Running away from PvP, ship malfunctions as soon as shields go down

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Logging out using 15 second timer is NOT COMBAT LOGGING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

edit: Pre-laughing at any negative responses...LOL

Poor reading comprehension is derailing the thread. He's suggesting that Frontier should generate an actual LOG FILE which records the blow by blow damage given/received/repaired/etc. With a LOG of what has happened during COMBAT, it would be easier to figure out the answer to the OP's question, and to other questions of a similar nature. But hey someone read the words "combat log" and now we are having the dumbest conversation of all time. Thanks for helping make that possible. Remind me to start shouting about the 15 second timer next time you're talking about anything ever.
Poor reading comprehension is derailing the thread. He's suggesting that Frontier should generate an actual LOG FILE which records the blow by blow damage given/received/repaired/etc. With a LOG of what has happened during COMBAT, it would be easier to figure out the answer to the OP's question, and to other questions of a similar nature. But hey someone read the words "combat log" and now we are having the dumbest conversation of all time. Thanks for helping make that possible. Remind me to start shouting about the 15 second timer next time you're talking about anything ever.

I'm actually giggling like a little girl right now as I type this and re-read your funny post.
Do you log out to save yourself? Just out of interest?

No, I don't log out to save myself. I play solo and when I log out I do so because I no longer feel like I want to play, or because I want to go to bed, or because my wife calls me, or because dinner is ready or... That's a lot of I's and or's for one sentence.

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So basically despite the fact that this was sold as an open sandbox style game where I can "Play as I want", it's 100% acceptable for people to CL on a well-mannered pirate (or even a less well mannered one)? Okay to deprive someone of their livelihood in-game "because they were allowed to log in"?

Glad to know "play your way" applies only to pacifist traders :)

The 'play as I want' argument goes for all sides, including those who stop playing when they want, as long as they are doing it without breaking any rules.

Now, does anyone have anything to add to OP or this just "that argument" from scratch all over again?

Don't know, stop arguing if you don't want it.
I said I would deal with it, but thanks for the poor attempt to rile me up :)

Your suggestion it's removed in the current environment with no real backup or comprehension of surrounding factors shows a distinct lack of comprehension on the subject, so I feel perfectly happy in leaving you to throw tantrums in the corner by yerself.

Except I don't throw tantrums. As for comprehension on the subject, it's perfectly fine thanks. You passive aggressive types are the only ones who throw tantrums. Mainly because people log out legitimately while you're trying to gank them in their T6, all while complaining about them combat logging like a rage induced teenager. Gankers are all the same, and I doubt you're an exception.

As for riling up, I'd suggest you brush up on your own technique too...
as long as they are doing it without breaking any rules.

If everyone took this concept to heart, these forums would be a much better place.

Gankers are all the same, and I doubt you're an exception.

You doubt...? You mean, you aren't actually sure and you just assumed I am a ganker?

*shrugs* fine by me, keep on assuming...remember, when you assume, you...
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If everyone took this concept to heart, these forums would be a much better place.

You doubt...? You mean, you aren't actually sure and you just assumed I am a ganker?

*shrugs* fine by me, keep on assuming...remember, when you assume, you...

Well let's be honest, the only people who have any REAL problem with combat logging are gankers.
Well let's be honest, the only people who have any REAL problem with combat logging are gankers.

And as above, pirates. 100% legit playstyle in the graveyard by now because of it.

I myself? I won't say what my general playstyle is, but if nothing else I am allowed to want an honest duel when the chance comes up. Crappy when that does start, or someone from the other side fires at me in a CZ, and when I actually retaliate or it's getting heated, *poof*....static ship, no damage, disappears.

Well, congrats for wasting both our time -_-
I'm actually giggling like a little girl right now as I type this and re-read your funny post.

Just curious - do you combat log when NPC's are schooling you as well?

Oh and I can call it combat logging - because that's what it is. You are logging out during agreed (Open mode) combat.
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Just curious - do you combat log when NPC's are schooling you as well?

Oh and I can call it combat logging - because that's what it is. You are logging out during agreed (Open mode) combat.

Protip: Stop assuming everyone who disagrees with you must be a filthy combat logger.


Call it what you want, but don't expect anyone to understand what you are talking about.
For clarity’s sake, “combat logging” is when a Commander ungracefully exits the game (e.g. using ALT + F4 then shutting down the game process) to avoid defeat, destruction and damage.
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Just curious - do you combat log when NPC's are schooling you as well?

Oh and I can call it combat logging - because that's what it is. You are logging out during agreed (Open mode) combat.

Message from Quirrell for you bro...


Stop feeding him pls.
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I've had people log on me during fights too, but it doesn't bother me in the slightest. I haven't lost anything on those occasions, except the chance to stroke my PvP epeen. I jot them down as victories and move on... these were mutual engagements too, with one being after my interdiction.

Im not one of the aforementioned moaning gankers who whines after a penniless T6 combat logs on him. In fact, I hold more contempt for the people who mindlessly gank players, than those who log on them, and that's my prerogative.
Well let's be honest, the only people who have any REAL problem with combat logging are gankers.

Completely false.

For PvP piracy combat logging is the biggest problem by far, a pirate relies on intimidation, if you run you die. But with combat logging people don't die, so combat loggers choose not to comply and get away without consequence losing no cargo and taking no damage.

It's obvious that you don't have a playstyle that is affected by combat logging so it's hardly surprising you're downplaying the issue, but you'd know if you actually would dabble in activities such as piracy.
Completely false.

For PvP piracy combat logging is the biggest problem by far, a pirate relies on intimidation, if you run you die. But with combat logging people don't die, so combat loggers choose not to comply and get away without consequence losing no cargo and taking no damage.

It's obvious that you don't have a playstyle that is affected by combat logging so it's hardly surprising you're downplaying the issue, but you'd know if you actually would dabble in activities such as piracy.

High waking is just as easy as clogging, so clogging can't be the biggest issue for piracy ;)
Completely false.

For PvP piracy combat logging is the biggest problem by far, a pirate relies on intimidation, if you run you die. But with combat logging people don't die, so combat loggers choose not to comply and get away without consequence losing no cargo and taking no damage.

It's obvious that you don't have a playstyle that is affected by combat logging so it's hardly surprising you're downplaying the issue, but you'd know if you actually would dabble in activities such as piracy.

Don't blame the "cloggers" blame the players who don't even bother with standard piracy RP... The one's who interdict, open fire and kill mercilessly. Blame those guys, because they're the main reason why a lot of people combat log. If the majority of traders thought you guys would simply pull them over, ask for 15 tonnes of <Insert commodity here> and move on, I'm sure you'd see a lot less of it.

As it stands though, a lot of them have probably been victims of the aforementioned sociopaths, and they don't want to experience that again.
It sounds to me like you are experiencing either Yuri Grom's Missile Mod, a laser with the Scramble Spectrum, or you haven't set up your power priorities.
The missile will temporarily disrupt and reboot your FSD, which makes it hard to leave. It does have a "reload" timer on it afaik, so it should be possible to leave after the first reboot.
The Scramble Spectrum will cause random malfunctions, including FSDs and drives.
Finally, if your PP is being targeted, it will start to cause different malfunctions. By setting the power priorities up with a bit of care, you will lose non-essential modules first and the important ones last. Just setting priority 1 and 2 isn't going to cut it ;)

I don't think there's any way to protect yourself from either of the first two. Except perhaps to avoid anyone with either missiles or laser :cool:

No its much simple. The second your shields drop your trusters stop working. They are the first component of you ship that will fail, whenever you take hull damage, almost every, single time. I do not know, how much protection the module reinforcement provides, but if your ship has no room for that, you are dead the second your shields fail.
Well let's be honest, the only people who have any REAL problem with combat logging are gankers.

Everyone who has a problem with cheats has a problem with combat logging.

I'd also wager that most combat loggers are 'gankers'. Maybe my views are skewed by mostly fighting in self defense, or in the defense of other CMDRs, but fully eight in ten of the intentional disconnects I've seen (and I've seen dozens, if not hundreds) are from those who started the fight.

Regardless, there is zero justification for it. It's the explicit use of out illegitimate out of game means to influence in-game occurrences; a blatant example of cheating.

No its much simple. The second your shields drop your trusters stop working. They are the first component of you ship that will fail, whenever you take hull damage, almost every, single time. I do not know, how much protection the module reinforcement provides, but if your ship has no room for that, you are dead the second your shields fail.

This is only true if you're in a position for your thrusters to be attacked.

If I'm trying to escape, I normally make sure I'm facing my most threatening attacker until my FSD is almost fully charged, then I boost and line up with my destination.

Of course, it's still imprudent to allow your shields to fail if you have fragile hull or subsystems.

And every ship has room for an MRP or two.
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So from what I understand, if trying to run away after my shield dropped and:
1) the attacker is in a faster ship (e.g. FDL)
2) the attacker has a single fixed pulse laser with scramble spectrum special effect

It is very likely that I won't be able to charge FSD ever due to random malfunctions of FSD itself or thrusters (which makes it impossible to align with escape vector). There is no defense against fixed pulse lasers. Scramble spectrum causes malfunctions even if modules are at 100% health so MRPs don't have any effect.

And most PvP players are fine with scramble spectrum. Am I the only one who thinks it is a bit overpowered in this situation? I know that it does nothing while shield is up so it's no threat at all to players who have the ship and skill to not lose shields ever, but for the rest of the player base it seems like a guaranteed rebuy.
Don't blame the "cloggers" blame the players who don't even bother with standard piracy RP... The one's who interdict, open fire and kill mercilessly. Blame those guys, because they're the main reason why a lot of people combat log. If the majority of traders thought you guys would simply pull them over, ask for 15 tonnes of <Insert commodity here> and move on, I'm sure you'd see a lot less of it.

As it stands though, a lot of them have probably been victims of the aforementioned sociopaths, and they don't want to experience that again.

Dude, it's very different when a pirate interdicts you and when a ganker interdicts you. If they're so traumatized by gankers that they combat log the moment they get interdicted they don't belong in open, it really is that simple. When a pirate interdicts you will not be immediately fired upon, you will most likely be told to remain still while the pirate performs a manifest scan and once the scan is done you will be demanded to jettison a percentage of your cargo [or all of it in extreme cases]. If you follow those demands you will not be harmed, the only time a pirate will fire at you is if you don't listen.

It will be pretty obvious from the start that a pirate is not a ganker since he/she will actually be talking to you instead of firing making holes in your hull. Combat logs during piracy mostly happen after the aforementioned demands and messages due to the trader not following instructions and instead tries to flee, often by attempting a low wake, and then the combat log happens after a certain amount of damage which can vary from shields still being up to low hull.

Of course if everyone played proper pirate the amount of combat loggers would be lower, but that's not going to happen. And when a pirate interdicts you it should be obvious it isn't a griefer. People who combat log during a legit piracy attempt are just greedy scum who can't handle losing a few tons, and then have to cheat their way out of a situation they had all the means to avoid in the first place.
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