Patch Notes Update Premium Beta Released

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Downloading surprisingly fast, I just wish I wasn't so sleep deprived right now.

Last couple of weeks I've discovered how fun flight assist off mode can be, looking forward to having more thing to fly around

one last flight alpha 1.1
I fail to see how 5 small tweaks constitutes a jump from Alpha to Beta. FD I really don't think you are taking the Alpha/Beta terminology seriously and are simply using it for marketing purposes and to fulfil obligations set down by your kickstarter goals. I would have expected beta to include a significant jump in features and stability.

Furthermore, if you intend Alpha backers to receive early builds then I fail to see why the Alpha forums were closed.
I fail to see how 5 small tweaks constitutes a jump from Alpha to Beta. FD I really don't think you are taking the Alpha/Beta terminology seriously.

Not sure what your point is, surely Beta is the next stage to Alpha, so the last Alpha build will be pretty much the same as the first Beta.

Besides which those tweaks + the huge increase in the user base + the huge list of bug fixes (from known issues forum) is still a significant amount of work.
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I fail to see how 5 small tweaks constitutes a jump from Alpha to Beta. FD I really don't think you are taking the Alpha/Beta terminology seriously and are simply using it for marketing purposes and to fulfil obligations set down by your kickstarter goals. I would have expected beta to include a significant jump in features and stability.

Furthermore, if you intend Alpha backers to receive early builds then I fail to see why the Alpha forums were closed.

There's no official terminology, and alpha/beta are *stages* of testing, it doesn't imply much about software maturity. Also FD clearly stated that alpha 4 will be actually a testing two weeks of premium build, and making sure all big bugs are fixed. When done so, alpha 4 will be released as beta 1.0.

Now, this is just *first* beta build. Further beta builds will see more content and gameplay additions. However, I would like to point out, alpha have done it's job - it has tested core aspects of the game - combat, networking, trading, traveling. It's been done.
Furthermore, if you intend Alpha backers to receive early builds then I fail to see why the Alpha forums were closed.

In addition early builds will be maybe several hours ahead for alphas. If everything will work, they will be released to beta testers as soon as possible. For that, thread here is fully enough :)
Downloading very slow :-(

And it would be a midday (ish) release wouldnt it , gonna be at least 6 hours before i can play :(

Congrats to FD on hitting the PB release target .

At the rate of 0.23 mb/s downloading speed, I will probably be playing at the same time as you ;)
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My point is the game is no fit state to be declared a Beta.

Sorry to be blunt but, what a load of tosh! I find the game very stable and come across very few bugs. I see no need to be negative here when loads of new beta folk are excited to get into the game.
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