Out of Fuel? - Explorer Rescue Service, The Fuel Rats

I volunteer !

DISPATCH: Kerenn's 2 jumps away. Go!

I disagree with the distasteful aspect of the communications - it keeps it simple for them and involves the 'community' in a controlled manner.

I see the necessity for it. The forums instantly turn into a great big scrum-pile any time anyone from FD gives an opportunity for input. That's why I think this is important for us to participate in, so that we don't get left out when they're handing out the snickers bars. on the other hand, I don't want to have to keep secrets from any of you should I stumble across one. Kerenn can :)

WRT my subtle hunt: naturally, we badgers are known for our subtlety.
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I'll go with Kerenn on this; dashing around like an eager puppy, ears flopping all over the place, tail wagging furiously..there can be only one!

I admit it, the big wet nose swung the vote; that and the fact that Ol' One Eye already does a hell of a lot...he's a hero really. Thing is, apart from a cape what does every Hero need? A capable and willing sidekick!

Kerenn +1

One last question...doesn't a sidekick need a 'special' name?
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on the other hand, I don't want to have to keep secrets from any of you should I stumble across one

If it's made clear that any information is disseminated at will, I don't see it being a problem. I would be surprised if any group compartmentalised information.
I would be surprised if any group compartmentalised information.

A lot of people can go a bit funny if you give them a sniff of something that even looks a bit like privilege.

Not Surly or Kerenn, I am sure, but there are people desperate to make hierarchies just so they can be at the top of them whether they are necessary or even useful doesn't seem to matter to such people.
Ill be willing to do it, not sure what section of the galaxy I'll be settled in to as I'm in the process of relocating, but I'll be willing to help. In game I'm CMDR rdo197.
On the whole publishing information as a collective I agree as you said if FDev know they can tailor their messages appropriately. Although I would say if there are any communications or decisions that cannot be made public I'd be more than happy for one of the regular crowd to make that decision like Surly/Kerenn etc. You have my trust :)

Also would it make sense to have a Fuel Rats forum or notice board behind a passworded login? Whilst the Devs may have no problem us sharing information they may not wish it to be openly viewable by anyone.
Probably best that Surly and all parties interested in the position should get together and have a talk about it, before a decision is made. Not something to be decided on a whim. And it'd have to be a Rat involved in operations from near the start, I think.
Probably best that Surly and all parties interested in the position should get together and have a talk about it, before a decision is made. Not something to be decided on a whim. And it'd have to be a Rat involved in operations from near the start, I think.

Annuranium? I like his style of diplomacy.
I volunteer !

I already made abundantly clear I would have loved to be a spokeperson kind of thing if the need ever arose to have one of these things, and I am certain I can relay any and every information I would get ASAP to the whole Mischief. Plus, I was one of the first to put our name on the "groups" list of thing, being very precise as to how we don't have leaders and such.
Anyhoo, I'm psyched about that "position opening" and if you'll have me I'll make sure to be on my best behavior to show how much we Rats are worth. Because you guys rock and deserve the Best. I love you all !

With this level of enthusiasm for the role I have to say Kerenn get's my vote, particularly as it sounds to me like it's not quite Surly's cup of tea.

- - - Updated - - -

It appears that the Fuel Rats are a group (woot!)

Yay! brilliant, cool, wonderful, errr .... what does that actually mean?
Yay! brilliant, cool, wonderful, errr .... what does that actually mean?

From what I have been told so far, it means that there is a forum being set up in which groups can propose to sponsor events. Also, there may be VIP get-togethers at shows where FD is; i.e.: our "group leader" can send people as designated Fuel Rats to fly the flag that we don't have yet (but if there is a chance to fly a flag, tell me and I will wrangle up an excellent flag!)*

There may be other things that come from it; there has been mention that some groups may get some form of rank progression. Or be assigned a home system, or something like that. I doubt hugely that there will ever be group specific skins and stuff like that, but - again - who knows? In the Fuel Rats we have a lot of clever people who are passionate about good game-play; I am 100% certain that our involvement in their group-of-groups thing will be positive for FD, the universe in general, and the Fuel Rats in particular.

I thought it was a good idea to be in front of that process, feeding it, rather than being surprised by whatever comes out the back-end.

In fact, when FD originally posted their request for groups, it was Kerenn that flagged it to my attention and I sent in the paper-work. See, we're not the only ones with paperwork!

Edit: in the interest of bureaucracy, I suppose that means if any of you have ideas for Fuel Rats related group activities, you can bounce them either toward Kerenn (FD channel) or just do it (Fuel Rat Mischief). I have an idea for an event for next April, but I am pretty sure I'm way ahead of things, schedule-wise. :) Since it's for april first... I probably can't publish it here until it's time to begin scheming in earnest.

(* Cutting the front off an XXXL tshirt and some staples and a board: flag!)
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Well thanks to the madness of Hutton I've finally got enough to deck out my brand new ASP. I am taking fuel limpits along just in case I come across someone in need of help out there someplace. :)
Here's what I've written as presentation for us in the "Player Group Initiative" Forum :


Hello everyone ! :)

This is CMDR Kerenn "Two Jumps" squeaking. I will be alongside you representing The Fuel Rats. We like to think of ourselves as an anarchic collective and as such I cannot be thought of as a Leader, but I'll do my best to act as a Liaison Dispatcher kind of person.

We only have three rules :

  • We have Fuel
  • You don't
  • Any questions ?

Our Founder Surly_Badger had the idea while travelling to Hutton Orbital and having to self-destruct because of Fuel shortage back in the days when 1.3 wasn't even a glimmer of hope in player's eyes. We then appeared with 1.3 as the Fuel Limpets / Transfer Controller became a thing.
We are a "true neutral" collective : It doesn't matter if you're indulging in Power Play or not, a feudalist or a democrat, doubtful of the Thargoids or a Believer... We welcome all and shy away from any hierarchy. What matters is that "the Fuel must Flow" (to quote my favourite books) and above all else people being saved from the cold grasp of the Universe. Everyday we battle against The Universe itself with :

  • T-Tauris looking like scoopable stars,
  • Interdictions followed by Bold Random High-Wakes,
  • trying to Super-Cruise to the system next-jump,
  • trying to go to Hutton Orbital on half a tank,
  • playing too long in the Black Holes Field,
  • The ever elusive Instancing Beings that make us drop to a wing beacon hearing the panting breath of our fellow human but seeing nothing even though our sensors are of the A-grade quality and turned on (we might have had a close call once because the Rat had disabled sensors, but shhh...)
  • Plotting a route to a system with only Outpost when flying a Big Ship.

As such, we specialize in Galactic Search and Rescue with a few achievement to our name :

  • More than 500 members
  • Just shy of 1400 rescues
  • Closest Call was a whooping 2 seconds of air left !
  • Furthest Call was more than a whooping 31.000LY away.
  • Operation Neo Spike, which saw us get to a CMDR with a broken Fuel Scoop and escort him all the way back, using more than 500 Limpets over a 3.000LY course.
  • And each day many more ! (one of us just returned from a call 22.000LY away, we rescued someone at Sagittarius A*, two Anacondas braved the Star-less patch 3.500LY above the galaxy's disk to get to someone, we saved someone who had been in the Void for more than 5 month...)

Find us on the forums : https://forums.frontier.co.uk/showthread.php?t=150703
Our Website is simple : fuelrats.com
We have a Sub-Reddit : https://www.reddit.com/r/FuelRats/
and a Twitter : https://twitter.com/fuelrats
We have an un-official Base in FUELUM (I found this system by typing "fuel" in the search bar and personally reside in Wollheim Vision because I can). Should the time come when we are eligible for a Home System, a Base Name, a Minor Faction or a Power, we might call "Dibs" on that one. But for now, it's just a place with a cool name we like to hang around.

To wrap things up, we would like to thank any and everyone involved in this Player Group Initiative (Devs, Players, Groups...) for the opportunity to bring the ED Community closer together.


Thoughts ?
Here's what I've written as presentation for us in the "Player Group Initiative" Forum :


Looks great to me, on a side note If FDev ever give the collective any power I suggest we make a minor edit to Fuelum changing it to Fuelem... Like "We will Fuel 'Em with our limpets" :D

But yeah, Kerenn, always 2 representatives away! (has that joke gone too far now?)
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Didn't know how to post this on the Fuel Rats testemonials, so it's going here. I got saved today by RadLock and Roflcoptr while in my starter Sidewinder. I was lucky enough to have the fuel to keep my air going, but could't jump out and the next two systems on my route were lonely stars and I had not yet bought a scoop. These two lovely rats got me the fuel I needed to find a system with a starport and after fueling up, I installed a basic scoop and am re-evaluating my route to include inhabited systems and scoopable stars. I'm not running out again, but if I do, I'm glad to know you all are out there and willing to save a poor newbie like me.
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