Player numbers dropped?

The impression I have is that the 'Ice Worlds' code is being folded into whatever is coming in 2020 and while we won't be getting the fleet carriers in the next couple of updates but we will eventually get them before 2020.

I look forward to all the posts in 2020 accusing FDev of being liars when there are no carriers or ice planets in that release, based upon the musings in posts like this...
9 months ago. Doesnt look too bad to me anyway. Rather similar to subnautica below zero, altho admittedly more realistic and less cartoonish.

The ED shaders do look great and very much looking forward to having them in the game when they are ready. They are obviously not ready yet otherwise they would have added them.

I'm still thinking that performance issues is the cause.
The ED shaders do look great and very much looking forward to having them in the game when they are ready. They are obviously not ready yet otherwise they would have added them.

I'm still thinking that performance issues is the cause.

Agreed. Might be one of those times when it actually is the Consoles that are holding things up. Getting that sort of stuff running on a PC with 24GB RAM, a quad-core i9, and the graphic-est graphics card that ever graphiced is one thing. Getting it going on a Console is another.
Agreed. Might be one of those times when it actually is the Consoles that are holding things up. Getting that sort of stuff running on a PC with 24GB RAM, a quad-core i9, and the graphic-est graphics card that ever graphiced is one thing. Getting it going on a Console is another.

If that is true, that sucks bigtime. PC users being made to wait for a next generation of consoles i imagine most people would find totally unacceptable. I just cant help feeling that had they actually worked on these issues rather than tinkering with other aspects of the game there might have been more progress.
uninstalled game first time since i installed in July 2014. 5 years without major update or new gameplay/content is way too much. Maybe if 2020 is interesting enough i come back.

Don't bother. If you don't consider any of the past major changes or even Horizons as a major update, then I doubt anything that drops in 2020 is going to satisfy you. For so many people that are salty about the content and claim you're done or you've already uninstalled, you sure spend a lot of time on the forums. I look forward to a future posts of how you are still quitting the game or how you re-installed and then immediately uninstalled to drive home your DOOM post.
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If that is true, that sucks bigtime. PC users being made to wait for a next generation of consoles i imagine most people would find totally unacceptable.

I think they're intending to get it running on the current-gen consoles. But it's all just speculation.
Its a loosely planned schedule for undefined content subject to change for tech issues/feasibility/unforeseen problems/delays/cancellation or maybe even earlier delivery.

If I read that a couple times then I wonder what fdev and some on this forum are so excited about.
It does explain though why I'm not excited at all.
It's just a bag of hot air to me.
If I read that a couple times then I wonder what fdev and some on this forum are so excited about.
It does explain though why I'm not excited at all.
It's just a bag of hot air to me.

I think people are just pleased that development continues, whatever that development is. Personally, I don't need to know to continue playing the game. I don't understand why some stop playing because they don't know what the next expansion will be.
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I think they're intending to get it running on the current-gen consoles. But it's all just speculation.

I can't imagine fdev skipping the current gen consoles and producing an update for a current gen console game just for the next gen consoles in 2020.
They would be targeting a quite small market apart from pc players imho.
I think people are just pleased that development continues, whatever that development is. Personally, I don't need to know to continue playing the game. I don't understand why some stop playing because they don't know what the next expansion will be.

I already stopped playing before the announcement because I'm burned out.
I don't mind waiting a year and a half for something substantial either.
It's just the lack of communication by fdev and the carrots on a stick they keep dangling in front of our faces that bothers me.
This exciting new era thing next year might be just that, something great, I hope so, but the lack of information while they keep saying how great it will be and excited they are about it is rubbing me the wrong way.
They were excited about the Thargoids too, look how that turned out.
This exciting new era thing next year might be just that, something great, I hope so, but the lack of information while they keep saying how great it will be and excited they are about it is rubbing me the wrong way.

They literally only announced this a month ago. Give them time!

But as I've said elsewhere, I rather hope they don't announce anything until the latter half of this year at least. When they announce whatever they announce I want it to be because it's going to happen. Let's not go down the road of broken expectations again.
I had high hopes for this game, but it's just going from bad to worse, I miss the days I could pancake that stupid Npc sidewinder in my type 9 for getting in the way on undock for a small fine, them was the good old days, unlike the painfully bad crime and punishment system we have now.
Funnily enough I'm more or less back, done more Elite gaming in 3 months than I probably did in 2017 and 2018 combined! Just farting about along the DW2 course getting load of dosh for exploring.

Agreed. Might be one of those times when it actually is the Consoles that are holding things up. Getting that sort of stuff running on a PC with 24GB RAM, a quad-core i9, and the graphic-est graphics card that ever graphiced is one thing. Getting it going on a Console is another.

They also have to get it running on mid range PCs like mine! Got it in 2012 and it's still a 1060 6gb in it now and a more disk space, but basically the same machine. Not everyone can afford mega PCs (although I am saving money for a new PC in the next 24 months or so).
If I read that a couple times then I wonder what fdev and some on this forum are so excited about.
It does explain though why I'm not excited at all.
It's just a bag of hot air to me.

There's middle ground between overexcited and DOOMED !.

I hope for the best but understand that delays and changes can happen.
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