Horizons Planet Surface has unplayable fps

I'm getting mostly < 20fps on the surface and in places its like under 10fps making it utterly unplayable for me. I've tried that new gpu setting all th e way left, all the way right and in the middle and it seems to make no difference.


13 fps on an EVGA GTX 770 2gb? :(
If you're using the recommended specs and getting 13 fps on the lowest settings, you've got something else going on with your setup. Better check and make sure you don't have anything applying extra AA or anything like that.
Is the ED exe in your nvidia control panel 3D settings list? If so, try taking it out. I had major performance issues by adding it there and never did figure out if it was any specific setting or what, but gpu usage shot to 100% and fps went very low.
I'm getting mostly < 20fps on the surface and in places its like under 10fps making it utterly unplayable for me. I've tried that new gpu setting all th e way left, all the way right and in the middle and it seems to make no difference.


13 fps on an EVGA GTX 770 2gb? :(

I've got your same video card, I had to bump a couple settings with terrain down to medium (in Beta) and put the terrain work slider all the way to the right. I didn't notice a massive downgrade in the quality (it was still good) but the FPS increase was phenomenal, not at my home PC so I can't check right now exactly what. I'd push all of them down to high and then work with the terrain options individually down to medium, to see where you have to give to get better performance, shouldn't take more than 10 minutes to be at a good framerate.
I have msi gtx 770 2gb and i get about 40 fps on planets with high settings. 60 fps on medium settings. My card clearly have limitations because if i travel fast in ship long distances my fps get lover because it can´t create surface faster than my ship moves.
I get >30 fps on the ice planet I landed on using a GTX460 (1GB I think) and 5yr old AMD Phenom II 965 processor with whatever default settings ED chose for me, I would check your settings.
Thanks everyone, I've spent an hour faffing with the graphics settings but no luck, I'll give it a break and come back to it in the morning.
op, have you checked supersamling setting? it kept jumping back to x2.0 for me in beta.. maybe still does that?

i had 25-40 fps on 5 year old gpu and pc with ultra setting + fxaa when i changed ss to x1.0
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Steve you have 2Gb of ram, you are probably going over that limit which will make you PC crawl and result in the low fps.
Download and run MSI Afterburner combined with Rivatuner an turn the On screen display on to see what amount of gpu memory that is being used.
Drop all settings to low and work your way up from there. Im seeing Vram maxxing out at over 5370mb, its a good thing tbh.
Any help you need with what i said let me know.
Im seeing Vram maxxing out at over 5370mb, its a good thing tbh.
Any help you need with what i said let me know.

Not sure that's too good of a thing when the recommended specs for Horizons was absolutely not 5 GB + vram.

In any case, I have a GTX 960 and am seeing pretty awful framerate drops as well, although not quite as bad as the OP.
Not sure that's too good of a thing when the recommended specs for Horizons was absolutely not 5 GB + vram.

In any case, I have a GTX 960 and am seeing pretty awful framerate drops as well, although not quite as bad as the OP.

NO its a good thing. It means we have a game that is scaling to hardware properly.

If you have 2GB of vram, just turn the settings down a bit until it runs good for you.
I'm right on the minimum specs, except I have 8gb ram. 470 gtx and q6600 quad. It's way choppier than 32bit and I go from 35-40fps in space to 20fps on the surface. Just about playable.

I need to upgrade but until I do I'll use the 32bit client for everything unless I feel like visiting a planet.

Overall, I'm not disappointed. I can actually play with the minimum specs. And I'll have something to look forward to if I can upgrade one day.
It's totally unplayable for me. I'm gutted, been waiting for this for ages. My PC was comfortably over 60fps in the old version, and still is in space. But as soon as I looked at a planet it's 30fps, and when I landed I hit single digits.

No way should the planets be using that much GPU resource - the one I landed on looked like crap, with one little brown box building and a load of orange nothingness. 2x GTX 670, 16 GB RAM, 4.2 GHz i7.

Can't face trying to tune it up right now. I was planning on a GPU upgrade next year anyway. If it can't be fixed and these empty planets really do require the latest GPU, I'll have to come back to it when the Pascal cards are released.
It's totally unplayable for me. I'm gutted, been waiting for this for ages. My PC was comfortably over 60fps in the old version, and still is in space. But as soon as I looked at a planet it's 30fps, and when I landed I hit single digits.

No way should the planets be using that much GPU resource - the one I landed on looked like crap, with one little brown box building and a load of orange nothingness. 2x GTX 670, 16 GB RAM, 4.2 GHz i7.

Can't face trying to tune it up right now. I was planning on a GPU upgrade next year anyway. If it can't be fixed and these empty planets really do require the latest GPU, I'll have to come back to it when the Pascal cards are released.

I get the same thing.
looking at the planets should not hit our fps so hard tbh.
Getting 20fps at 1080p on planet surfaces with a GTX970. Not really playable. Before I could run at 2K resolution with over 100fps.
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I had the same problem in beta. So I turned both terrain settings down to high, moved the terrain work slider all the way right, then enabled 1 pre-rendered frame and triple buffering through Nvidia control panel. Beta did not use my SLI setup, so I manually enabled it as well. Worked like a charm.

Now on full release, SLI works by default, I enabled triple buffering, moved the terrain slider to the right, and I get a smooth 65 fps with my 2x GTX680s (though they are working harder) even with EDFX.

In fact, the full release feels much smoother than beta ever did for me.

Edit: The biggest thing for we was enabling triple-buffering and using fullscreen instead of borderless. If you have an SLI setup, make sure the game is using both cards.
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