I've invested over the past 7 years since the release of ED on a PS4, switching at a point to and Xbox one, and a gaming pc. Some 9 thousand hour's playing ED. Not starting to play video games until my late 60's, I had major issue's with the various learning curves involved with a game pad, and later a warthog. And the various menu's one is mandated to utilize when play an AAA game.

LONG STORY SHORT. I finally installed and booted up Odyssey, and it only took a second to realize. I need to learn how to negotiate a whole new menu system. In my process of learning, i clicked on this and that, opening and closing various sections of the new menu. And at some point though I wasn't aware of it until. A couple of hours after wards. Sold my GOD Corvette. Got so angry, I deleted my entire profile. Yes, I realize it was stupid, but apparently what's done is done. And after all the hours invested. There's no way in H. E. doubled toothpicks, I'm gonna start from day one again as a new cadet.

Thus this is my goodbye to any and all. It's been nice most of the time, hope you all continue to play for many more hours and years.
Thanks to the suggestions of other's, I did send a plea to the FDEV's, regarding my stupidity of deleting my profile and am taking this time to thank them one and all for reinstating me and my profile. Thus I'm also taking this time to announce the redaction of my withdraw from everything ED.
Thanks to the suggestions of other's, I did send a plea to the FDEV's, regarding my stupidity of deleting my profile and am taking this time to thank them one and all for reinstating me and my profile. Thus I'm also taking this time to announce the redaction of my withdraw from everything ED.


o7 Commander
Any understanding support team will recognize what is a play and what is a mistake. I agree with most here: Try to negotiate with the DEVS. I do not believe that they want to alienate people. They want to maintain their loyal user base. An action that clearly disadvantages a player of some years is not one that the user would willingly choose to do (and the DEVS should recognize this and work with you to correct).
I rage quit all the time...…………. sometimes for weeks I just don't hit clear save better luck next time BH ;)
I've never cleared a save, never will. Worst I've done is uninstall Elite from my PS4, but I'm desperate for the extra space on that platform.
I wiped once by mistake, the space gods (devs) reset it to how it was for me, bless ‘em! I did restart with my xbox transfer commander, love the start of the game, the sidey and earning your way. When you have your ‘stuphs’ back and are happy perhaps consider buying Horizons for an alt commander when its on sale. Mind you i stupidly fo this too often and cant keep track of the blighters. G’luck Commander!
I received everything thing back, ranks, credits, arks, ships and all materials I hadn't utilized.

The ships I had prior to my wipe, were returned exactly as they were prior to my wipe; Meaning engineered.

But because I had sold the darn Corvette prior to the wipe, though it was returned, all engineering was gone, gone gone.

Which means, thousands of hours I spent getting it to my idea of a GOD ship, is gone. And having to spend all those hours again.

Was the straw that broke this camels back, and caused me to have the stupid moment I had, when I wipe my account of my profile.

Though they official didn't have to return anything! After pleading my case; I got back EVERYTHING but my TOTALLY ENGINERRED to the MAX, Corvette.
I received everything thing back, ranks, credits, arks, ships and all materials I hadn't utilized.

The ships I had prior to my wipe, were returned exactly as they were prior to my wipe; Meaning engineered.

But because I had sold the darn Corvette prior to the wipe, though it was returned, all engineering was gone, gone gone.

Which means, thousands of hours I spent getting it to my idea of a GOD ship, is gone. And having to spend all those hours again.

Was the straw that broke this camels back, and caused me to have the stupid moment I had, when I wipe my account of my profile.

Though they official didn't have to return anything! After pleading my case; I got back EVERYTHING but my TOTALLY ENGINERRED to the MAX, Corvette.

Meh, a Cutter is better anyway :)

Glad you are back with us.. o7
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