Powerplay kills the fun!

Unlike the OP, I'm not a "relatively new player," but I've recently dipped my toe into PP for the first time. I will freely admit that the whole idea of PP1 left me completely cold. PP2 is enough different that it seemed worthwhile to give it a shot. (Fair warning, though, Li... Soon as I've got a full set of shinies I'm off your crew. I'll do my best for you while I'm on it but beyond that point I will revert to completely independent)

I'll remind everyone with an axe to grind here (that's all of us, probably, including me) of one fundamental thing about Elite - if some part of the game is not fun for you, you don't need to do it. At all.This goes for everything. Don't like PvP? Play in solo or in a group that doesn't allow it.Don't want to deal with other folks at all? You can do that. Don't want ships aligned to opposing powers aggro-ing on you? Don't pledge.Don't enjoy a particular mission type? Don't take them. There is no single part of the game that you cannot avoid completely if you don't enjoy it. Well, apart from flying spaceships, but if that doesn't float your boat then you might have picked the wrong game altogether!

Even mentally deleting the things you don't enjoy, there is likely to stilll be the vast majority of the rest of the game left over.

If PP is "killing the fun" then don't PP - simple as that. Because you don't have to.

But if you can't find anything in the game that's fun for you, and decide to kiss your Asp goodbye, welll that's ok too. I'm sure there are other games that you enjoy that I don't.
Great message, which can't be repeated enough around here. In a sandbox game, I'm fully responsible for my own entertainment. Corollary: if I'm not having a good time it's no-one else's fault.
Hello everyone!

I am a somewhat new player, i just finished my "honeymoon phase" with this game, everything was wonderful, i learned, i made hundreds of millions, i made ship builds, i participated in all activities i could find, mining, transport, conflict zones, pirate hunting, engineers and so on, and everything was a blast!

Then, i had one very bad idea, i clicked on "powerplay"...

That thing hurts my brain! I tried and tried to find ANY activity that i could do to make decent merits but it feels like the company making this game is actively trying to prevent anyone from enjoying this part! Why couldn't i just earn merits while i play? Why can't i just relax, mine asteroids for 3 hours as i already like to do and sell them for profit AND get some merits? (Almost) No one in his right mind is gonna bother giving himself the headache that it is to find a system to mine in where you can sell for a decent price and that qualifies for the merits! Why can't i just chill, do transport missions for hours and get some merits while i'm at it? Why, in the end, does every activity have to SUCK when merits are introduced??

So, it's simple, i could just forget that powerplay exist but the perfectionist part of me just doesn't feel ok with that, and rather, if some things are not accessible in the game i love, i'd rather completely dismiss the game in it's entirety!
Now, don't get me wrong, i'm not one of those 12 year olds who's like "meh, fix this or i leave!" but genuinely, this whole powerplay thing asks me if i want to play as if it was a boring job or if i want to leave, it's hard to express it, but psychologically, it feels just like that! Powerplay completely destroyed the fun i felt playing the game and since it messed up the possible objectives i could have in the long term, why bother? Powerplay is a dream killer man!

Why can't you just join a power and naturally progress with that power by just playing as you would usually?

This is probably one of the many many posts in which someone whines about this or that but i truly wanted to express how clunky this whole powerplay thing feels to a new player, to the point that i would have appreciated if a buddy introduced me to the game and told me: just one thing, NEVER click on powerplay, it will destroy the game in your mind!

I don't know if i will stick around, maybe after a few days, i'll come to terms with the idea of just forgetting about that, "unpledging", missing out and playing my own version of the game, but right now, i just lost that eagerness i had to play!

Such an amazing game, such a fun-killing feature!

Anyway, cheers to anyone reading this!
I don't quite get it.
I joined the force and quietly play, though sometimes it is not clear what to do in the weekly tasks, but you can not do them.
What prevents you from playing as before? Basically my game didn't change before I swore to the force.
Powerplay was designed to be a strategy game within the game. Pledge to a power and play it as such and, bugs and currently locked aspects aside, you’ll probably find it’s a big improvement from PP1 (or that the entire concept isn’t for you.)

Pledge purely to unlock the modules with a focus on gaining personal merits to rank up (rather than merits to turn into control points) and you’ll no doubt find it a frustrating and potentially pointless task.

If players want the shiny toys to the detriment of their own enjoyment it isn’t on FDev….even if I’d personally agree that maybe it would have been better to separate those shiny toys from the strategy game.
Powerplay was designed to be a strategy game within the game. Pledge to a power and play it as such and, bugs and currently locked aspects aside, you’ll probably find it’s a big improvement from PP1 (or that the entire concept isn’t for you.)

Pledge purely to unlock the modules with a focus on gaining personal merits to rank up (rather than merits to turn into control points) and you’ll no doubt find it a frustrating and potentially pointless task.

If players want the shiny toys to the detriment of their own enjoyment it isn’t on FDev….even if I’d personally agree that maybe it would have been better to separate those shiny toys from the strategy game.
Perhaps though even if just unlocking a module it's a vast improvement over PP1.
That took 4 weeks of hauling. Iwas over half way to my unlock after the first week and it hasn't been hauling.
... I’d personally agree that maybe it would have been better to separate those shiny toys from the strategy game.
Would be nice if players owning a FC and with the shipyard/outfitting enabled could take modules that they'd got from PP or had engineered and put them in there for sale, at a price they specified. They'd become part of the carrier's stock, separate from the players inventory of stored modules and anyone docking at the carrier could pay the price and get them.

I can see players making a full "career path" out of buying modules, gathering mats, engineering the modules and then selling them on their carriers. FD have a mechanism in place already to allow pre-engineered modules onto the market, after all.
I can see players making a full "career path" out of buying modules, gathering mats, engineering the modules and then selling them on their carriers.
Same for Odyssey gear - gunsmith career. Plus with all the care packages it's even easier to mod.

Problem is, it bypasses FDEV's design on progression, roll X times to unlock the next level, sell and buy this junk 8 times, go get these Kamitra Cigars but gotcha! you gotta go back, roll over, play dead, look but don't touch, touch but don't taste.

Personally I'd be ok with just reselling gear at market state - meaning unmodded modules / Odyssey gear not touched by the player.
Hello everyone!

I am a somewhat new player, i just finished my "honeymoon phase" with this game, everything was wonderful, i learned, i made hundreds of millions, i made ship builds, i participated in all activities i could find, mining, transport, conflict zones, pirate hunting, engineers and so on, and everything was a blast!

Then, i had one very bad idea, i clicked on "powerplay"...

That thing hurts my brain! I tried and tried to find ANY activity that i could do to make decent merits but it feels like the company making this game is actively trying to prevent anyone from enjoying this part! Why couldn't i just earn merits while i play? Why can't i just relax, mine asteroids for 3 hours as i already like to do and sell them for profit AND get some merits? (Almost) No one in his right mind is gonna bother giving himself the headache that it is to find a system to mine in where you can sell for a decent price and that qualifies for the merits! Why can't i just chill, do transport missions for hours and get some merits while i'm at it? Why, in the end, does every activity have to SUCK when merits are introduced??

So, it's simple, i could just forget that powerplay exist but the perfectionist part of me just doesn't feel ok with that, and rather, if some things are not accessible in the game i love, i'd rather completely dismiss the game in it's entirety!
Now, don't get me wrong, i'm not one of those 12 year olds who's like "meh, fix this or i leave!" but genuinely, this whole powerplay thing asks me if i want to play as if it was a boring job or if i want to leave, it's hard to express it, but psychologically, it feels just like that! Powerplay completely destroyed the fun i felt playing the game and since it messed up the possible objectives i could have in the long term, why bother? Powerplay is a dream killer man!

Why can't you just join a power and naturally progress with that power by just playing as you would usually?

This is probably one of the many many posts in which someone whines about this or that but i truly wanted to express how clunky this whole powerplay thing feels to a new player, to the point that i would have appreciated if a buddy introduced me to the game and told me: just one thing, NEVER click on powerplay, it will destroy the game in your mind!

I don't know if i will stick around, maybe after a few days, i'll come to terms with the idea of just forgetting about that, "unpledging", missing out and playing my own version of the game, but right now, i just lost that eagerness i had to play!

Such an amazing game, such a fun-killing feature!

Anyway, cheers to anyone reading this!
3000 hours in and I've Never engaged in on foot combat or Powerplay, if there are game loops you don't enjoy just don't do them.
If you don't do powerplay you are not missing out.
Could someone give a quick tutorial on how to use it? I tried searching for systems that could be mined for rhodplumsite, which was selling for over 700k credits per unit, and it directed me to a nearby system and a couple of planetary rings there, so I went there with my core miner, and could not find rhodplumsite at all. I found all kinds of other minerals in the cores there, but not that. In the end I spent about 2 hours core-mining (without finding a single unit of rhodplumsite, only some other minerals), only to get about 8k merits. That's less than what I get from random laser-mining in the same timespan.

Clearly there's something I'm not getting.
Hmm, you didn't mention the word "hotspot" which makes me wonder: did you use a DSS to find the rhodplumsite hotspot(s) before commencing your mining run?

I spent a while doing the research to find a decent PP2 core-mining system and it has been working out very nicely for me. Typically I'm getting 20-30k merits/hour of mining there. (Now that I've discovered meritminer.cc I'm very happy to see that it agrees with my system choice :ROFLMAO:)
Perhaps though even if just unlocking a module it's a vast improvement over PP1.
That took 4 weeks of hauling. Iwas over half way to my unlock after the first week and it hasn't been hauling.
In all fairness - while I prefer PP2 over 1, where 1 didn't exactly set a very high bar at all - from a module unlock perspective it's more work now because previously all you had to do is pledge, ignore PP for 3 weeks, then do 2 hauls in a T9 (the grind being fighting the stupid UI design) and wait another few days and that was that. You could also pick and choose which modules you wanted to focus on Vs which to ignore.

Now, depending on the power you pledged to, you have to grind through all the way past some pretty useless gear unlocks in sequential order. And if you change your mind and pledge to another power, you have to start from the very beginning, with the first module unlock being a good while off.

From a lore perspective it doesn't make sense to me either how modules that are supposedly exclusive to a superpower can now be handed out by everyone. I also wish they had removed the modules from the PP progression altogether, but FDev were maybe concerned that people might not be as motivated to stick with it otherwise.
It works as that, but on the other hand it also works perfectly fine solo provided you don't expect to be making big changes to the map on your own.
Any. Don't expect to make any changes to the map on your own. If you do, and it's valuable at all, groups will come in and change it again.

Weird, suddenly I'm thinking about explorers annoyed that colonization won't let them put a pocket of occupied systems away from where anyone else is, like it was their one chance to be able to do something that other people can't swoop in and undo with sheer numbers but without a lot of effort.
Any. Don't expect to make any changes to the map on your own. If you do, and it's valuable at all, groups will come in and change it again.
I undermined a system mostly single-handedly in the first couple of weeks, and that certainly got larger groups' attention - but the resulting acquisition battle between the big groups left it in control of a different side to the one it started on. It can be done.

On the reinforcement side, the chances of anyone attempting to reverse almost any reinforcement is basically zero, so you can do that as much as you like. Similarly for the Powers which have a side facing away from the centre of the bubble, there's probably a whole bunch of uncontested acquisitions which it's absolutely fine to take two months over because no-one else is going to get there first.

Surprisingly few Powerplay systems count as "valuable at all".

Weird, suddenly I'm thinking about explorers annoyed that colonization won't let them put a pocket of occupied systems away from where anyone else is, like it was their one chance to be able to do something that other people can't swoop in and undo with sheer numbers but without a lot of effort.
Sure, everyone needs to remember that anything they can do a group of five people can do five times more easily. There's no possible configuration for colonisation which would have avoided that.
i have reached lvl 82 just collecting data from base missions,the weekly missions dont make a lot of sense, IE hit rival powers n a system call it kivah is what i have, where are they ,flying around scanning ships,since thursday havnt seen a one,and hitting them else where doesnt count.lol are we being conned.
the op really picked the wrong game if they thought that everything in the game should be interesting, fun, or make sense as a game mechanic to them. The game is a combination of things particular players may choose to participate in but can completely ignore if they want. That's how it was designed. I dont agree with such design decisions but it is what it is and it's never going to become something else.

the idea that powerplay introduces boring repetitive activities is being a bit selectively blind though. There's boring nonsense all thru the basic mechanics of the game. You got supercruise that offers almost no gameplay reason for existing for the vast majority of the time you do it. You have billions of procedurally generated systems to fill in the game "map" but there's nothing to do in 99.9999% of them. Traded items are infinite in the game and so none of the economies sustain influence from the actions a player takes unless you're constantly doing those activities - leading to repetitive and usually unopposed buy / sell loading screen filled game sessions. You have exo biology that amounts to staring at a static 3d model for a bit for no in-game consequence at all to get credits ..and like most activities that translate to credits, those activities dont end up meaning anything to the game so it doesn't matter what you do to get your credits, your character is more or less the same and the impact on the game is the same.

Powerplay at least tries to give you a more obvious impact to your activities, but in the end, like everything else you can do, it boils down to doing the same repetitive - basically low skill easily managed activities. The only real difference powerplay introduces from the rest of the things you do in the game is that your merits expire. So, much like carrier upkeep, you are being pushed to repeat the same thing you did last week to maintain some sort of status quo. That may not be the thing you're into, and that's fine. you're not meant to like everything the game offers. That's kind of fdev's over-arching design with the game from day one. It's not designed for some type of player. It's trying to appeal in some way to a wide variety of players. A mistake in my opinion, but the market seems to be such that the ideal space game for a particular player just isn't a big enough market to cater to. At least not with any kind of budget.
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I have this problem with ARX, unfortunately. Before ARX were introduced I never felt any pressure to do anything, which was great. Now I feel like every week I just must get my free ARX quota, but what I want to do in game rarely gives any for some reason, so every week I quickly do obligatory set of things to get my ARX, so I can relax. I hate it, but I understand this is my problem, since I "choose" not to ignore free ARX.

Go to a material trader, trade some materials, free arx.
But shhhhh!
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