Pawing at the Planetary Bell

I'm thinking swamp land on the first picture. The second one is curious, though - it kind of looks like darker hills / mountains of some sort. Areas of past volcanic activity? Massive fields of darker foliage? No idea.

Congrats on the 60th ELW, btw. You're a bit in front of me - I found my 4th one today :D
Definitely a place to revisit when Horizons allows.

I hope FD can deliver on their very ambitious vision because I'm really looking forward to seeing these up close and checking out what kind of life they create for these worlds.
I'm thinking shallow lake, perhaps swamp/marshy ground.

Could be low hills of dark basalt type rock as well.

It doesn't look like significant elevation or depression, so dark rock of the former or dark water in the latter seems most likely. Unless it's weird alien vegetation of course :)
Definitely a place to revisit when Horizons allows.

I hope FD can deliver on their very ambitious vision because I'm really looking forward to seeing these up close and checking out what kind of life they create for these worlds.

Alas, you won't be able to land there during the whole Horizons season. One of the things they confirmed is that atmospheric landings will be in a post-Horizons expansion. However, yea, I'm making a list of planets to revisit when I can land on them as well. Might be interesting to compare them with the old screenshots - a before and after look.
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Alas, you won't be able to land there during the whole Horizons season. One of the things they confirmed is that atmospheric landings will be in a post-Horizons expansion. However, yea, I'm making a list of planets to revisit when I can land on them as well. Might be interesting to compare them with the old screenshots - a before and after look.

Ugh, really? How could it take them that long to do atmospheric landings? Mass Effect: Andromeda will be out by then. qq
Ugh, really? How could it take them that long to do atmospheric landings? Mass Effect: Andromeda will be out by then. qq

Well, atmospheric planets, ELW's in particular, with all those rivers, lakes, flora, fauna, etc, are a massive amount of work. When you look at the videos they released of the rocky airless worlds we'll be able to land on in Horizons, even those look very impressive with all the surface features in place.

But I feel your pain. I'm quite concerned about Fallout 4 and the new Deus Ex coming out soon as well. Might make my exploration trip longer than intended :)
Oh I forgot to mention the extremely large, odd mountains too. A little different from what I normally see.

I only managed to cover 4kly yesterday. Thought I managed so much more than that...

Found 2 ELWs and dozens of WWs, anyway, and as two others hanging out with me can attest, I found a ringed AW moon orbiting a ringed class Y star. :)

Back at it in a moment. Maybe I can cover another 4k today and cut my distance from Sol to under 40k!
Will you go along the new outer arm, Katejina? I'm currently going along it in the opposite direction as you. And we are still 47.5 kly apart. But it would be an opportunity to meet at some point along the way.
Will you go along the new outer arm, Katejina? I'm currently going along it in the opposite direction as you. And we are still 47.5 kly apart. But it would be an opportunity to meet at some point along the way.

Due to jump range limitations, I won't be travelling too far on the outer rim. Here is my projected path for the remainder of my trip:

Pretty uneventful day today. No ELWs, but a fair amount of WWs. 44k from Sol, so way off from my earlier estimate. Likely about 60k more or so of travel, which will put me roughly in the neighborhood of 400kly total and 15k systems.

Might take the next few days off to begin preparing for El Nino. Rains coming this weekend. Gotta make sure I've got no leaks...
On my way back to the bubble, 10k Ly out. Considering taking a detour to the Outer Arm but that place seems sketchy. Direct approach is out of the question as there's a large void and even circling around there seem to be large gaps.
On my way back to the bubble, 10k Ly out. Considering taking a detour to the Outer Arm but that place seems sketchy. Direct approach is out of the question as there's a large void and even circling around there seem to be large gaps.

I had issues at 32ly jumps on my way out, which is why I'm crossing over early. My original backtrack set me back quite a bit. Then again, I got to see more, so eh...

One thing to note is I may stop by some palces before heading back into CivSpace. All depends on how soon I can get there and what my ship's condition is at. I want to see at least one WR star before I come home. None of the Nebulae I visited way out where had one.
OK, I doubt if I can make it that far before you switch to the Perseus Arm. So most likely we can't meet.

Ah well I do most of my heavy traveling on Monday/Tuesday, since I've only got about 3 hours of free time all the other days. So there's still a chance. Keep me updated on your position. :)
Exploration in wing. Language on shot is russian)

My coworkers grew bored of Elite already and I explore at a pace much different than most I think. I like that they allow exploring in wings and grant credit to more than one commander, but I don't think it's for me. At least not until we can land on planets with atmosphere. :)

By the way, stream's up for a couple hours!
We now have a different direction. I move the sleeve forward to bypass the galaxy center, you're back to civilian Space. I jumped already three thousand light-years forward on the route)
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