Paths & Blueprints

I'm curious as to how, when you download a blueprint from Steam, you get the paths to work out right for it. I have this great lemur exhibit that has food stalls in it and an area for guests to walk around and through the habitat but the paths never connect properly. I tried aligning to grid, not aligning to grid, and a combination of both. Is there some secret way to get paths working properly with blueprints?
It depends who built the blueprint and how. Some people design with ease of pathing in mind from the start, some provide instructions. You could always ask in the comments on the blueprints workshop page.
The fact that blueprints still can't include paths really is a pain to work around, especially with how bad the pathing system in general works. Best you can do is try to connect as much as possible and place the other paths as close as you can to the shops, they don't actually need to beconnected to the path for staff and guests to be able to reach them. Then either put rocks and planters over the gaps in the path or place construction panels over them to hide the paths and make it look like everything is covered even though it's really not.
I've had trouble getting my own blueprints to work with paths, and that's when I originally built them around a set path grid. It's like I cannot recreate that path grid again or get the building properly lined up to the same pathing if I set the path grids down first. I have a particular issue with any building that has exhibits in it. When I make my own exhibit hall blueprints now, I don't include the exhibits but put them in after I've made the pathing inside the building with space for them. I find that most exhibits don't fit in the spaces within the gridded path if the exhibits are on the building grid, no matter how I try.

For this reason, I haven't had much luck with workshop blueprints for exhibit halls that have the exhibits already in place where your are supposed to build the paths around them.
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