Sacra Oculus Now Recruiting

Maelstrom Hadad has landed in HIP 30377. Currently there are 6 systems invaded and 29 systems under control of the Thargoids.
No Sacra Oculus system has initially been affected. Just Imperial.
For the Creator has spoken. In an under funded Election, the Faithful of Sacra Oculus lost control of the Kamchadals High Tech system. A lot of the assets there remain under our control, just not the main station.
May the Creator continue to astound the Faithful, for we have Invaded the Naikun system. We have no intention of contesting this, it is up to others if they wish to do so. Sacra Oculus is now in 107 systems.
Sacra Oculus expanded to HIP 24320. Given we have ceased expanding, we do NOT claim the system. The only PMF that is there is Imperial Inquisition, so players are welcome to fool around there.
Sacra Oculus has expanded into P'urhep, straight into an Invasion. We do not intend to challenge this but if anyone wishes to fight there for us they are of course free to do so. This places us in 109 systems.
Sacra Oculus has invaded Tenoi and is fighting the Dukes of Apach. We do not intend to contest this. All Praise the Creator.
So recently, the Faithful, were angered at the audacity of another PMF who were operating adjacent to their areas of operation, even going so far as to cede our presence in a shared system.

Faith however won out. For that dastardly PMF has just disbanded and their squadron ended. Those individuals left in the area have fleet carriers and all are tagged and are being closely monitored.

Some have returned to Likedeeler (LOMAC) and perhaps they will return to Colonia. Their systems in the bubble are already being undermined by a coalition of forces mobilised for that task.

Sacra Oculus holds no ill to any player group but if ever we are threatened, over 100 player groups can come to our assistance from all over the galaxy.

We are the player group which was considered for almost a year, to become the terrorists of the galaxy. However Frontier decided to go ahead with Powerplay instead, so rather than be inserted under special decree in Sol, we moved to a quiet corner of space, where we now run or are in over 100 star systems.

Sacra Oculus is small in nature but our reach is well renowned. Feel free to join us.
Sacra Oculus is now 2nd in Negrici as planned. We also invaded Malak Malak where we are engaged in an invasion war against Reshesh Empire League. We are debating whether to fight this at present.
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