4 due to the UI and will use EDH3.8 for all play until it becomes absolutely necessary to move to EDH4 for new content/narrative.
I tried changing my Mining 'Conda to a Combat loadout in EDH4 and gave up with the UI - - - - - > back to EDH3.8 (graphically better and def. Not interested in FPS BTW).

Hope you change your mind and request re-instatement of account and the ship back from cust support.
not a top hat of course lol
bottom hat is a forum user who generally asks cmdrs whom are about to quit the following
can I has your stuff?
I am sure your account have a chance of being restored to its proper glory.

Although, it is always intriguing to start a new account just to relive the joy of progress in the life and tribulations of a new character. Happy gaming!
I hadn't though of doing that, because it wasn't so much as an accident as much as it was just a stupid stupid STUPID mistake and I lost my cool.
I did that the various suggestion's by you guy's and pleaded my case; Now it's up to the grace of the DEV's.

Good luck, hopefully you will get good news from the excellent support team.

BTW - I rate your OP as Bazmeson 0.24 - must try harder. ;)

(N.B. that is a joke)
He's a legend here...

Open tickets, don't give up. Unless you were looking for a reason to bale I suppose. I'm 62, will die drooling on my keyboard with a flight stick in my hand LOL (Interdicted by God one would say)

My wife in the background, wailing ("I knew that game was going to kill him..")
62 here also, happy to pass on whilst playing the best game ever (hopefully in many years, not soon), and happy to be in my lounge relaxing now, having seen Ian Dury, Clash, Ramones, Buzzcocks, TV and Stranglers (other bands are available) live in 70's - they were MAD times. Loved it!!

Awaiting 1Gb/s Full Fibre install next week.
Never ever would have dreamt of 1Gig network let alone being alive in 2022 in 1980's.
I worked with dial-up analog modem comms before Internet BTW, where you dialled the modem no. and on answer put the actual phone handset into a modem tranmitter/receiver!

R U 71 years nemo? o7.
I worked with dial-up analog modem comms before Internet BTW, where you dialled the modem no. and on answer put the actual phone handset into a modem tranmitter/receiver!
Acoustical modems, I used to have to use those in the early 80s for work stuff. When Internet for home was first a thing you had 1 phone line. While you were online the phone was always busy when someone tried to call. AND, you had to make sure your call waiting was turned off so when someone called they didn't dump you right in the middle of downloading your, um. picture.

Oh the privacy back then...
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