❄ Planet Zoo: Update 1.1.0 and Arctic Pack out now! ❄

Been playing for an hour so far and no crashes atm (before it crashed 4 times within 20 mins). Still got the bug where animals are put into boxes bcuz they've ✌ "Escaped" ✌ and the keepers STILL won't put food in every feeder. I had a starving Lemur baby close to death in an enclosure with another 7 Lemur I think and the Keeper only filled ONE feeder out of like four (including the main food bowl) and it was just the frozen fruit enrichment....🙄

I also still have the feeding problem amd animals being put in boxes for what looks like no reason at all.

I hope that in the next patch they make it so we can have an option to turn on or off so every feeder gets filled no matter if its needed or not and so animals are automaticly unboxed unless stated otherwise with an option or something
Hi there. This size is indeed intentional. Polar Bears pose a difficult issue to real world zoos in that they can become unhappy and show signs of struggling if they don't have lots of land to roam around in and things to keep them from getting bored. As Planet Zoo focuses on conservation we really wanted to ensure we were keeping true to the plight of the Polar Bear in the game and showcasing the real world effort needed to care for their conservation.
So great to read this!

People may find their space requirements daunting, but honestly, polar bears need lots and lots of space to roam. One of the zoos near me keeps two polar bears in a small enclosure and it's heartbreaking. Small being relative here, because it apparently is a decent sized enclosure... just not for a polar bear, let alone two of them.
Been playing for an hour so far and no crashes atm (before it crashed 4 times within 20 mins). Still got the bug where animals are put into boxes bcuz they've ✌ "Escaped" ✌ and the keepers STILL won't put food in every feeder. I had a starving Lemur baby close to death in an enclosure with another 7 Lemur I think and the Keeper only filled ONE feeder out of like four (including the main food bowl) and it was just the frozen fruit enrichment....🙄

I've been testing this. I've noticed that animals seem to remember where a food item is and tend to go back to it. Keepers won't fill all the food items you put out if it's more than needed for the animals in the habitat because spoiled food is a problem too. So if you have too many feeders and you get an animal going to one that doesn't get filled, they could be starving, even though there is available food elsewhere. Odd as it sounds, I'm thinking too many feeders might cause the problem of starving animals.
Another problem i have is with guest education it keeps saying 0 stars while i have education all over my zoo it causes my zoo to not make it to a 5 star rating.
Okay I have a a problem with the notifications. The "Misplaced Education Item", I just had to delete all my education speakers that were scattered around the park bcuz they were apparently misplaced. Luckily it didn't do much to my rating. I've just built a bridge going across my huge safari habitat and placed the TV screens but was hit with that freakin notification so I had to move them off the bridge and somewhere else...I would like to place them wherever without being told otherwise thank you.

You could say "Just turn it off in the options". But unfortunately if I turn it off that means I don't get notifications for more important things like "Breaking Down" and "Innaccessable".

Also, this staff queueing outside a facility thing. Not a fan. This is happening with my Mechanics only and the Workshops. I place an extra workshop yet my Mechanics choose to queue outside an occupied one right next to the new building.
ok here's my rundown for a good 10 minute test:
  • crash at startup the first time.
  • escape animal sitting confortably on a climable in its habitat - guest all flee the park.... money sink... Well, I guess my suggestion to fix gameplay before working on any punitive mecanics was not taken into consideration. -.-
  • more escape animal put automaticly in a box inside their habitat... can't unbox, can't move from management/animal menu...
  • starving japanese macaque, confused keeper .... micromanagement nightmare.

Closed the game after 10 min. Verdict = more bugs... I didn't even have time to check if the old ones were still there.

I would really like to get a workable planzoo for christmass.... :(
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When you announced the update and arctic dlc pack you said that there would be new winter foliage. This had me very excited as building cool looking habitats is the most fun for me in the game and the more foliage to work with, the better! So I was extremly dissapointed when I logged in today and found that the only new foliage avalible are three christmas trees?!? :(
ok here's my rundown for a good 10 minute test:
  • crash at startup the first time.
  • escape animal sitting confortably on a climable in its habitat - guest all flee the park.... money sink... Well, I guess my suggestion to fix gameplay before working on any punitive mecanics was not taken into consideration. -.-
  • more escape animal put automaticly in a box inside their habitat... can't unbox, can't move from management/animal menu...
  • starving japanese macaque, confused keeper .... micromanagement nightmare.

Closed the game after 10 min. Verdict = more bugs... I didn't even have time to check if the old ones were still there.

I would really like to get a workable planzoo for christmass.... :(
My game just crashed too after almost 2 hours. 😕
ok here's my rundown for a good 10 minute test:
  • crash at startup the first time.
  • escape animal sitting confortably on a climable in its habitat - guest all flee the park.... money sink... Well, I guess my suggestion to fix gameplay before working on any punitive mecanics was not taken into consideration. -.-
  • more escape animal put automaticly in a box inside their habitat... can't unbox, can't move from management/animal menu...
  • starving japanese macaque, confused keeper .... micromanagement nightmare.

Closed the game after 10 min. Verdict = more bugs... I didn't even have time to check if the old ones were still there.

I would really like to get a workable planzoo for christmass.... :(

I have the exact same issues :(
I’ve had no bugs so far, which is surprising! I’ve been playing on and off since the update was released. The only doubt I have is why there is no arctic foliage for the bears and the arctic wolves? Are you supposed to have a complete flat habitat with not even some little bushes? It looks horrible 😬
I've just had to shut down my game due to the animal 'escapes' I have 14 enclosures and I'm spending all my time going from one to the next releasing boxed animals in their own habitat. Keepers are boxing animals sat innocently in the middle of their own habitat. The game isn't enjoyable or playable like this and is beyond repetitive so I've had to abandon the game.

After the patch, I wanted to test if the deluxe animal bug was fixed. this is where babies from all the deluxe edition get thrown into the trade centre age 0.0. also the market does not show these animals for sale unless you refresh a thousand times. I gave up before testing the first, but the latter is still a bug, I don't use the deluxe animals because of this bug, I cant buy/sell the animals easily on the market as they are not always viewable. so I'm worried the same thing will happen with the new DLC animals, I don't plan on buying now due to the price, but if I buy in a steam sale I want to know I can use them.
I'm having the problem as many others have with incorrectly placed education screens, they are placed perfectly and always worked fine now in somezoo's i have these messages that they are incorrectly placed. Hope this gets fixed as its very annoying
In sandbox, my animals keep getting boxed, again and again and again, for no reason. They haven't even escaped. This has been going on since beta, but for me it's much worse now. It happens to my tigers, bears, pandas, and lemurs. How about a setting that automatically unboxes animals?
Ok this problem with Speakers and Education Screen being incorrectly placed is getting crazy now, just loaded up another zoo and it says every screen is incorrectly placed, reason being is because i have them not completely straight up. Also speakers are now incorreclty placed if you lowered them into the ground or into a wall. Come on this is crazy.
As much as I get the space requirements for the polar bear and how they're sending a message of conservation, something that large is a little silly, especially when that space is a bit inconsistent with other animals like elephants who need fairly little space in relation to the polar bears.

I think what would really help is researching zoo polar bear exhibits to see what they do. Zoolex is mega useful for this.

Most space-hungry animals that I propose
1. Elephants
2. Rhinos/Hippos (make hippo needs same as rhino with more water space)
3. Bears (Make polar larger but not too large, by 20% would be good)
I didn't think I was going to buy the DLC until I watched this video and saw all the amazing new building items! I'm not ready to move on from my African zoo yet but, just wow! There are some really great items in this pack I know I'll use a lot.
Hey there. i would like to buy the new DLC, but because of all bugs, the game design issues and so on, i will not spend any money on this DLC (for now). I already spend to much money for this. From what i read, nothing has really changed and the "game" is still a lot about issue management - not playing and enjoying a game. Its an absolutly waste of time, to build structures in this game, when you're not able to enjoy them in the end. Many people lose they zoo's, just because of new stuff coming with new updates. If the game is running and most critical bugs are fixed, it might be worth a try - but now, absolutly not!

Most of the new building items are just recolored or have a new texture.
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