Planet Zoo: Arid Animal Pack Releasing 20 June 🐪

Ranking the pack sounds fun, so here we go:
1. Crested Porcupine 10/10 great animal, great model, unique, only thing actually new to play with
2. Dromedary 8/10 it might "just" be a dromedary, but being a domestic and the most iconic desert animal does help alot. Its also the closest thing this pack has to australian representation sooo yeah
Also really great for children zoos, african villages, petting zoos and implied dromedary rides, so more then just a little flexible in use cases
3. Dhamas Gazelle 7/10 beautiful critically endangerd and common in zoos antelope, our 3. Gazelle and a rather unknown favorite of mine. Im glad they get some exposure even though its at the cost of more needed animals
4. Addax 6/10 another critically endangerd antelope, surprisingly small which gives them an edge for gameplay uniqueness. Good to flesh out north africa and the sahara now has some great variety with 3 antelopes to choose from
5. African wild donkey 5/10 while i prefer the domestic donkey in every way, BUT this is still a neat animal that gives some representation to north east africa, which is nice. Also calling equids oversaturated when its the 3. Really aint fair. Im still hoping for both the domestic donkey and shetland pony, but im honest they dont feel "threatend" by the inclusion of the wild donkey at all
6. African wild cat 5/10 not exciting but good enough. Its basicly a feline fenec fox, which while neither new or particulary interesting also isnt very offensive, just kinda mid
7. Black rhino 2/10 another rhino? Really? Why this when you could have cloned a tortoise? I dont understand why we would need it, want it or got it over the much easier tortoise.
8. Viper -10/10 old exhibit bad, a second viper also isnt the most interesting and just as a reminder, the common chameleon, the most common in zoos, lives in north africa and the mediteranian. Mega miss in my book

~4/10 or 6/10 doesnt Sound that bad, BUT

Burrowing owl 10/10, first bird for north america that also ranges across non tropical south america

Collared peccary 10/10 small ungulate for the americas, a completly open niche and an extremly common animal in zoos

Patagonian mara 10/10 same as peccary but a rodent for non tropical south america that fills the role of a small ungulate

Shortbeaked Echidna 10/10 australias most diverse animal that would improve literally every biome if that continent

Budgies 100/10 is there a more perfect first bird? I dont think so.
Would anyone NOT prefer them over literally anything else for a desert exhibit? I also dont think so

Hamadryas baboon 10/10 baboons are so badly needed, arabia and north east africa need representation, they are the most common, its a perfect match but still not here

Spurre tortoise 7/10 best african clone, finally another non island tortoise

I think this represents quite well my problems with this good enough but huge missed oportunity of a pack
I really wonder what dlc what you all prefer to get, Ungulate Animal Pack, Feline Animal Pack, Canine Animal Pack, Rodent Animal Pack, Reptile Animal Pack??? you can't add any other idea because I know you gonna add birds or primates, hehe, have fun! 😂 because everything that isn't highly requested, bird or primate getting hate which it is SO sad
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I really wonder what dlc what you all prefer to get, Ungulate Animal Pack, Feline Animal Pack, Canine Animal Pack, Rodent Animal Pack, Reptile Animal Pack??? you can't add any other idea because I know you gonna add birds or primates, hehe, have fun! 😂 because everything that isn't highly requested, bird or primate getting hate
The animals arnt getting hate, the fact that we only got african ungulates for such a diverse theme as arid animals is getting criticed harshly and rightfully
I really wonder what dlc what you all prefer to get, Ungulate Animal Pack, Feline Animal Pack, Canine Animal Pack, Rodent Animal Pack, Reptile Animal Pack??? you can't add any other idea because I know you gonna add birds or primates, hehe, have fun! 😂 because everything that isn't highly requested, bird or primate getting hate
My favorite would probably be a reptile animal pack, but I wouldn't complain about an ungulate pack or a rodent pack. a feline and canine dedicated pack is ridiculous.

Reptiles are an animal class with over 11,700 species
Rodents are an order comprising 40% of all mammals
ungulates is a superorder with several families, and hundreds of species
Felines is a family with 41 species, of which we already have 12.
Canines is a family with 37 species, of which we already have 9.

It's not a fair comparison.
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I really wonder what dlc what you all prefer to get, Ungulate Animal Pack, Feline Animal Pack, Canine Animal Pack, Rodent Animal Pack, Reptile Animal Pack??? you can't add any other idea because I know you gonna add birds or primates, hehe, have fun! 😂 because everything that isn't highly requested, bird or primate getting hate which it is SO sad
I think i would have to either Rodent or Reptile. But i have hard time to fill an entire pack with them without "dublicates" like two tortoises.
So a 4 species mini pack would be my way to go for both.

-Any agouti
-Luzon giant cloud rat
-Brazilian porcupine

-Argentine tegu
-Radiated tortoise
-African slender snouted crocodile
-A big freshwater turtle
I think i would have to either Rodent or Reptile. But i have hard time to fill an entire pack with them without "dublicates" like two tortoises.
Let me take a try see if you'd buy the results.

Rodent animal pack:
  1. Alpine marmot
  2. Brazilian porcupine
  3. Indian giant squirrel
  4. Lowland paca
  5. Luzon giant cloud rat
  6. Patagonian mara
  7. Short-tailed chinchilla
  8. Naked mole rat (Exhibit)
Reptile animal pack:
  1. African spurred tortoise
  2. Alligator snapping turtle
  3. Argentine black-and-white tegu
  4. Green sea turtle
  5. Nile crocodile
  6. Perentie
  7. Rhinoceros iguana
  8. Reticulated python (E)

Ungulate animal pack:
  1. Barbary sheep
  2. Blackbuck
  3. Pere david's deer
  4. Markhor
  5. Reeve's muntjac
  6. Southern pudu
  7. Wild boar
  8. Javan mouse-deer (Walkthrough exhibit)
Ungulates were a bit harder to do
The animals arnt getting hate, the fact that we only got african ungulates for such a diverse theme as arid animals is getting criticed harshly and rightfully
listen I get your opinion, but you don't think it's these are too harsh comments, there are people's that watching all of this negative and it makes them being like "ok... maybe it's not worth my money" and in the start they really wanted this animal. of course I'm not talking about me no one will stop me from being a super excited about the porcupine. we just need to understand that people's reading what you write and it can makes them super upset.

I know everyone want birds, I know everyone want primates but we didn't got them It's means to ruin to everyone their excitement? (of course I'm not talking about you) and when people's say frontier doesn't give what the community want and like that, I'm sorry but what do you expect? that frontier will give you flying bird, tasmanian devil, porcupine, primate and more at one pack...? It's understandable how unrealistic it is? you understand how much work going into one animal (i'm not talking about clones) but for example my fav animal in the planet, the porcupine can you imaging how much work went into this animal? it can be one of the reasons why frontier didn't include it in africa pack or grasslands animal pack, and it can be that frontier worked on this animal like year? we think it's 5 days to make animal and then that's it, but it's SO not true.

I'm not trying to defend Frontier because I know there needs to be a little improvement with maybe one bird in every pack flying not flying, Listen I know it's a bit sad for you and for more people's that most of the pack is ungulates, but there are a lot of people's that exciting about the addax, that exciting about the Dama Gazelle, that exciting about the Black Rhino there are those people's!!! you really want that people's would be upset about animal that they wanted and when they see all this negative they sad about this animal? listen as I said we all want birds, primates, the highly requested animals, and any animal we want, but the game is NOT surrounding by every person that playing the game, and of course I also have stuff that I would switch like the Dama Gazelle with African Spurred Tortoise, but it means that I need to show so much hate for this animal? NO! there could be a better choice but this animal don't deserve hate. so in conclusion I think we all need to calm down, listen we gonna get at some point birds and primates but why would you give hate for pack just because it is not include any bird or primate, and I know how you feeling but I don't agree at ALL that because it's not including the Baboon or the Secretary Bird it should get a lot of hate.

you all can do whatever you want but I mean you just ruin it to yourself and also for more people's, and of course SO many in this community are so nice and just happy to get new content to the game. I still can't believe we getting the African Crested Porcupine haha I got off topic but yeah, thank you.

EDIT: I also get the fact that you want content you want, because in the end of the day you pay for it so you want to find a reason why to buy it, and that's why I think the reviews are also very important the good ones and also the less good ones. so this I definitely get, but still
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This is the first DLC that I'm genuinely disappointed in. I mostly use tropical animals in my zoo so while a whole pack dedicated to Desert/Arid type of animals was never going to be that appealing for me, it could have been much more varied in animal choices. I mean a couple of hoofstocks in an animal pack would feel too much for me, but make it 4 and add a 3rd Rihno on top of dat... it's just too much of the same.

But this being the 3rd last DLC (most likely) and the support for the game dying down, I do understand it having the feeling of - and I hate the word - reskin'ish DLC.

And don't get me wrong, the quality of the animals judging from the screenshots seems like top quality like almost always from Frontier, the animal variety just is a massive letdown for me, if somewhat expected at this point of the games lifespan.

That said I'll still buy it and support the devs!
Let me take a try see if you'd buy the results.

Rodent animal pack:
  1. Alpine marmot
  2. Brazilian porcupine
  3. Indian giant squirrel
  4. Lowland paca
  5. Luzon giant cloud rat
  6. Patagonian mara
  7. Short-tailed chinchilla
  8. Naked mole rat (Exhibit)
Reptile animal pack:
  1. African spurred tortoise
  2. Alligator snapping turtle
  3. Argentine black-and-white tegu
  4. Green sea turtle
  5. Nile crocodile
  6. Perentie
  7. Rhinoceros iguana
  8. Reticulated python (E)

Ungulate animal pack:
  1. Barbary sheep
  2. Blackbuck
  3. Pere david's deer
  4. Markhor
  5. Reeve's muntjac
  6. Southern pudu
  7. Wild boar
  8. Javan mouse-deer (Walkthrough exhibit)
Ungulates were a bit harder to do
Yeah ok you got me :D
Some things id change but i would definetly buy those
Honestly, not what I was expecting, but the African Crested Porcupine is a welcome addition. Still hoping for a temperate porcupine as well as non Badger/lutrine mustelids.
And me being me, I'll gladly almost everything in the pack. I'm not enthused by the dromedary camel. But for everyone who was hoping for them, congrats.
So overall, I can't wait to buy this pack.
Im not ruining the pack for myself or anybody else, frontier did with a poor choice of animals/pack name (if this was the saharan animal pack id be way more forgiveable)
Voicing my complaints, like it or not, just reflects frontiers short comungs as id argue the critic is more then fair and valid, especally when more then just a few people share it.
Frontier NEEDS to improve and while i will buy this pack as every pack objectivly makes the game better, it really does not motivate me to play the game or stick around in the forums.
The whole apologism really is annoying cause comeone people, this isnt our friend leaf who modeed something cool, this is frontier the company selling us subpar products that could easily, easily be much much better.
Why should we settle for good enough but very flawed when we could just get great?
Frontier can do great, the entire last year of dlc was great, even the controversial twillight pack introduced many new and much needed things, but this pack really cant say that about itself.
And its really not hard pr mysterious what we want and what they should do.
Pretty much everyone in the community can agree that the top 3 priority groups of animals are south america, primates and birds, so how come that we continously have frontier activly avoid them to a comical level?
How can people not complain when frontier is so blatantly ignoring the wishes of its community, especally when they managed to listen last year.
Just like the tropical pack this pack isnt bad, just extremly tone deaf and frustrating as it feels like frontier just ignores its communitys wishes and common sense if im honest.
Nobody only wanted african animals for a desert pack, nobody wanted allmost only ungulates, but here we are and i really am not happy and not in any mood to defend what to me is a straight ignore to the communitys very vocal wishes.
If we had gotten the hamadryas baboon and a pack name of saharah pack sure, thats completly fine but like this this feels more like an insult then a treat.
And i cant stand that
Maybe i'm the only one, but i am very happy to have the Addax and the Black Rhino in this pack, the problem is the number of the animals, it should have been a "Super Animal Pack" lol, all the choices here are solid picks for a desert themed dlc.
I know it's African heavy but for everyone who thinks about desert the first word that comes to mind is Sahara, i'm only sad about the Baboon, other than that i think that every other discussed animal who didn't make it has a chance to come in a next pack, We don't know when the support will end, so have faith! and enjoy the present :cool:
How can people not complain when frontier is so blatantly ignoring the wishes of its community, especally when they managed to listen last year.
Two things:
1. 6 of the 7 animals in this pack were highly requested
2. The year isn't over

I agree that it's a shame some groups keep on not being prioritized, but this pack's lineup is really strong for a desert pack, and fills in 2.5 areas which were also ignored up until now.

This would be like getting a south american animal pack and then complaining they ignored the underrepresented oceania. the 3 regional gaps that were constant through development were australia, south america, and the middle east/north africa. Australia got to a pretty good states through single additions, and north africa/middle east finally got a big boost after being ignored over 3 years into development. They did listen.

They can't do all the wishes at the same time. This time was the turn of north africa. Next time maybe south america. Or it will get the single additions treatment like australia.

I agree I'd want morebirds and primates, but they definitely listen.
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Two things:
1. 6 of the 7 animals in this pack were highly requested
2. The year isn't over

I agree that it's a shame some groups keep on not being prioritized, but this pack's lineup is really strong for a desert pack, and fills in 2.5 areas which were also ignored up until now.

This would be like getting a south american animal pack and then complaining they ignored the underrepresented oceania. the 3 regional gaps that were constant through development were australia, south america, and the middle east/north africa. Australia got to a pretty good states through single additions, and north africa/middle east finally got a big boost over 3 years into development. They did listen.

They can't do all the wishes at the same time. This time was the turn of north africa. Next time maybe south america. Or it will get the single additions treatment like australia.

I agree I'd want morebirds and primates, but they definitely listen.
Then they should be honest and call this the saharan animal pack, not arid.
Cause for an saharan pack its good enough even if no hamadryas baboon is still questionable, but for a biome pack representing just one area simply misses the point.
If they want to just represent one region they should mark it as the regional pack it is instead of just not adding anything from anywhere else
Then they should be honest and call this the saharan animal pack, not arid.
Cause for an saharan pack its good enough even if no hamadryas baboon is still questionable, but for a biome pack representing just one area simply misses the point.
If they want to just represent one region they should mark it as the regional pack it is instead of just not adding anything from anywhere else
They represent 5.5 distinct regions in 3 continents with this pack: the middle east, sahara desert, mediterranean scrubland, african savannah, and also a little of tropical africa where the porcupine occures. This without mentioning important subregions like the sahel, namib desert and ethiopian desert which get the rare representative in this pack.

Your problem is that you treat africa as a monolith.

It's actually almost the exact same number of regions represented by the twilight pack, and even hat was just the red fox doing a lot of heavy lifting.
They represent 5.5 distinct regions with this pack: the middle east, sahara desert, mediterranean scrubland, african savannah, and also a little of tropical africa where the porcupine occures. This without mentioning important subregions like the sahel, namib desert and ethiopian desert which get the rare representative in this pack.

Your problem is that you treat africa as a monolith.
When compared with the fact that they left out the outback, patagonia and north american deserts that are all just as deserving if not more of attention and the nice little bonus of actually being on a different continent with completly different biospheres the fact that they represented multiple different areas in africa really does not impress me at all, especally when half of those are only represented through the porcupine
Maybe i'm the only one, but i am very happy to have the Addax and the Black Rhino in this pack, the problem is the number of the animals, it should have been a "Super Animal Pack" lol, all the choices here are solid picks for a desert themed dlc.
I know it's African heavy but for everyone who thinks about desert the first word that comes to mind is Sahara, i'm only sad about the Baboon, other than that i think that every other discussed animal who didn't make it has a chance to come in a next pack, We don't know when the support will end, so have faith! and enjoy the present :cool:
And even the Baboon can come in a next Pack. Something Like a Highlands or Mountain Pack could be a potential one to include it and even take it as the Headliner (perhaps it was even saved for it).
And I strongly support your last two sentences 👍

Edit: And we should See it as it is: A Sahara animal Pack. The only bad thing is that it is not called like that at the end.
How can people not complain when frontier is so blatantly ignoring the wishes of its community, especally when they managed to listen last year.
Just like the tropical pack this pack isnt bad, just extremly tone deaf and frustrating as it feels like frontier just ignores its communitys wishes and common sense if im honest.
Nobody only wanted african animals for a desert pack, nobody wanted allmost only ungulates, but here we are and i really am not happy and not in any mood to defend what to me is a straight ignore to the communitys very vocal wishes.
those animals being very requested and they were mentioned many times in the forums, and that is something very annoying is that people's want animal for a decade and when it's arriving to the game people's being like why we got it? Frontier planning their dlcs very early, so probably frontier knows already what gonna be the fall and winter dlcs so it's not like frontier they are constantly looking at which animal has become more in demand and which animal is declining and then they change it, it's not working like this It's just that at the same time they create dlc they look at what the community is talking about now and what they are asking for now and it is changing, like Black Rhino it has been mentioned many times in the forums and is also highly requested in the meta wishlist so then they add it because they seeing that people's want it, and it's not their problems that people's change their mind and they don't want anymore this animal.

for example the Red Fox, people's wanted the Red Fox over the Arctic Fox after we got the Arctic Fox and people's wanted the Red Fox instead and then we get the Red Fox and people's being like why we got it? why? BECAUSE YOU REQUEST IT!!! so people's talked a lot about the Black Rhino, Addax, Dromedary and they are requested so how it's frontier fault that people's changed their mind?
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