Operation Thunderbolt part one of fifty


Using weapons outside of Guardian IA electronic control to destroy the Singularity-Exile-Guardian-Sleeper (at every Guardian Beacon)

Testing experimental payloads on Ancient Guardian Devices


The Singularity Guardians(Sleepers, Those That Walk in Eternity) look like they have beards and wings, hands folded over their chest. Guardians look very different when you shave all the hair. But, so do apes. Masters of genetics, they can look like anything they want to. Perhaps the tiny Guardian theory is how they traveled to different systems to conserve resources and weight?


The Singularity Sleeper.

There is an Ancient Snail behind the Sleeper, in an eternal embrace. The Guardians created modified themselves to look like their Guardians. It is very sweet and symbolic.

But we still need to shut this ship down, forever.

Odd item mechanic with hearts here: - Merious.D

We have group activations weekly, if interested in this new mechanic, and figuring out what it will do.

Live document here: if your brain is looking for more information to process. I was told my posts contain too much information for humans, but there was something we are not supposed to talk about that kept me from being able to post here for most the year.

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