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Sandro Sammarco

Lead Designer
Hello Commander Arry!

There would be no chance of losing ships transported by bulk freighter.

Cost (in either case) will be proportional to ship value and distance to be travelled.

If we end up with a delivery time, the cost will be lower than if we have instant transfer.
We’ll run the poll until Monday next week. *Unless there is a significant, majority vote against ship transfer delivery times, along with a high turnout*, we will likely be moving towards implementing plausible delays into ship and module transfer, though such a change may affect when the features comes online.
This would mean that, potentially, we might need to wait for 2.3 (or a 2.2.5) to get ship transfer implemented, if delivery times are added?
The only problem I see with the timer is this...

The player base in need of fast transfer, might or might not increase their time in game...and could quit completely, because they do not have the time to bother.

Look at the 100 minute limit-that's a wait time of 1.66 hours. That means a player puts in their order and waits for the ship to show up. In my world, that means I hop into the game...place my order, and leave the game to play something else that day. <shrug> Basically, what is the company's point in putting this activity into the game? If it is to help the time poor be able to effectively play, then any timers are just a different way for these players to be frustrated. If there is any other reason...then leave the system as is...the change is unwarranted.
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I have a question for those that think it shouldn't be instant: What would non-instant ship transfer add to the gameplay that instant transfer doesn't? Would you seriously be ok with halting game sessions for literally no other reason than "immersion"?
Sandro did a good job outlining the main arguments people have made against instant transfer in the OP... There are numerous reasons other than "immersion."
I have a question for those that think it shouldn't be instant: What would non-instant ship transfer add to the gameplay that instant transfer doesn't? Would you seriously be ok with halting game sessions for literally no other reason than "immersion"?
you at no point have to stop playing, you still have ship capabale of doing things while the other is on the way. If you prefer to just wait and do nothing thats you choice.
I have a question for those that think it shouldn't be instant: What would non-instant ship transfer add to the gameplay that instant transfer doesn't? Would you seriously be ok with halting game sessions for literally no other reason than "immersion"?

There are 500+ pages about this, you can read some, it give you some ideas...
I'm ok about having instant or finite time ship transport although the logical side of demands it should take a certain amount of time! ;)

For discussion purposes how about we have a "transfer speed" of 10 LY/minute, based on the fact most ships would be capable of at least a 10 LY jump and getting out of mass lock to initiate the jump and travel to the station could nominally be completed in a minute.
I think I'd pay good money to see how the decision to put up poll about this was created in Frontier offices. Who was against it, who advocated delays from start and other such details.
I vote instant, for the reasons initially given by Frontier.

A delay would be okay if we could send a ship/module to another location instead of fetching it to our location. That'd make it easier to get on with things while we wait.
i voted for a timer......the smart commander works to a plan and will order his ship in due time before required.
im all up for the odd shortcut in life......but instant ship arival?....

ill look forward to sitting on a planets surface in a nice scenic spot ...getting there 5 mins before and having a smoke whilst my bird flys in to land.

some of you guys need to think about this...it has its benefits........realism for one

more sim....less arcade.

cmon ED..stick to your roots....dont follow the golden egg rule just like you didnt in 84 ect...

be different.

win the long game.
I would vote for instant, as I don't feel it's less realistic than instant rebuy. I am excited for the feature either way. I can definitely see the time delay adding a bit of balance, but so would making super long distances very expensive.
Any chance that NPC Crew gets used for that? Seems to me like a missed opportunity to implement NPC Crew in the same update but then not use the NPCs to move the Ships. More things to do for them can't hurt! :D

I can quickly think of several ways that crew management could become an interesting gameplay element. No obssessive accumulation of stuff or grinding involved, just thought. Ain´t that lovely?
For those of you that play on xbox, you should already have an account with Elite, with the email associated with your GT, but a random password. Just use the recover password feature to get one send to your email and you can then login (and change the password to something more memorable).
If only there was a group of players that had formed to give feedback on such discussions ...


Sandro Sammarco

Lead Designer
Hello Commander Javert!

Although we might impose limits, theoretically very long distances could be traversed by bulk freighters, so, yes, traveling to Jaques would be possible, with an extremely long delivery time.
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Sandro - if we could at least SEE a bulk carrier arriving at the destination station, that would make for another awesome cinematic moment in the game :)

Doesn't matter if at first we don't see ships being carted to and from it (thought that would be awesome) - just seeing such an event would be nice - although I suspect you don't have the dev time for such - oh well :D


Volunteer Moderator
I think I'd pay good money to see how the decision to put up poll about this was created in Frontier offices. Who was against it, who advocated delays from start and other such details.

You will have to wait for the memoirs of the FD developers to be published in about 30 years time. What we do know though is that Sandro was initially in favour of a delay and was overruled and/or outvoted, but we don't know by whom.

As was stated by Sandro and others, there are valid arguments on both sides here, but you have to weigh them up based on what is important to you in the game, and how much you think the convenience of instant transfer will create negative side effects and immersion issues for you.
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It's very disappointing to me that, once again, Frontier is entertaining sacrificing good gameplay mechanics for a video game, which is not real life and need not conform to real life, in order to entertain the boring and unfun adherence to strict realism as clamored for by people who frankly have bad opinions about games and realism. The same people who brought us the current iteration of supercruise and its speeds and rates, who seem to really love spending 10 or 20 minutes at a time with the throttle pushed all the way forward doing nothing else, are once again through their sheer whinebaggery encouraging Frontier to sacrifice fun gameplay for no reason at all.

Here: Instant transport works using Witchspace drives similar to those that propel capital ships. The technology is very dangerous and can't be used with people on board, and stations require encryption that only works using a physical card in your space pockets before they'll ship a ship (to prevent theft). It's instant because like witchspace drives they can launch thousands of lightyears instantly.

There, there is a good lore justification for ship and module transfer being instant that doesn't require 3D printing or post-scarcity, is consistent with lore, and most importantly doesn't sacrifice good gameplay decisions in a video game, which frankly should always be the most important. You have already said, you playtested this, and adding a delay added no gameplay benefit. Don't listen to people's whines about gameplay elements, there will always be whiners no matter what decision made (see for example me, right now, I guess).

Next thing these people will be complaining about multicrew allowing players to jump into ships with their friends without first physically flying out and meeting them - which again would be a good gameplay decision that these kinds of people will oppose despite that most of them likely only play in Solo.

Anyhow, I guess I can say I'm disappointed to see that Frontier is going to once again sacrifice good gameplay in favor of vocal people having a whinge about their ~immersion~, but I'm not really surprised as I was shocked by the sheer number of good decisions Frontier was making in 2.2 (for example, printing fighters, which I figured would not be allowed but without which flying a fighter would be far too brief a joy, and which would make that the pro-troll for when multicrew fighter pilots are a thing).
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