Operation IDA - Repairing our Foundation

It's great to see those numbers, I really have to give you guys credit, you've been working out there for ages and we just came along and ran a convoy. I just hope it grabbed the imagination enough to get more Commanders involved and push you over the line!

Can't wait to see the first station come back online!
Update for The Oracle:

Even better than monday? [up]
Completed Superconductors? [up]
Next commodity in a day's reach? [up]
Next milestone in a day's reach? [up]

This train has no brakes [yesnod]

Aluminium 100.00% COMPLETE
Auto-Fabricators 95.00% 16,268 (-12,505)
Beryllium 26.00% 453,370 (-3,913)
Copper 100.00% COMPLETE
Emergency Power Cells 34.00% 365,465 (-5,395) LONG RANGE PRIORITY --> Kepler City - HR 244 & Hui Enterprise - Catuntinigi
Energy Grid Assembly 39.00% 170,393 (-2,888) LONG RANGE PRIORITY --> Grimwood Hub - Lan Disk & Shunkai Orbital - Mwamen
Gallium 15.00% 584,429 (-6,998)
Indium 21.00% 1,336,357 (-15,730)
Insulating Membrane 11.00% 305,310 (-1,328)
Lithium 20.00% 693,024 (-6,424)
Natural Fabrics 12.00% 221,859 (0)
Polymers 33.00% 1,719,381 (-40,668) PRIORITIZED --> Oort Orbital - Pleiades Sector KC-V c2-4
Power Converter 17.00% 208,955 (-2,940)
Superconductors 100.00% (-19,542) COMPLETE
Titanium 100.00% COMPLETE

6,074,811 (-118,331)

next milestone 6 million (-74,811)

mid range option: --> Arnason Works (Planetary Landing) - Ngobe: Beryllium, Indium, Gallium, Lithium and Superconductors:cool: - 166LY away from The Oracle you will need a fuel scoop.

Fantastic day! We have to sort out the priorities later as I'm not up-to-date regarding faction states and supply, so for the time being just do either long range runs from the above or polymers from Oort.
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Thanks for the stats :)
What about my question? ;)

Indium was depleted at OO last night. I've just thought, is there anything at TO that OO needs? Even if only a little's available, it would save an empty run.
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Sorry, forgot to answer :(

Yes, boom means higher supply of goods but sadly it also means that the sell prices at The Oracle go down (if it's Aegis that is in boom) so you sometimes will make a loss.
But better ask the BGS pro's here and not me...

The Oracle has no supply in any goods at the moment, so you will have to go back empty.
If profit margins are a worry to some people, I've found that running a triangle route through Donars Oak can be reasonably lucrative. Most of the Refineries we're sourcing supplies from will pay a decent price for Resonating Separators, a commodity that can be obtained in bulk quantities from Donars Oak. Darnielles Progress was paying 1675 credits over the buy price per ton at one point today, and I made nearly 3 million trading in these and Gallium to The Oracle during the two hours I spent there this morning.
Superconductors done, another milestone! Auto-Fabricators is next, probably today. Last time i checked it was only 13000 tons left. I hauled 1200t today but it didnt update.

I will probably go for polymers next.
Doesn't the starport status update every 10mins?

Now I've had my evening snooze ;), I'll join in again tonight for a decent run.

Auto Fab's now at 99% & require just 353t! [update] Now 100%! Congrats folks! :cool:
On to Galium\Indium &\or polymers for me now.

And not needing a scoop for these short hops, I've stored it & fitted a 32t rack :).

No worries :), thanks for the reply, I think I made a slight loss on Indium the other night, but nothing to worry about.
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Congrats :)

Seems Indium is profitable tonight [up], although only by a few hundred credits/t.
Managed 5 loads so far tonight.

Btw Ninj
Where did you see who the last deliverer was?
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I have a cargo Cutter in the area. Can log in for a few hours tomorrow. Will somebody be kind enough to fill me in on a suggested route and what needs delivered please.
I'm working nights until the weekend so time's limited otherwise I'd look this stuff up myself.
@CMDR Redcrest: nice to have you help us out. If you like just join the discord server where we keep in touch about trade routes etc.
Otherwise you can find the most useful actual trade routes daily updated in this thread, in the list of commodities below:

That lead us to the numbers update on The Oracle:

Yesterday was another great day for Operation IDA
- we finished Auto Fabricators (the fifth commodity completed which is a record)
- we reached 6 millions tons left (putting The Oracle far in the lead)
- we delivered over a 100.000 tons per day for the fifth consecutive day (which is another record)

Aluminium 100.00% COMPLETE
Auto-Fabricators 100.00% (-16,268) COMPLETE
Beryllium 27.00% 451,036 (-2,334)
Copper 100.00% COMPLETE
Emergency Power Cells 35.00% 360,503 (-4,962) LONG RANGE PRIORITY --> Stephenson Station - BD+75 58 & Kepler City - HR 244
Energy Grid Assembly 41.00% 163,219 (-7,174) LONG RANGE PRIORITY --> Grimwood Hub - Lan Disk & Good Enterprise - BD-15 447
Gallium 16.00% 580,437 (-3,992) SHORT RANGE PRIORITY --> Darnielles's Progress - Maia (Planetary Base)
Indium 21.00% 1,322,035 (-14,322) SHORT RANGE PRIORITY --> Oort Orbital - Pleiades Sector KC-V c2-4 & Darnielles's Progress - Maia (Planetary Base)
Insulating Membrane 12.00% 303,968 (-1,342)
Lithium 20.00% 689,651 (-3,373) SHORT RANGE PRIORITY --> Darnielles's Progress - Maia (Planetary Base)
Natural Fabrics 12.00% 221,651 (-208)
Polymers 35.00% 1,664,580 (-54,801) SHORT RANGE PRIORITY --> Oort Orbital - Pleiades Sector KC-V c2-4
Power Converter 19.00% 204,027 (-4,928)
Superconductors 100.00% COMPLETE
Titanium 100.00% COMPLETE

5,961,107 (-113,704)

next milestone 5,009,327 (-951,780)

Mid range option:
--> Arnason Works (Planetary Landing) - Ngobe: Beryllium, Indium, Gallium, Lithium - 166LY away from The Oracle you will need a fuel scoop.

As always: if you can't fill your hold with one commodity alone, feel free to mix up to fill your hold, and let us know if supplies drained up.

Just a 100t/day? ;)

Looking good anyway, thanks for the stats Bigmaec :)
I was delivering Indium & Polymers last night, maybe I should focus on the latter seeing as it's nearer target.
@Assimilator1: comma and period are reversed in german, my spreadsheet is english, so it's correct, but when I post things I mostly use german punctuation. 100.000 means 100k :cool:

Regarding The Oracle:

Finally hauler union struck :D

Aluminium 100% COMPLETE
Auto-Fabricators 100% COMPLETE
Beryllium 27% 446,819 (-4,217)
Copper 100% COMPLETE
Emergency Power Cells 35% 360,503 (0) LONG RANGE PRIORITY --> Valazquez Ring - LTT 17102, Stephenson Station - BD+75 58 & Kepler City - HR 244
Energy Grid Assembly 43% 159,298 (-3,921) LONG RANGE PRIORITY --> Brongniart Orbital - Imantana & Grimwood Hub - Lan Disk
Gallium 17% 576,495 (-3,942)
Indium 22% 1,307,324 (-14,711) SHORT RANGE PRIORITY --> Oort Orbital - Pleiades Sector KC-V c2-4
Insulating Membrane 12% 302,593 (-1,375)
Lithium 21% 682,801 (-6,850) SHORT RANGE PRIORITY --> Darnielles's Progress - Maia (Planetary Base)
Natural Fabrics 12% 220,619 (-1,032)
Polymers 36% 1,637,667 (-26,913) SHORT RANGE PRIORITY --> Oort Orbital - Pleiades Sector KC-V c2-4
Power Converter 19% 202,953 (-1,074) LONG RANGE PRIORITY --> Whitson Hub - Meliae & Benyovszky Station - BD+29 2405
Superconductors 100% COMPLETE
Titanium 100% COMPLETE

5,897,072 (-64,035)

next milestone 5,009,327 (-887,745)

Mid range option: --> Arnason Works (Planetary Landing) - Ngobe: Beryllium, Indium, Gallium, Lithium - 166LY away from The Oracle you will need a fuel scoop.

Yesterday was the first weaker day for a time, propably because of the upcoming Beyond release and a bit of curiosity regarding the finish of 2.4.
Two new CGs, old CGs which had to be cashed in, all those are good reasons why the numbers aren't that stellar, but we're still on an average above 100k for this week.

As said on the discord though: vacations are cancelled, no boni for this week. Get hauling folks :D

Heh, thought it might be something like that, but yea your stats are English punct., so I thought you were using 1 system ;).

What's boni btw?
Thanks again for the stats :cool:
I ended up sticking to delivering Indium (& a trickle of Gallium & IMs), with Louis joining me [up].
Heh, thought it might be something like that, but yea your stats are English punct., so I thought you were using 1 system ;).

What's boni btw?
Thanks again for the stats :cool:
I ended up sticking to delivering Indium (& a trickle of Gallium & IMs), with Louis joining me [up].

Boni is a plural of 'bonus'. :)
FWIW, Darnielle's Progress is currently in boom and offering the extremely lucrative Meta-Alloy missions again, usually one hop to either Stargazer, Merope or Celeano. Best one I got was 41m for a 180t shipment to Pleione (there was one for 58m, but I couldn't take that one), so if you're in the region, it may be worth checking out. Should help to counter the somewhat low profit margins, made 150m in 2 hours yesterday and it's fun (got hyperdicted multiple times by our Thargoid friends and they didn't like me having all those MAs on board, gave me some tense moments as the Conda could not outrun them).

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Lol, 'didn't like'?? Lol, I bet they were having raging hissy fits! ;)

Ah ok thanks :), can't say I've heard that one before.... ah, googled it, probably not English ;)
I thought it was bonuses ;), yet we use radii & radius lol, cheers [up].

Back on topic, Indium is virtually depleted at Oort, along with Gallium, Beryllium, & Insulating Members. Only Polymers are available in abundance atm.
I think Polymer collection will speed up now ;).
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