Итак, финальная версия. Не знаю надо что то еще добавлять сюда или нет. Все моменты вроде учтены.
Dear Frontier Developments.
This letter is from the Russian-speaking community Elite: Dangerous.
With this letter we want to emphasize, how important for us is to have high-quality localized game-client.
We are very concerned about the current state of localization. In fact, many russian-speaking players were greatly disappointed in its quality. Localization contains many semantic errors, inconsistencies and omissions.
Many elements of text simply don’t fit to the screen, so important game information is lost. Sadly, many of localization errors could be found in some minutes even by a non-russian speaking tester, so it may seem that Frontier Developments doesn't pay sufficient attention to the issues of localization and testing.
We are glad to see, that these errors are being solved little by little, but, at the same time, the text amount and specificity makes us think that the current ticket and forum feedback system is insufficient to provide quality localization in a reasonable time. Many terms and words should be discussed in order to provide the best translation result. At the moment community has troubles with translation, because in order to translate, we have to input all text from the screen manually.
We would like to participate directly in translation editing, bypassing ticket system, and help to make Russian localization better.
Is it possible that Frontier Developments could provide us original and translated texts in any machine-readable format for the current version of the game, and provide it regularly in the future for subsequent updates, for editing and quality-testing?
Russian or any other community based could offer you their translation corrections and point out mistakes. On the basis of such file it would be possible to create a mechanism of bilateral cooperation between different communities and Frontier Developments. It would be in the spirit of open development, which Frontier Developments has chosen before the start of the project.
Best regards, Elite: Dangerous Russian-speaking community
Spirit у них тоже в ходу, но можно заменить на попроще нибудь. It would be like open development, which Frontier Developments has chosen before the start of the project. например.