Ranking the areas still requiring animals

I'd argue and say North America is probably the best represented region. We have practically all the big names and many oddballs/fillers to use. What makes it cruel is that we're still missing 1 key animal: the black bear. With that, then I believe it'd be complete
Is missing the turkey as well imo. After it yeah pretty much complete with the essentials.

I mean, you need to be very biased toward africa and NA to say that they are less representad than europe, when the only thing that the latter need is a bird, and the other need ultra niche stuff.
I think África is still missing some important things like a baboon, grey crowned crane, Nile crocodile, guineafowl and a proper monkey. Other than yeah the rest would just be nice additions (serval, dik dik, ratel, civet, more antelopes)
I've lost hope at this point tbh. At best i expect coati and monkey.
Meanwhile the next pack while having no monkey or bird:
A blasphemous proclamation. You must repent.
I eat blasphemy for breakfast. Preferably with maple syrup
Don't have it iconic bear
Have multiple biomes and one of them is focused over the other ones.
Received one animal this year.

Yeah, this definetelly the PZ America, wich one? Who knows.
No, I was only kidding, I wasn't being serious😅
Sorry man
I think África is still missing some important things like a baboon, grey crowned crane, Nile crocodile, guineafowl and a proper monkey. Other than yeah the rest would just be nice additions (serval, dik dik, ratel, civet, more antelopes)
This kind of show how complete africa is, like it only need:
Two monkeys (asia and america need two or more)
Two birds (every single continent needs multiple, lol)
And a croc, who is on a grey zone, cuz the community don't want another one and frontier only add one reptile per year.
And the fact that those are the only animals remaining for a 100% complete africa, while all the other continent can dream with the idea, is something to take on account.
Is missing the turkey as well imo. After it yeah pretty much complete with the essentials.
Still a bummer because I doubt we'd get it, but the focus should really be SA anyways, because it's the 1st thing you'd notice on the map: all orange, no green
I've lost hope at this point tbh. At best i expect coati and monkey.
Now imagine a future like this:
Americas Animal Pack:
  • Ocelot
  • American Black Bear
  • Musk Ox
  • Roseate Spoonbill
  • Monkey
  • Patagonian Mara
  • Rhea
  • Exhibit or Pieces

Farewell Animal Pack:
  • Baboon
  • Secretary Bird
  • Tree Kangaroo
  • Coati
  • Black Buck
  • Mandarine Duck
  • African Crocodile
  • Cobra/Chameleon Exhibit and or Pieces

- whatever, id put a wallaby here but literally whatever

This isnt a superunrealistic timeline with maybe the farewell pack being a slight bit copium and hopium regarding getting all of the first 4 but i could totally see that americas pack and ngl with getting a coati later this was surprisingly easy.
Imo somethling like this would make a great ending for planet zoo and South america while fitting into the current pattern and in 2 packs, one atleast partially focused on south america and a farewell pack that would also most likly have atleast one south american animal i really wouldnt loose hope
Now imagine a future like this:
Americas Animal Pack:
  • Ocelot
  • American Black Bear
  • Musk Ox
  • Roseate Spoonbill
  • Monkey
  • Patagonian Mara
  • Rhea
  • Exhibit or Pieces

Farewell Animal Pack:
  • Baboon
  • Secretary Bird
  • Tree Kangaroo
  • Coati
  • Black Buck
  • Mandarine Duck
  • African Crocodile
  • Cobra/Chameleon Exhibit and or Pieces

- whatever, id put a wallaby here but literally whatever

This isnt a superunrealistic timeline with maybe the farewell pack being a slight bit copium and hopium regarding getting all of the first 4 but i could totally see that americas pack and ngl with getting a coati later this was surprisingly easy.
Imo somethling like this would make a great ending for planet zoo and South america while fitting into the current pattern and in 2 packs, one atleast partially focused on south america and a farewell pack that would also most likly have atleast one south american animal i really wouldnt loose hope
I could get behind this. Preferably more SA, but even then 5 animals will boost the area so much it's insane
Now imagine a future like this:
Americas Animal Pack:
  • Ocelot
  • American Black Bear
  • Musk Ox
  • Roseate Spoonbill
  • Monkey
  • Patagonian Mara
  • Rhea
  • Exhibit or Pieces

Farewell Animal Pack:
  • Baboon
  • Secretary Bird
  • Tree Kangaroo
  • Coati
  • Black Buck
  • Mandarine Duck
  • African Crocodile
  • Cobra/Chameleon Exhibit and or Pieces

- whatever, id put a wallaby here but literally whatever

This isnt a superunrealistic timeline with maybe the farewell pack being a slight bit copium and hopium regarding getting all of the first 4 but i could totally see that americas pack and ngl with getting a coati later this was surprisingly easy.
Imo somethling like this would make a great ending for planet zoo and South america while fitting into the current pattern and in 2 packs, one atleast partially focused on south america and a farewell pack that would also most likly have atleast one south american animal i really wouldnt loose hope
That would actually be a dream. Only thing missing is a pelican.
What are the chances they go to India for a bit before thr last DLC?
I beg, I beg, I beg.

IMO things are starting to look grim for India. One hope is to get the blackbuck in either a Shrublands or Farewell pack, since it is a popular zoo staple and ZT returnee. The other one I'm optimistic for is honey badger, but it doesn't do much for the region's gaps.

Some monkey species is so necessary for India, but we're now in line behind at least one New World monkey and a baboon. Lion-tailed macaque is my #1 want so I'll continue to hope. If there is a Treetops pack, I'm assuming NW monkeys would get preference. Another Endangered Species-type of pack might be its best bet. For the Hanuman langur, it could be a Farewell pack or something about urban areas? If they do Woodlands, I'm hoping the langur makes it in, as it really thrives in woodland habitats (tropical monsoon/dry deciduous forests).

I'm increasingly leaning towards the northern red muntjac (Indian muntjac) as a great ungulate for the game in terms of regional representation. It's a good shout for India, China and Southeast Asia, and with three biomes too. Muntjacs seem popular enough for this to make it into the game, just has to edge out the Reeves's muntjac.

Fishing cat, star tortoise, bar-headed goose and Asian palm civet are other Indian species I'm moderately optimistic could make it into the game (and all would leave me overjoyed). Excluding Himalayan animals here since we have that as a separate region, but all in all, there's a great case to make for an India Animal Pack, options for which include all the above plus Pallas's cat, markhor, yellow-throated marten, tragopans/monals, pelicans, giant softshell turtles, yak, gaur, rusty spotted cat, adjutant storks...
I beg, I beg, I beg.

IMO things are starting to look grim for India. One hope is to get the blackbuck in either a Shrublands or Farewell pack, since it is a popular zoo staple and ZT returnee. The other one I'm optimistic for is honey badger, but it doesn't do much for the region's gaps.

Some monkey species is so necessary for India, but we're now in line behind at least one New World monkey and a baboon. Lion-tailed macaque is my #1 want so I'll continue to hope. If there is a Treetops pack, I'm assuming NW monkeys would get preference. Another Endangered Species-type of pack might be its best bet. For the Hanuman langur, it could be a Farewell pack or something about urban areas? If they do Woodlands, I'm hoping the langur makes it in, as it really thrives in woodland habitats (tropical monsoon/dry deciduous forests).

I'm increasingly leaning towards the northern red muntjac (Indian muntjac) as a great ungulate for the game in terms of regional representation. It's a good shout for India, China and Southeast Asia, and with three biomes too. Muntjacs seem popular enough for this to make it into the game, just has to edge out the Reeves's muntjac.

Fishing cat, star tortoise, bar-headed goose and Asian palm civet are other Indian species I'm moderately optimistic could make it into the game (and all would leave me overjoyed). Excluding Himalayan animals here since we have that as a separate region, but all in all, there's a great case to make for an India Animal Pack, options for which include all the above plus Pallas's cat, markhor, yellow-throated marten, tragopans/monals, pelicans, giant softshell turtles, yak, gaur, rusty spotted cat, adjutant storks...
Also, the Honey Badger
Also, the Honey Badger

I mentioned it in the first graph! Just not in bold. It's the one besides blackbuck I think is likely, just didn't bold it as it doesn't really fill a missing niche for Indian areas. But it definitely enriches them a lot. Honey badgers are found basically all over India. And go well in sections with all our in-game Indian animals from the region.
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