Pick Your Requested Animals to the Planet Zoo Wiki!

Hurry up! We want ALL of the requested animals to the wiki at all times!

  • Exhibit animals that are requested will be added to the wiki. Exhibit animals include arthropods, amphibians, snakes, other small reptiles (< iguanas), small fish, and mouse-size mammals.
  • Flying birds and bats that are requested usually housed in walkthrough exhibits will be added to the wiki. Flying aviary birds include birds of prey, parrots, Columbiformes (pigeons), Passeriformes (small birds), Charadriiformes (gulls), and so on. Mainly ground-dwelling or semi-aquatic birds (mainly Waterfowl, Galliformes, Ratites, Pelecaniformes, Cranes, Penguins, etc.) will be added to the list.
  • Aquarium animals that are requested will be added to the wiki. Aquarium animals include walruses, seals, belugas, dolphins, sea turtles, and more aquatic species.

My Requested WIshlist​

  1. Walrus (Full)
  2. Tasmanian Devil (Full)
  3. Atlantic Puffin (Full)
  4. Coquerel's Sifaka (Full)
  5. Great Blue Heron (Full)
  6. Southern Rockhopper Penguin (Full)
  7. Green Sea Turtle (Full)
  8. Rainbow Lorikeet (Walkthrough Exhibit)
  9. Madagascar Tree Gecko (Exhibit)
  10. Wild Yak (Full)
  11. Hamadryas Baboon (Full)
  12. Spectacled Bear (Full)
  13. Markhor (Full)
  14. Sichuan Takin (Full)
  15. Wolverine (Full)
  16. Golden snub-nosed Monkey (Full)
  17. Turkey Vulture (Walkthrough Exhibit)
  18. Eastern Box Turtle (Exhibit)
  19. Sumatran Tiger (Full)
  20. Shoebill (Full)
  21. Andean Condor (Walkthrough Exhibit)
  22. Bald Eagle (Walkthrough Exhibit)
  23. Blue Jay (Walkthrough Exhibit)
  24. Eurasian Eagle Owl (Walkthrough Exhibit)
  25. Golden-breasted Starling (Walkthrough Exhibit)
  26. Great Curassow (Full)
  27. Great Hornbill (Walkthrough Exhibit)
  28. Great White Pelican (Full)
  29. Grey Crowned Crane (Full)
  30. Hoatzin (Walkthrough Exhibit)
  31. Indian Flying Fox (Walkthrough Exhibit)
  32. Laughing Kookaburra (Walkthrough Exhibit)
  33. Long-wattled Umbrellabird (Walkthrough Exhibit)
  34. Peregrine Falcon (Walkthrough Exhibit)
  35. Resplendent Quetzal (Walkthrough Exhibit)
  36. Roseate Spoonbill (Full and Walkthrough Exhibit)
  37. Scarlet Ibis (Full and Walkthrough Exhibit)
  38. Scarlet Macaw (Walkthrough Exhibit)
  39. Sun Conure (Walkthrough Exhibit)
  40. Violet Turaco (Walkthrough Exhibit)
  41. Secretary Bird (Full)
  42. Blackbuck (Full)
Adds: Saiga, Leopard Seal, Gerenuk, kiwi, Victoria Crowned Pigeon, Golden Pheasant, Giant Indian Squirrel, Ratel, Tree Kangaroo
Here's mine:
African leopard
Any baboon species
Dromedary camel
Australian monitor lizards (petentie or lace monitor)

My second choice:
Masai giraffe
False gharial
Crested porcupine
Any toad species (exhibit)
Any chameleon species (exhibit)
Were there any mantises in zoos? (exhibit)

For aquatic:
Bottlen-nosed dolphin
Green sea turtle
West Indian manatee
Any sharks that could survive and breed in captivity unlike great white shark.
Piranhas (maybe exhibit)
Electric eel (maybe exhibit)
Moray eel (exhibit too small for that?)
Tropical fish like clownfish (exhibit)
Any octopus species
Seahorse (exhibit)
Any jellyfish species that could survive and breed in captivity.
Manta ray and other ray species that could survive and breed in captivity.
Touch pool idea

About flying birds and aviary ideals, that would be my last wish after those.

Any questions?
Last edited:
My requested Wishlist:

What do you Think?

North American Animals: (Maybe for a Bambi Pack)
  1. Alligator Snapping Turtle (Exhibit)
  2. Amazonian Manatee (Full Aquatic)
  3. American Black Bear (Full)
  4. American Crow (Walkthrough Exhibit)
  5. American Pika (Full)
  6. American Robin (Walkthrough Exhibit)
  7. Anhinga (Full)
  8. Arctic Ground Squirrel (Exhibit)
  9. Arctic Hare (Full)
  10. Arctic Lemming (Exhibit)
  11. Arctic Shrew (Exhibit)
  12. Atlantic Puffin (Full)
  13. Bald Eagle (Walkthrough Exhibit)
  14. Big Brown Bat (Walkthrough Exhibit)
  15. Bighorn Sheep (Full)
  16. Black-Footed Ferret/American Polecat
  17. Blue Jay (Walkthrough Exhibit)
  18. Bohemian Waxwing (Walkthrough Exhibit)
  19. Brown Lemming (Exhibit)
  20. Brushy-Tailed Woodrat (Exhibit)
  21. Burrowing Owl (Walkthrough Exhibit)
  22. California Valley Quail (Full)
  23. Californian Condor (Walkthrough Exhibit)
  24. Common/Ring-Necked Pheasant
  25. Cottonmouth Snake (Exhibit)
  26. Cottontail (Full)
  27. Coyote (Full)
  28. Desert Kangaroo Rat (Exhibit)
  29. Eastern Bluebird (Walkthrough Exhibit)
  30. Eastern Chipmunk (Exhibit)
  31. Eastern Cottontail (Full)
  32. Eastern Grey Squirrel (Full)
  33. Eastern Mole (Full)
  34. Eastern White-Tailed Deer (Full)
  35. Elf Owl (Walkthrough Exhibit)
  36. Gambusia Fish (Exhibit)
  37. Giant Canadian Goose
  38. Glaucous Gull (Full)
  39. Great Blue Heron (Full)
  40. Great Horned Owl (Walkthrough Exhibit)
  41. Greater Roadrunner (Full)
  42. Groundhog/Woodchuck (Full)
  43. Horned Lizard (Exhibit)
  44. Mallard (Full)
  45. Mountain Bluebird (Walkthrough Exhibit)
  46. Mountain Goat (Full)
  47. Mule Deer (Full)
  48. Muskox (Full)
  49. North American Porcupine (Full)
  50. North American River Otter (Full)
  51. Northern Cardinal (Walkthrough Exhibit)
  52. Pacific Walrus (Full)
  53. Pack Rat (Exhibit)
  54. Pileated Woodpecker (Walkthrough Exhibit)
  55. Red Wolf (Full)
  56. Red-Tailed Hawk (Walkthrough Exhibit)
  57. Roe Deer (Full)
  58. Ruby-Throated Hummingbird (Walkthrough Exhibit)
  59. Ruffed Grouse (Full)
  60. Snail Kite (Walkthrough Exhibit)
  61. Snowshoe Hare (Full)
  62. Snowy Owl (Walkthrough Exhibit)
  63. Southern Flying Squirrel (Exhibit)
  64. Turkey Vulture (Walkthrough Exhibit)
  65. Virginia Opossum (Full)
  66. Wapiti/Elk (Full)
  67. White-Footed Mouse (Exhibit)
  68. Wild Turkey (Full)
  69. Chain Pickerel (Exhibit)
  70. Sockey Salmon (Exhibit or Full Aquatic?)

South American Animals:
  1. South American Coati (Full)
  2. Tufted/Brown Capuchin Monkey (Full)
  3. Greater Rhea (Full)
  4. Giant Armadillo (Full)
  5. Ocelot (Full)
  6. Bushdog (Full)
  7. Golden Lion Tamarin (Full)
  8. Common Squirrel Monkey (Full)
  9. Black Headed Night Monkey (Full)
  10. Pygmy Marmoset (Full)
  11. Red Bald Uakari (Full)
  12. Brown Woolly Monkey (Full)
  13. Toco Toucan (Walkthrough Exhibit)
  14. Scarlet Macaw (Walkthrough Exhibit)
  15. Blue-and-Gold Macaw (Walkthrough Exhibit)
  16. Hyacinth Macaw (Walkthrough Exhibit)
  17. Brown Pelican (Full)
  18. Amazonian River Dolphin (Full Aquatic)
  19. Common Vampire Bat (Walkthrough Exhibit)
  20. Spectacled Owl (Walkthrough Exhibit)
  21. Hoatzin (Walkthrough Exhibit)
  22. Red-Bellied Piranha (Exhibit)
  23. Strawberry Poisoned Frog
  24. Scarlet Ibis (Full)
  25. Harpy Eagle (Walkthrough Exhibit)
  26. King Vulture (Walkthrough Exhibit)
  27. Coral Snake (Exhibit)
  28. Red Tegu (Walkthrough Exhibit)
  29. Alpaca (Full)
  30. Magellan Goose (Full)
  31. Greater Ani (Walkthrough Exhibit)
African Animals:
  1. African Catfish (Exhibit)
  2. African Fish Eagle (Walkthrough Exhibit)
  3. African Foam-Nest Tree Frog (Exhibit)
  4. African Gray Parrot (Walkthrough Exhibit)
  5. African Leopard (Full)
  6. African Rhinoceros Beetle (Exhibit)
  7. Aye-Aye (Full)
  8. Banded Mongoose (Full)
  9. Barbary Sheep (Full)
  10. Bat-eared Fox (Full)
  11. Black Mamba (Exhibit)
  12. Black-Backed Jackal (Full)
  13. Bohor Reedbuck (Full)
  14. Botswana Long-Eared Bat (Walkthrough Exhibit)
  15. Cape Hare (Full)
  16. Cattle Egret (Walkthrough Exhibit)
  17. Coke's Hartebeest (Full)
  18. Common Duiker (Full)
  19. Common Eland (Full)
  20. Common Impala (Full)
  21. Common/Spotted Genet (Full)
  22. Coquerel's Sifaka (Full)
  23. Crowned Lemur (Full)
  24. Dorcas Gazelle (Full)
  25. Drill (Full)
  26. Egyptian Cobra (Exhibit)
  27. Egyptian Goose (Full)
  28. Ellipsen Waterbuck (Full)
  29. Fischer's Lovebird (Full)
  30. Giant Forest Hog (Full)
  31. Giant Leaf-tailed Gecko (Exhibit)
  32. Goodman’s Mouse Lemur (Full)
  33. Great White Pelican (Full)
  34. Greater Kudu (Full)
  35. Grey Crowned Crane (Full)
  36. Ground Pangolin (Full)
  37. Hamerkop (Walkthrough Exhibit)
  38. Honey Badger (Full)
  39. Hooded Vulture (Walkthrough Exhibit)
  40. Indri Lemur (Full)
  41. Jackson's Bowerbird (Walkthrough Exhibit)
  42. Jackson's Chameleon (Exhibit)
  43. Kipunji (Full)
  44. Kirk's Dik-Dik (Full)
  45. Klipspringer (Full)
  46. Kori Bustard (Full)
  47. Lappet-faced Vulture (Walkthrough Exhibit)
  48. Lowland Streaked Tenrec (Exhibit)
  49. Mantled Guereza (Full)
  50. Marabou Stork (Full)
  51. Mongoose Lemur (Full)
  52. Nile Crocodile (Full)
  53. Olive Baboon (Full)
  54. Oxpecker (Walkthrough Exhibit)
  55. Panther Chameleon (Exhibit)
  56. Red Hartebeest (Full)
  57. Red-billed Hornbill (Walkthrough Exhibit)
  58. Roan Antelope (Full)
  59. Rock Hyrax (Full)
  60. Ruppell's Vulture (Walkthrough Exhibit)
  61. Secretary Bird (Full)
  62. Senegal Bushbaby/Galago (Full)
  63. Serval (Full)
  64. Smith's Red Rock Hare (Full)
  65. Southern Gerenuk (Full)
  66. Striped Grass Mouse (Exhibit)
  67. Tawny Eagle (Walkthrough Exhibit)
  68. Tomato Frog (Exhibit)
  69. Topi Antelope (Full)
  70. Vervet Monkey (Full)
  71. Vulturine Guineafowl (Full)
  72. White-backed Vulture (Walkthrough Exhibit)
  73. Yellow-Billed Stork (Full)
  74. Zanzibar Red Colobus (Full)

European Animals:
  1. European Hedgehog (Full)
  2. Russett Sparrow (Walkthrough Exhibit)
  3. Common Rabbit (Full)
  4. Common Vole (Exhibit)
  5. Eurasian Red Squirrel (Full)
  6. European Hare (Full)
  7. Brown Long-Eared Bat (Walkthrough Exhibit)
  8. Alpine Chamois (Full)
  9. European Wild Cat (Full)
  10. European Buzzard (Walkthrough Exhibit)
  11. European Fieldmouse (Exhibit)
  12. Horseshoe Bat (Walkthrough Exhibit)
  13. Northern Cardinal (Walkthrough Exhibit)
  14. Peregrine Falcon (Walkthrough Exhibit)
  15. White Stork (Full)
  16. Golden Eagle (Walkthrough Exhibit)
Asian Animals:
  1. Golden/Syrian Hamster (Exhibit)
  2. Zebu (Full)
  3. Chinkara (Full)
  4. Chousingha (Full)
  5. Great Jerboa (Exhibit or Full?)
  6. Indian Flying Fox (Walkthrough Exhibit)
  7. Indian Giant Squirrel (Full)
  8. Indian Grey Mongoose (Full)
  9. Nilgai (Full)
  10. Sambar Deer (Full)
  11. Indian Wolf (Full)
  12. Small Indian Civet (Full)
  13. Lion-Tailed Macaque (Full)
  14. Northern Plains Gray Langur (Full)
  15. Southern Pig-Tailed Macaque (Full)
  16. Rhesus Macaque (Full)
  17. Blackbuck (Full)
  18. King Cobra (Exhibit)
  19. Spectral Tarsier (Walkthrough Exhibit)
  20. Slender Loris (Walkthrough Exhibit)
  21. Painted Stork (Full)
  22. Green Tree Viper
  23. Red Junglefowl (Full)
  24. Indian Python (Exhibit)
  25. Jacana (Full)
  26. Golden Snub-Nosed Monkey (Full)
  27. Golden Jackal (Full)
  28. Wild Yak (Full)
  29. Guar (Full)
  30. Banteng (Full)
  31. Great Indian Hornbill (Walkthrough Exhibit)
  32. Leopard Cat (Full)
  33. Indian Tailor Bird (Walkthrough Exhibit)
  34. Brahminy Kite (Walkthrough Exhibit)
  35. Goldfish (Exhibit)
  36. Japanese Giant Salamander (Exhibit)
  37. Common Carp (Exhibit)
Worldwide/Domestic Animals:
  1. Abyssinian Cat (Full)
  2. Alpine Goat (Full)
  3. Alsatian Goose (Full)
  4. American Mammoth Donkey (Full)
  5. American Pekin Duck (Full)
  6. American Wirehair Cat (Full)
  7. Ankole Cattle (Full)
  8. Arabian Horse (Full)
  9. Bagot Goat (Full)
  10. Basset Hound (Full)
  11. Bloodhound (Full)
  12. Border Collie (Full)
  13. Brown Rat (Exhibit)
  14. Chester White Pig (Full)
  15. Common Raven (Walkthrough Exhibit)
  16. Cornish Rex Cat (Full)
  17. Dalmatian (Full)
  18. Danish Landrace Pig (Full)
  19. Doberman Pinscher (Full)
  20. Emden Goose (Full)
  21. English Bulldog (Full)
  22. Germen Shepherd (Full)
  23. Golden Guernsey Goat (Full)
  24. Great Dane (Full)
  25. Hereford Cattle (Full)
  26. Holstein Cattle (Full)
  27. House Mouse (Exhibit)
  28. Indian Runner Duck (Full)
  29. Jacob Sheep (Full)
  30. Jersey Cattle (Full)
  31. Majestic Treehound (Full)
  32. Manx Cat (Full)
  33. Merino Sheep (Full)
  34. Mule (Full)
  35. Mustang Horse (Full)
  36. New Hampshire Red Chicken (Full)
  37. Old English Game Chicken (Full)
  38. Paint Horse (Full)
  39. Provence Donkey (Full)
  40. Pyrenean Donkey (Full)
  41. Rhode Island Red Chicken (Full)
  42. Rouen Duck (Full)
  43. Russian Blue Cat (Full)
  44. Saxony Duck (Full)
  45. Siamese Cat (Full)
  46. Sphynx Cat (Full)
  47. Steinbacher Goose (Full)
  48. Swedish Blue Duck (Full)
  49. Texas Longhorn Cattle (Full)
  50. Thoroughbred Horse (Full)
Lion-tailed macaque. That is all 😁

But also: northern/Indian muntjac, lesser adjutant stork, Indian narrow-headed softshell turtle, bar-headed goose.
I'm pretty sure adding animals not in the game to the wiki will be considered vandalism lol
It is, and while I'm confident enough that the PZ wiki editors would clean it up fairly handily, that hasn't stopped George from taking to "fanon" or "idea" wikis and presenting his completely made up nonsense as fact, leading people to believe his fake upcoming content is legitimate.

Actually I just realized this thread is from May and only just got bumped last night. Why. What compels people to dig out random threads that have been buried for half a year to post their wishlists in.
My new requested wishlist one since Eurasia Animal pack.
  1. African leopard (Full)
  2. Rockhopper penguin (Full)
  3. Hamadryas baboon (Full)
  4. Masai giraffe (Full)
  5. Perentie (Full)
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