Please don't attack defenseless...

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Tell that to Rui Rebui. I dare you.

I have killed her before.
we "chest beating" because people like Akooma are triving for that and it makes us laught.
But in reality, when it's people who just want to have fun, we just have fun and laugh a lot

that's why we fight him on social media. we are just a bunch of people who want to have fun and laugh

Yup I get "why", just not my sort of thing. Usually interesting to read the threads like this though. 20 years ago I was more or less doing the same, but with LAN parties (2 hours setting everything up and 1 hour gaming!).
I told you to stop summoning the french community. Such thing does not exist. I know i'm french.

I'm at least aware of 1 big french community. There might be a few even.
Just because you are French and aren't part of any doesn't mean that these communities don't exist.
Claiming the opposite sounds rather presumptuous...

Also GA, the rotten thing nobody care anymore from which i'm banned from even if i ever wrote 2 sentences in 1 year ? Interesting you mention that cause yep, that's the perfect exemple of how you ban people from place every single time they criticize your actions.

You went in a discord server that's meant to help others, and, let me guess, the first thing you do is start drama that no one cares about. You get warned, and you still continue.
Are you really surprised that you got banned?? If that's not what happened, then go on, post the raw stuff so that everyone can make their own judgement.
Self appointed law enforcer using the Talion law
Considering themselves out of the law
using a out of the game spyware to witch hunt and mob people they dont like, without any trial.
and without nobody to control them and watch how they are doing what they do

That's just the definition of a fascist militia if i were to do a risky irl comparison. That's the ideals those people are following.

That's a lot of pompous hyperboles to simply describe people that stand up against gankers.
You're OBVIOUSLY out for blood in that Type 9.

I bet you had billions in bounties on your head too.

This is why I don't like SPEAR. They attack you for knowing you being CODE.
Not for having done anything bad.

If you are code you aren't innocent even if you don't have a bounty. The cose attacks noobs fresh out of Noob space and this is acceptable behavior.
ROFL! I can't tell if you're liars or if you really think you're still enforcers? YOU FLY WITH G4NK! You have become gankers now. Just embrace it and stop lying to the community.
You're about as lawful as I am

We absolutely don't - in fact, we fight and blow them daily up.
It is just that occasionally we have common enemies.
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