Remove Cone Permit Lock and Replace it with Lore

So now it is confirmed. The Cone Sector is under the protection of the thargoid.
As we all know the permit locks are a Pilots Federation system, to mess with out board computers.

So either Pilots Federation is working together with the Thargoids or FD needs to rethink how to enforce their lockdown of the Cone Sector.

The easiest idea would be to remove the permit lock, but have every ship trying to make a jump into the sector become hyperdicted everytime by hydras, with a KOS behaviour. For the dear explorer add a voiced ship warning, about the danger of the jump, so they can reroute accordingly.
They don't have to be working with the goids. They could have locked those systems for our own protection.

I think we should be able to override permit locks. When entering a locked system like Sol or something, we would just anger the space cops. Entering the cone sector would just mean we're angering the Thargoids.
I like this idea, but maybe make the hyperdiction drop you say, 200kls from the target star with hordes of goids (or system security forces) hot on your tail.
This would make explorer builds useless and combat ships wouldn't have the jump range to be worth the effort. All FD would lose would be the occasional ADS honk revealing the system bodies which would only be a tantalising glimpse with little detail.
FD could even use the mechanic to hint at forth coming BG story content
Nahhh seeing how instance spawning is bugged sometimes(i had a few occasions with no thargoids spawning at gnosis on login), risking players avoiding the death wall would be aside from the point. Also that not how hyperdiction works, they pull you out in your starting systems instance.

Also even if they are locked, lore wise it makes no sense, that a skilled programmer could tear apart the permit lock from his fligth computer, which in normal space would trigger a security response, but for non human space, permit locks should not be enforceable by the pilots federation or at least only get penalized once your CORVAS comes back online and reports on the system breach(but if forfitting rebuy and stuff, just to take a peek into hidden space, welp sign me up). So just for the sake of realism, dropping the permit and let a hyperdiction wall keep you out, would make much more sense.
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