Rift Judder and FPS discussion thread.

Heavy judder in RES sites - yes or no

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I am also talking about real judder and not the loading hickup. Also on a R9 290. It might be an AMD issue since people with only loading hickups all report using a 970 or 980 gtx.

Maybe it is an amd driver issue. The card is powerful enough (R9 290 at 1150mhz) and has no issues with 75 FPS everywhere else. An also as describet that judder happenes with everything at low and oculus detail at zero wich basically only leaves pixel vomit on screen. I am running catalyst 14.9. Newest ones kill my eyefinity wich is why i don't use them. Any other driver versions reccomended?

guy on 1st page me tions Judder with Titans so not AMD only.
I use dual 980 and I have more judder than with a single 980, I upped the DSR a little bit and that seems to cause it (larger textures to load or don't know).
However, it's only in some moments. Mainly during supercruise when closing in somewhere.
Judder is a game engine problem at this point, I did not check but I bet you can also notice a lag-spike in non-VR gameplay. You just don't care much.
Yep, there are plenty of threads by non VR users about sudden lag. when approaching planets or stations during SC or going in to / coming out of a system jump.


Depending on where I am in the world, I play on one of three rigs... One is a laptop running a 780m, one has a 780 ti in it and the other has dual 980s in SLI. I don't get judder anymore on ANY of these setups and the experience is perfect on all three.

Admittedly the lengths I have had to go to testing wise aren't for everybody, but it shows it can be done. An example would be this xmas... I spent the first week of my holiday on the laptop and the second my 780 ti. When I first switched I was tempted to carry on playing on the laptop because I hadn't used the 780 ti rig since the summer and even with all of the new drivers and updates installed, my laptop was running the game way smoother because I'd taken the time to tweak it!
After a good few hours messing with settings and observing temps and frame rates my 780 ti is now outperforming the 780m (as you would expect) with no judder and DSR x 1.5.

My advice is to start with some basics and work from there...
I'm not saying these will or won't make a difference for you but if you enjoy the testing aspect of the dev kit then you might be surprised by the results...

1. Change the monitor port.
2. Disable the monitor when rift is running
3. Change IPD both in oculus app and in the ED config file.
4. Change camera distance and ensure it is in line with your head, not above and angled down.
5. Connect / disconnect the camera power adaptor
6. Change the input method for the rift (DVI / HDMI)
7. Disable Aero
8. Restart rift drivers before launching game.
9. For laptops you may need to uninstall the display drivers (this prevents direct mode from working but stops crashes)
10. Setup camera 5 ft away from you.
11. In NVIDIA control panel, play around with different 3d settings for ED... A good place to start is aiming for max performance rather than quality.
12. Download Playclaw 5 and position the fps, cpu and gpu readouts so they can be viewed in the rift whilst playing. Try to work out where the frame rates are dropping and where the stuttering is happening. Is it cpu or gpu related? Then try tweaking the graphics settings in game to see how this affects FPS and hardware performance.

Finding that sweet spot for your particular rig takes time but is well worth the effort if that kind of thing interests you. I found enabling hyper threading and lowering the model draw distance particularly effective on my latest setup.

Hope this helps

Happy new year! ;)
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I'm running 9290, 8gb DDR3, i7 3770. Using the 14.4 CCC driver for the 9290. Don't have any judder at all.

Set the graphics preset to High. Bring down the shadow quality to medium (50%).

I get judder only in the big starports, its noticeable but not absurd, and in some of the big ports, I see the models distort, occasionally stretching for a nano second. Out in space or smaller stations, its smooth. I think it is an optimization issue. Sadly that means it is on nvidia to fix. and their last 2 updates have broken Rift support. I had to revert back to a driver from October to have everything work great!

MSI nvidia 970 GTX overclocked and very stable.
I get no stutter in SC and while I have a good rig, many here have better. 770 gtxs in SLI, rift is set as tertiary monitor, I leave both others on. I do have the game on a SSD which maybe helps if its a loading issue.
You all state the cards but not the resolution you are currently playing the game on...

I have just installed the game on a 2550k, 16gb ram, 780ti and 2560x1440p. Haven~t played yet because I am still reading the forum to discover somethings.

So, what is the resolution you are playing at...

PS: I have just formatted my PC, so I need to reconfig it even with the keyboard, lol
You all state the cards but not the resolution you are currently playing the game on...

I have just installed the game on a 2550k, 16gb ram, 780ti and 2560x1440p. Haven~t played yet because I am still reading the forum to discover somethings.

So, what is the resolution you are playing at...

PS: I have just formatted my PC, so I need to reconfig it even with the keyboard, lol

Sorry, but you are all probably talking about the rig to play using oculus rift, so it got a fixed resolution. My bad...
By the way, which resolution is it?

DK2 Jitter

Can anyone please share there in-game settings for the DK2. All of a sudden I am getting a ton of Jitter, it was working fine.

I did change the connection from HMDI to DVI and no joy on that so I went back to the HDMI. I do have a GTX 980 with Display ports, anyone think that would help, I would need to get an adapter.

Thanks for any help on this.

I was getting a lot last night - but only when docked with station services open. Flying around inside the station was fine, though. I think the servers were lagging a lot.
I haven't used mine for a couple of months but got zero judder once I realized that I couldn't use HDMI and USB extension cables for the Rift. No judder when used as designed with a Titan.
The game engine must be causing the judder, or something else in the game. there is no explanation how the docking areas can be anything but the most work for the graphics cards, what with the highly detailed models etc. yet remain judder free regardless of low to ultra settings (I have an R9 290X)

Supercruise is next to nothing for the modern graphics card to handle so the only judder must be coming from the game itself.

I played 2D on my monitor recently, by accident I forgot to turn on the DK2 before launching. When I played I actually noticed a tiny, almost inperceptable amount of judder on the screen. Most people probably dont even see it having never used a DK2 but those of us that have can probably spot it a mile off.

Incidentally, having the DK2 powered by AC adaptor makes no difference to the judder whatsoever so I don't use that anymore. I just use HDMI to power it.
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GTX 980 here as well, been working fine until it started jittering and dropping the head tracking like crazy in a nav beacon zone just now. Completely nauseating :O .
Jitter is different from judder. Jitter is the little, er, jitters like you notice the text bouncing up and down slightly. Judder is caused by low fps due to not a poweful gpu and the game itself. Judder used to be bad in ED but it's almost gone with gamma and release.

I solved my jitter problems by getting a powered USB for both the camera and headset USB slots. I did a whole lot of research on jitter cos it was giving me nausea too and the powered USB hub suggestion on Reddit and the OR forums fixed it for me.

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GTX 980 here as well, been working fine until it started jittering and dropping the head tracking like crazy in a nav beacon zone just now. Completely nauseating :O .

I had the same problem early on. Powered USB for both the camera and head unit fixed it for me.
My DK2 and Camera are both plugged into the MB so power is not an issue. I have been flying tonight and it seems to have settled down, it might have been the servers lagging as mentioned.

It is Jitter, screen text and such, flying was fine, just had hard time reading test jittering around..

Thanks for the replys and that I am not the only one with the issue.. $500+ for a video card thought would fix it... :)
I get a slight judder only when entering hyperspace, otherwise no judder at all.

My specs:

CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7 CPU 930 @ 2.80GHz (3822.05 MHz)
Memory: 24568 MB
OS Version: Microsoft Windows 7 64-bit Service Pack 1 (Build 7601)
Graphics Card Vendor: NVIDIA Corporation
Graphics Card: GeForce GTX 770/PCIe/SSE2

Using nvidia driver 344.48

The computer actually has two GTX 770's

One is connected to three 1920x1080 screens, while the rift is plugged into the other one.

Rift is set to extended mode.

I run Elite in windowed mode and use the secondary window for streaming on center monitor.

I then move the rifts view to the rift screen and then hit windows key + F6 to activated borderless gamings fullscreen mode https://github.com/Codeusa/Borderless-Gaming/releases/tag/6.5
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