Ridiculous trading outlier - megaprofits for polymers.

Well, "polymers" might not be cheap plastics. Kevlar or similar would also qualify.

Yeah, no idea what Adept is going on about.. Polymers is not just cheap plastics. Putting aside real world uses, this is the in-game desciption

Polymers are materials made of long chains of molecules. They are synthesised from mineral oil in refineries, and then used by industry to manufacture a very wide range of goods.
I don't mean this to sound snarky (honestly :)) but you're the one who's missing the point.

The point being, alas, that because everybody's off mining to earn credits nobody (including the Dev's, apparently) really cares that something less profitable is messed-up.

To address your point, you're absolutely right.
Things that are hard to find, and likely to be troublesome to deliver, should definitely be more valuable than more common items.

I suppose they'll get around to fixing it eventually. 😕
Trading needs to be reworked anyway to be more skill based, less grindy and more interesting.

I'm glad they implemented my mining suggestion. I suppose I should try giving them my mining rework as well.

(I tried to get hired by Frontier as a designer for a long time, but the company is too much of a walled garden. Only progress I ever made was when in frustration I gave them the mining rework as a freebie via the community liaisons. Even then, never heard back from them but at least they implemented it).
Right, to those who say those kinds of profit margins are ridiculous, I suggest researching how much, for instance, Nike pays for a pair of sneakers with a retail price tag of $150 or so. :p Or Apple for iPhones.
This is carrying raw plastics, not finished products, and it's sold for more than platinum / ton. Don't even bother trying to justify it.
Yeah, no idea what Adept is going on about.. Polymers is not just cheap plastics. Putting aside real world uses, this is the in-game desciption

Polymers are materials made of long chains of molecules. They are synthesised from mineral oil in refineries, and then used by industry to manufacture a very wide range of goods.
Also known as plastic. Did you guys not have chemistry at school?

Also something bought for 50 credits / ton is by definition cheap. Are you guys arguing just to stay warm?
This is carrying raw plastics, not finished products, and it's sold for more than platinum / ton. Don't even bother trying to justify it.

The demand spiked to crazy levels on water worlds where unlike earth there wasn't any in the pristine oceans. Consequently new settlements are ordering it by in the megatons to correct the deficiency. Once it begins to float on the surface and permeate the food chain the demand will crash.
I wouldn't think there's much benefit in bulk passenger carrying unless you happen to luck upon a bunch of missions all going to the same station and/or system. The real money is in VIPs.


Generally correct. I do get some nice bulk transport missions, but to be really worth it over VIP you probably need an Anaconda. With a T-6 the Sightseeing missions should be quite lucrative. At least better than bulk cargo trading. 100T @ 10k is only aprox 1Mil per run. With a couple Class 5 Passenger cabins you can easily find payouts of several million if your allied.
A decent station to station trade run in the Anaconda point to point yields about 2m profit. Takes a long time to really get anywhere.

Seems like a bonanza scenario, which is fine in itself if profits balance back out over time as the market need is met. Of course if the need is not met, high profits should continue until need is finally met or the market collapse.

Question then is: Do the profits diminish over time? Will unmet demands starve a market? Are player actions the only actions influencing the market? That really should not be the case, as we are not that many CMDRs active in trading compared to the full market size in the game. Hopefully the BGS has a built-in way for the market to balance itself out over time, either by a faction state change reshuffling needs or by an algorithm representing NPC trading fulfilling the need at a background rate.

I don't know much about the BGS itself, as my interests are exploration and pew-pew mainly.

:D S
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