Abandoned [RELEASE] Trade Computer Extension

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Thank you for the manual, useful tips and fast response. Reinstalling TCE and importing old database with TCE DB Manager solved my problem.

The issue was related to both cases. commodities in new stations and in stations I have already visited and added them to the database were showing wrong Stock (supply) values.
I am always doing clean scan using Elite OCR and never experienced issues with that.
I was using the starter database with empty entries.

According to your tip I have renamed the current TCE folder to TCE_old and did a fresh install (Setup) and update and then used TDM (TCE Database Manager) to import old entries.
While importing entries the program showed alert that the number of price data is off-size. I decided to skip stations with corrupt data. Ultimately this solved the problem I was experiencing.

Thanks a lot for help!
Eventure... Thank you this thing is awesome!

Have you ever thought of adding support for the black markets.
I love how this tool is localized and I would appreciate the ability to have my black market log in TCE. Maybe even a suggest smuggler run like it does for regular trades.
Hi Eventure

Many thanks for your really excellent and comprehensive TCE Manual. Reading it showed me there were many features I was either not aware of or simply had not used in TCE.

It reminded me of 1 question (only 1!) I had many station visits ago that I did not know how to solve concerning a Rare Commodity. What happens when a station has more than 1 rare commodity? How do you enter them both since the Station Database drop down only allows 1? An example, the only one I have encountered, is Leesti, George Lucas, which has Leestian Evil Juice and Azure Milk rare commodities.

Maybe allowing us to modify the Rare Commodity list would solve this problem.

Thanks again for the excellent manual.

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Hi Eventure,

As a reminder for peeps (including me).

To use the non-installation version of TCE;
  1. Rename old 'TCE' dir to something like 'TCE Old'
  2. Unzip new 'TCE' installation
  3. Copy the 3 .bat files from the old installation into the new one or make new ones;
    • Open a command prompt as Administrator
    • Navigate to where the TCE directory is located (the directory the TCE directory is in, not the TCE directory itself)
    • Type 'tce\prestart.bat'
    • Ignore the errors as this .bat file isn't really meant for this but does the job.
  4. Items that only need doing for first ever installation;
    • Make desktop shortcuts for the 3 new bat files;
      • TCE_setup.bat -> 'Trade Computer Extension Setup' Note: Need to select 'Run as administrator' for this one in the shortcut options
      • TCE.bat -> 'Trade Computer Extension'
      • TDM.bat -> 'Transfer Database Manager'
    • Not sure how to manually register the Fonts and Certificates - if anyone does then it needs to be inserted here.
  5. Run the TDM to transfer old info to the new db (also transfers EliteOCR and a few other bits for you)
  6. Run the new TCE
  7. Profit.
Any chance of that getting inserted into the 1st post on this thread as I keep having to dig out my old post to remind myself what exactly I'm supposed to do - and yes my memory really is that bad.

Also still getting this;
EDIT: Got another bug for you too.

Just went to change the allegiance of a station ('Edit Trade Station Database') and it's erroring out.

View attachment 64954

View attachment 64955

EDIT the 2nd:
Placing two stored ships into TCE in the same station seems to confuse the notes. I can only seem to edit the one note for a given station whichever entry I select (when looking at the 'Stored Ships' listing).
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Hi Eventure

I found a small anomaly. I added to to your default Note when saving a Stored Ship - see pic 1. When I look into Stored Locations the Note remains your original default without my changes - see pic 2. I closed and restarted TCE but the Note under Stored Locations has not changed to reflect my change which is still present in the Travel Logbook.


Eventure... Thank you this thing is awesome!

Have you ever thought of adding support for the black markets.
I love how this tool is localized and I would appreciate the ability to have my black market log in TCE. Maybe even a suggest smuggler run like it does for regular trades.

TCE and EliteOCR is not designed to log the black market. I suggest you make a note at the station note box for your needs.

Hi Eventure

Many thanks for your really excellent and comprehensive TCE Manual. Reading it showed me there were many features I was either not aware of or simply had not used in TCE.

It reminded me of 1 question (only 1!) I had many station visits ago that I did not know how to solve concerning a Rare Commodity. What happens when a station has more than 1 rare commodity? How do you enter them both since the Station Database drop down only allows 1? An example, the only one I have encountered, is Leesti, George Lucas, which has Leestian Evil Juice and Azure Milk rare commodities.

Maybe allowing us to modify the Rare Commodity list would solve this problem.

Thanks again for the excellent manual.


Yeah, heared of it, but thats not common. I will add another entry into the Rare Commodity list with your noted rare combination. I will add the ability to add/mod rare commodities with the interface to a later point. Noted on my "to do list".

I found a small anomaly. I added to to your default Note when saving a Stored Ship - see pic 1. When I look into Stored Locations the Note remains your original default without my changes - see pic 2. I closed and restarted TCE but the Note under Stored Locations has not changed to reflect my change which is still present in the Travel Logbook.

The notes at the Travel Logbook are, in case it is a station, the station notes. If you add a note, it will display as a station note. But to enter the ship/s, you parked, you have to do it at the Stored Location area.
Select the entry, then select the SHIPS tab to add the ship/s, you parked, to the entry. The note box of the station and the note box for stored locations are not equal. Each has it's own note section.

But checking the routine again, I found a bug at the add parked ship location. It is not allowed to add a station, marked as a parked ship station, twice. That is possible now, but will be fixed in the upcomming release.

So, to be clear, you can mark a station as a station with parked ships, but to add the ship, you parked, go into the stored location entry and add them with the SHIPS tab. There you can also leave a note. The automatic notes, that is displaying at the Travel Logbook, is a station note, that informs you, that the station has parked ships on it. If you want to display the parked ships at the station notes, you have to add them manually.

Hi Eventure,

As a reminder for peeps (including me).

To use the non-installation version of TCE;
  1. Rename old 'TCE' dir to something like 'TCE Old'
  2. Unzip new 'TCE' installation
  3. Copy the 3 .bat files from the old installation into the new one or make new ones;
    • Open a command prompt as Administrator
    • Navigate to where the TCE directory is located (the directory the TCE directory is in, not the TCE directory itself)
    • Type 'tce\prestart.bat'
    • Ignore the errors as this .bat file isn't really meant for this but does the job.
  4. Items that only need doing for first ever installation;
    • Make desktop shortcuts for the 3 new bat files;
      • TCE_setup.bat -> 'Trade Computer Extension Setup' Note: Need to select 'Run as administrator' for this one in the shortcut options
      • TCE.bat -> 'Trade Computer Extension'
      • TDM.bat -> 'Transfer Database Manager'
    • Not sure how to manually register the Fonts and Certificates - if anyone does then it needs to be inserted here.
  5. Run the TDM to transfer old info to the new db (also transfers EliteOCR and a few other bits for you)
  6. Run the new TCE
  7. Profit.
Any chance of that getting inserted into the 1st post on this thread as I keep having to dig out my old post to remind myself what exactly I'm supposed to do - and yes my memory really is that bad.

Also still getting this;

EDIT the 2nd:
Placing two stored ships into TCE in the same station seems to confuse the notes. I can only seem to edit the one note for a given station whichever entry I select (when looking at the 'Stored Ships' listing).

Why not using the installer?
The non-installer file are the source files of TCE, nothing more. To make them run, you have to do many things, as you stated. You can make it so, as you like, but I always recommended to use the installer.
To reduced the confusion to new users, I will change the file name for the TCE_non-installer to TCE_source files. They are not designed to be used for an installation. Only to get each file soley.

You posted error was fixed with the lastest release (beta 3). Please make an update of your version.

Yes, there is a bug in placing two or more stored ships at the same station (because two or more entries for the same station are created). It will be fixed with the upcomming release. Please check my reply to Rob above, how to add parked ships to the Stored Location area.
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Yeah, heared of it, but thats not common. I will add another entry into the Rare Commodity list with your noted rare combination. I will add the ability to add/mod rare commodities with the interface to a later point. Noted on my "to do list".

So, to be clear, you can mark a station as a station with parked ships, but to add the ship, you parked, go into the stored location entry and add them with the SHIPS tab. There you can also leave a note. The automatic notes, that is displaying at the Travel Logbook, is a station note, that informs you, that the station has parked ships on it. If you want to display the parked ships at the station notes, you have to add them manually.

Thanks for the clarification Eventure.

You posted error was fixed with the lastest release (beta 3). Please make an update of your version.

Ahh.... seems I forgot to replace the TCE spread sheet when I upgraded. I was running Beta 1 when I thought I was running Beta 3. Sorry. (Unzipped it with the check mark by 'Extract to "archive name" folder...' *face-palm*)

Yes, there is a bug in placing two or more stored ships at the same station (because two or more entries for the same station are created). It will be fixed with the upcomming release. Please check my reply to Rob above, how to add parked ships to the Stored Location area.

Hmm. Also currently (something to look at when you look the code over for the other bug) when you delete 1 stored ship entry at a station with 2, it deletes 1 on the station notes associated, you then need to restart TCE to get the other one... or at least I did with beta 1 last night, I shall update to beta 3 and see what happens with that.
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Full Version (1.52) released:

Changelog (incl. BETA's):
- Added a CREDIT BALANCE OVERVIEW into the Logbook panel > Personal Stats. All entered incomes and spendings are saved to the personal.mdb database.
- Added an icon to the economy header to switch between economy and allegiance view at the Position and Destination panel.
- Added a rare commodity combination to the Rare Commodity list.
- Added the TCE Manual file into the installation folder.
- Changed the name of 2nd tab within the Activities area to DETAILS.
- Changed SCAN PRICES button at the Commodity panel to be only visible, if EliteOCR is found by TCE.
- Changed non-installer file name to source files.
- Fixed an issue at the Logbook panel, not displaying some statistics.
- Fixed an issue at TDM not transfering the correct values of the TCE.ini file.
- Fixed an issue at the Trade Wares Database panel, showing SAVE without changing anything.
- Fixed an error at the Trade Scout Route Planner panel, if a filter setting got no results.
- Fixes a display issue at the Position panel, showing only numbers instead of a date, when using the scrollbar.
- Fixed some wrong translations for the new Credit Balance Overview.
- Fixed an error at the Compact UI, when opening the Station Database panel.
- Fixed an issue at the Compact UI, not highlighting the wares database buttons on mouse over.
- Fixed an issue at the Compact UI, not showing the lock icon if needed.
- Fixed an issue at the Classic UI, showing the Options panel button, when it should hide.
- Fixed an issue at the Classic UI with the Trade Scout button highlighting.
- Fixed an issue at the Trade Scout Route Planner panel, showing a negative distance for the first entry of the register.
- Fixed an issue at the Travel Logbook area, with storing multiple parked ship at one station.
- Updated TDM (V1.09).

Please use the Transfer Database Manager (TDM) to make your database compatible with the actual version of TCE.

Help request:
This will be my last request of help to translate TCE into russian. I will remove the support of it, if no one can help with the next release.
The translation of TCE into russian language is incomplete at the moment, i need your help in finishing the gap here, because i can't speak/write russian.
If you like to help, please fill up the missing translations at the Language.mdb file, mainly the Interface table text. I have done the translation as far as i can, but please check the translations present at the file, if they are correct.
Please send me your translations and i will include them asap to the next versions.
Thank you in advance for your help.
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Hmm. Also currently (somthing to look at when you look the code over for the other bug) when you delete 1 stored ship entry at a station with 2, it deletes 1 on the station notes associated, you then need to restart TCE to get the other one... or at least I did with beta 1 last night, I shall update to beta 3 and see what happens with that.

Please delete all stations from Parked Ships category of the Stored Location area, which displaying more than one time. Add the ships, you have parked there with the SHIPS tab of the station entry.
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Hi Eventure,

I have updated to 1.52 Beta 3 and now my location is not updating automatically, I have to change it manually.

Obviously something at my end.8-((


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** Update **

Yes it is as was set to verboselogging="1"


Hi Eventure,

Thanks, will do.

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** Update **

Yes it is as was set to verboselogging="1"


Then check, if the netlog path is set correctly and if the newest created netlog file has a row in it starting with SYSTEM: behing the time note. Perhaps make a new TCE.ini file to be sure, your path is set to the netlog file.

Hi Eventure

Just found a Rare Commodity not in your list. "Non Euclidian Exotanks" in LTT 8517, Euclid Terminal.

I found this Rare Commodity list on the forum. Maybe you may like to check it against your list in TCE: https://forums.frontier.co.uk/showthread.php?t=63119

Cant't found any entry of your newly found rare there. Added it into the database for the next release. TCE have now 121 rare commodities listed, more than every other source, i found.
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This is not possible, because of missing VBA in OO.

Thanks for the quick response ..

I believe there is *some* VBA functionality; https://wiki.openoffice.org/wiki/VBA_interoperability_in_OpenOffice

Though OpenOffice can't export (VBA back to MS Excel file) it might be able to import/ export from .ods (open office spreadsheet) files maybe? I recognise that's a bit of a bottom up redesign, but theoretically speaking?

Is the personal logbook restricted to only being addon to TCE, or could it be developed as ships log, only? (edit -- my most favourite thing is, not so much the trade computer, but definitely your UI, it's great stuff) :D
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