Abandoned [RELEASE] Trade Computer Extension

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I have tried to reinstall everything, no joy. When using TCE on the computer with Elite - all is fine, and this comp has the exact same Office version as my other networked comp. I notice that the FPS in Elite drops from 60 to around 30 when going borderless (cant use fullscreen with TCE). I cannot accept a 50% drop in FPS. Anyone else with 5760x1080 that get a 50% drop in framerate when going window/borderless (gfx at max, inside hangar)?

When I play with the "disable screen capture" option in TCE on my 'Elite computer', I dont notice any difference. The 'start OCR' works fine including auto screenshot no matter if the checkbox is checked or not...

So....can anybody confirm that they are able to use TCE on another computer than Elite is running on? (I have one comp for Elite, and are trying to setup TCE on another computer)

I think you fixed your issues, but fyi, I run in 5760x1080 via nvidia surround with a 780ti. I get no fps change when TCE is running, nor when it's on screen and in use.
OK A little glitch with the pilots log

Alright I was trying to add my trading activities in the log and everything froze I did manage to capture this though

Seems to be just in that activities tab its the only place it will freeze up does it consistently.

Here is another screenshot the highlighted entry is what freezes it any where else I am OK I can't even delete it 1 click and BOOM :eek:

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Alright I was trying to add my trading activities in the log and everything froze I did manage to capture this though

What good/s you selected, can you remember?

And please tell me, what shows the Logbook.mdb > Activities Table > GoodID Column (last entry)?

If the error persist, please delete the hole entry and make a new through TCE. Please tell me, if you can recreate the error.

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What good/s you selected, can you remember?

And please tell me, what shows the Logbook.mdb > Activities Table > GoodID Column (last entry)?

If the error persist, please delete the hole entry and make a new through TCE. Please tell me, if you can recreate the error.


Very recreactable as I wrote above I can't even touch the entry probably have to delete manually if you can help me find it that is

Here is a screenshot of the activities table

Lets see what else can I tell you I was selling Rares about 5 types I selected them from the check box's, then typed in the profit margin and saved and it froze that's about it.

Rares were
Leather Egg
Azura Milk
Diso Corn
Lavior Brandy
Leestian Evil Juice

sorry if I misspelled any of those and I cannot delete the entry through TCE as that freezes it though I could delete all activities in the logbook.mdb if you say so
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OK I did delete the two lines from the activities table in the logbook.mbd after making a backup of course, went back into the game and TCE and tried adding the activity again and it froze up again. am I suppose to be doing it just 1 item at a time or all items sold with a gross total profit as I am doing now.

NOPE got all 5 in individually and KABOOM :(

These are the goods right out of the mdb


I deleted the entries 3 times and on my last attempt just tried putting in one same result
got to be in that line..

Me.AC_LB.List(b-1, 1)=Ar_DBGoods(Val(itx10), 2)

I hope that helps Eventure.
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Hey Eventure I know getting to be pain in the questions though
Here is a pic of my current DB
https://www.dropbox.com/s/v7ohnzsrorabrr0/Screenshot 2015-05-19 19.37.33.png?dl=0

Thing is I registered 63 stations since I started using TCE but maybe it was my updating or what but in Current Location list I see all 63 stations just as the database displays them but in my Destination List I only see about the last 15 or so basically what I did after the update is there a way to copy one to the other to get them to sync up with the data?
Hey Eventure I know getting to be pain in the questions though
Here is a pic of my current DB
https://www.dropbox.com/s/v7ohnzsrorabrr0/Screenshot 2015-05-19 19.37.33.png?dl=0

Thing is I registered 63 stations since I started using TCE but maybe it was my updating or what but in Current Location list I see all 63 stations just as the database displays them but in my Destination List I only see about the last 15 or so basically what I did after the update is there a way to copy one to the other to get them to sync up with the data?

The Destination panel only displays stations that are within the limits SET in Jump Range and Trade Range (bottom right)
Connection failed

In cartography, Deleting a system note completely and clicking save gives me :

Connection failed.jpg

TCE keeps working but the same error pops back up randomly until it is restarted.

I kept getting this error with V1.40 beta 1 non installer updated to beta 5.
After failing to add a new station 3 times I decided to try something else lol

So, because of Eventure's reply to NRCrosby in post #2436
I renamed my TCE folder (Making it a backup)
Installed TCE_V1.40beta1_installer with TCE_V1.40beta5_update
Copied over my TCE.ini, my DB and EliteOcr folder
Ran setup (without changing anything) and saved.

Started TCE and added the station first try without error !

But trying to delete the station note in the same system brought the error back :(

Replacing the entry with a space is enough to save without error.
TCE just doesn't like saving a completely empty note.
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Very recreactable as I wrote above I can't even touch the entry probably have to delete manually if you can help me find it that is

Here is a screenshot of the activities table

Lets see what else can I tell you I was selling Rares about 5 types I selected them from the check box's, then typed in the profit margin and saved and it froze that's about it.

Rares were
Leather Egg
Azura Milk
Diso Corn
Lavior Brandy
Leestian Evil Juice

sorry if I misspelled any of those and I cannot delete the entry through TCE as that freezes it though I could delete all activities in the logbook.mdb if you say so

Found the problem, it has to do with rare commodities. Releasing an update today, that will fix the issue.
Hi guys me again (been a while), great updates u've made Eventure, got it all working but TCE now drops my FPS to 24-30 even after leaving a station it won't go back up. I have gone back through last 10 pages and can't see if there's something I need to do to get my FPS back to normal. Tried disabling V-Sync but no change, turned a few things down, no change. Turn TCE off and FPS goes back up to 60+ inside stations (get more outside).
Can anyone help?

Oh forgot to mention, never had this problem with previous versions.
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Hi guys me again (been a while), great updates u've made Eventure, got it all working but TCE now drops my FPS to 24-30 even after leaving a station it won't go back up. I have gone back through last 10 pages and can't see if there's something I need to do to get my FPS back to normal. Tried disabling V-Sync but no change, turned a few things down, no change. Turn TCE off and FPS goes back up to 60+ inside stations (get more outside).
Can anyone help?

Oh forgot to mention, never had this problem with previous versions.

Have you tried going back now to that previous version temporarily for a test ?
Which version is the last one that did not cause the problem ?
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Hi guys me again (been a while), great updates u've made Eventure, got it all working but TCE now drops my FPS to 24-30 even after leaving a station it won't go back up. I have gone back through last 10 pages and can't see if there's something I need to do to get my FPS back to normal. Tried disabling V-Sync but no change, turned a few things down, no change. Turn TCE off and FPS goes back up to 60+ inside stations (get more outside).
Can anyone help?

Oh forgot to mention, never had this problem with previous versions.

Checked it too, with or without running TCE my frame rate is constant on 47 FPS in stations (with 4 GHz, 16 GB RAM, 670 GTX). Did you run TCE with hide hotkey selected and did you test hiding TCE?
Replacing the entry with a space is enough to save without error.
TCE just doesn't like saving a completely empty note.

Cant say, why it is, but i recall, we had this issue before. Here, all is working with deleting the full notes and saving to remove the icon.
For the next update, i changed a small thing to the cartography (not writing only the note to database, now the whole entry of the star). Added also a more detailed error report.

@ You have this error with both space station and star system notes?
Anyone else having issues in clearing notes and saving for stations, outfitting or stars?
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Cant say, why it is, but i recall, we had this issue before. Here, all is working with deleting the full notes and saving to remove the icon.
For the next update, i changed a small thing to the cartography (not writing only the note to database, now the whole entry of the star). Added also a more detailed error report.

@ You have this error with both space station and star system notes?
Anyone else having issues in clearing notes and saving for stations, outfitting or stars?

Only with Star System, as a confirmation test,
I have just deleted 3 station note without error followed by one System note with error.

After some hunting at a Nav Beacon, I tried to search for Food Cartridges in the Trade Panel and got error 9
Probably because being at a Nav point and having no current position.
Nav Beacon Search.jpg

The search give the results properly, the error pops up when I click one to the result to see the stations details.
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Cant say, why it is, but i recall, we had this issue before. Here, all is working with deleting the full notes and saving to remove the icon.
For the next update, i changed a small thing to the cartography (not writing only the note to database, now the whole entry of the star). Added also a more detailed error report.

@ You have this error with both space station and star system notes?
Anyone else having issues in clearing notes and saving for stations, outfitting or stars?

star systems working as intended, but on clearing outfitting notes i got the following:

View attachment 37588

z = a
End If
End If
Next a
Me.LB_Shipyard.ListIndex = z
Me.BTN_Shipyard.Visible = True
End If
End If
End If
Me.CB_Rare.ListIndex = StationData(19) - 1001
Me.StationNote.Text = StationData(20)
Me.OutFitNote.Text = StationData(21)
If Len(Me.StationNote.Text) > 254 Then
Me.StationNote.Text = Mid(Me.StationNote.Text, 1, 254)
End If
Me.TB_Sector.TabStop = True
End If
Update (V1.40 Beta 6) released:

- Fixed Activities panel having problems with Rares.
- Fixed Position panel, not updating changes from modified stations.
- Small changes to Cartography, to prevent an error when saving empty notes and better error reporting, if the issue is back.
- Fixed Trade panel, allows editing of servicebox, when no position was recognized.
- Fixed Star System Database panel, when selecting a station to modify with no rares produces an error.
Thank you for the new version! Quick question: is there a way to load the old station data without breaking it? If I simply copy the old db, I get weird dates of when the station was last checked, like the year 3000, and so I don't get automatic suggestions for trades.
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Thank you for the new version! Quick question: is there a way to load the old station data without breaking it? If I simply copy the old db, I get weird dates of when the station was last checked, like the year 3000, and so I don't get automatic suggestions for trades.

Thats okay, it is the gametime of ED. Today, we have the 5-20-3301 in game. Also we have UTC times.

What suggestions? You mean Auto Destination? It has nothing to do with any dates displayed.
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