Player Passengers / Taxi service / Send Ships ahead

I have a few different points of interest where i keep different ships depending on what i'm doing... such as a bulk of my ships in Kamadhenu - my main base, my anaconda is in a place where i do passenger runs when i need the money, so i leave it there and I even had a couple ships over where i was both grinding fed ranks and also where my friend's home base is so i can wing up and grind at the same time.. finally I have a few pirate ships outfitting and hanging around in an asteroid base for role play... at one point i was doing ship transfers between all of these places which was pretty expensive and then i was considering buying and equipting 1 aspx / dbx's and dropping them at each of these places just so I have a disposable ship that can get between them easily without moving the ships that I want where they are elsewhere... i that makes sense... basically I want to leave my pirate ships where they are instead of flying them back to my other points of interest.... then I was thinking it would be really useful to be able to either transfer myself to other stations where i already have ships, pay other players tpo taxi me to those stations... which could be cool just for the player interaction... also I may not be the only one that does this? I wouldn't mind to taxi other players around to where they want to go for fun and the extra credits / player interaction.
I do get the want, but I do not think FDEV will incorporate this transfer of ship/modules to a destination, instead of their currently only allow you to transfer modules/ships to your current location.

But as taxi ships between your locations, I tend to use Haulers very cheap, and very easily to get a descent jump range without engineering. D-rate everything except FSD. and you are done. Perfect to go and buy new ships.
And for going between my locations I have my ships in, I usually use any of my exploration outfitted ships as get around fast. For example, my Asp Explorer has 50+ LY range. Makes travel inside the bubble very fast. And My newest addition, an Explorer Anaconda has 56+ LY range, and that with lots of useless heavy junk aboard, and a ~1000 MJ shield.
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