Sagittarius A* ["supermassive" spoilers]

Thankfully the Relativistic properties of supermassive black holes are not (yet?) implemented.

Specifically; if the OP spent some time within the more extreme "slopes" of that gravitic field, time dilation would be severe. He could well see the following server notice next time he tried to log in:


He would have to be traveling relativistically for the time dilation to kick in. According to the models and theories, it doesn't kick in if you're traveling in a warped bubble of spacetime.
Certainly looks like a placeholder, also seems to be bugged insofar as there are NPC ships floating around... That said very pretty placeholder!
Nice one. I didn't expect it so soon, either, but I have no problem that it could be reached so quickly. After all, we are still talking about a game time investment here that would dwarf most typical AAA titles... :D
its 1250 jumps or so.

500ly takes about 100 minutes

its 25800ly, so it would have taken him 83 hours or more
Checking my statistics, I had visited about 1300 systems between setting off and arrival. In real life time, between sleep, daily routine (I'm on sick leave at the moment), good runs in the arms, and encountering severe slowdowns and server errors at the core regions that slowed and nearly halted my progress considerably in the closing stages (including time preparing videos and tickets), all in all it took 95 hours. Under the current gameplay conditions and assuming programming refining and rebalancing and tweaks based on the tickets raised, it is possible to do it quicker.
I presume you did a straight run to the core?
No exploration or scanning or unknowns in the systems you passed through?
If you did, have you got back and sold your data yet? :D
obviously you can. but how fast do you need to be going for real to actually be orbiting it and not on a decaying orbit? didn't interstellar say that the acretion disk orbits at close to the speed of light most of the time?

Exactly the same speed as a star with the same mass as the black hole. If our sun turned into a black hole tomorrow (which is impossible, but bear with the analogy) there would be no discernible changes on Earth apart from it freezing over.

The FSD "gravity wells" seem to be calculated according to the mass of the star involved, so presumably the FSD wouldn't let you get into the volume where there would be worrying amounts of gravity.
Nice to see you have arrived the center!

Although I think exploration is way too easy.
I've been doing some exploration-grind myself and it's totally supereasy.
I was astounded to see your ship got beat up so bad (mine's still in prestine condition...) but it gave your journey a nice worn-down gritty touch :D

What I think needs to be fixed regarding NPCs (aside from the obvious "much to easy travel"):

1. NPC initial spawn
They always spawn a few seconds after you arrive at a system. So to make sure you're not being attacked while browsing the galaxy map just wait a few seconds, see which NPC ship warps in. Watch where it's heading and if you could handle an attack. React accordingly.

2. NPC autospawn
After the first NPC gets destroyed (or it destroys itself) a few seconds later the next NPC is created. Endlessy like NPCs from a conveyor belt.

3. NPC distribution
There should be a strict falloff to the chance of an NPC spawning. So far out no sane NPC should spawn.

4. NPC builds
... and probably an NPC which is also more kitted out for exploration that just a generic build we see currently.
Epic journey OP!!! First to the centre - many congratulations! :)

PS: Put aside about 5hrs to hand in all the Universal Cartographics the group sell option doesnt exist yet.
Given my game time allowances, it would have taken me four weeks of travel and who knows how long to grind the proper ship&outfitting... :eek:

But congrats, this for sure was an epic travel, and the condition of your ship is proof of the challenges you had to overcome. Simply awesome!

And for all those nay-sayers that this was too fast and too easy to achieve and that the center was not special enough; please read this.
The age of sagittarious A* must be wrong as it shud be Close to 12 billion years old, as some stars are 12billion years old from the formation of the milky way, way back when.
Checking my statistics, I had visited about 1300 systems between setting off and arrival. In real life time, between sleep, daily routine (I'm on sick leave at the moment), good runs in the arms, and encountering severe slowdowns and server errors at the core regions that slowed and nearly halted my progress considerably in the closing stages (including time preparing videos and tickets), all in all it took 95 hours. Under the current gameplay conditions and assuming programming refining and rebalancing and tweaks based on the tickets raised, it is possible to do it quicker.

Ah, i estimated it would have taken 1166 jumps and 38 hours to do. But there again, i didn't factor in crashes and performance issues... so not bad.
We got there in the end.

As my in-game CMDR, Zulu Romeo, I used the Explorer start Cobra, and having done trading and missions over the first few days to raise funds to upgrade the FSD, thrusters, discovery scanner, power distributor, power plant, and other things, plus get a decent fuel scoop from YZ Ceti. Christening the vessel the "Useless Reptile" (don't ask), I set off last week just to have a look at Sagittarius A*, the radio source at the centre of the Milky Way Galaxy, something which has piqued my curiosity for years. It was my first ever long distance exploration journey.

Anyway, we got there a short time ago.

Sagittarius A*, as seen on the Galaxy map:

You say you spent time in the the first week of gamma earning credit, in trading doing missions over a few days days to raise funds to upgrade the FSD, thrusters, discovery scanner, power distributor, power plant, and other things, plus get a decent fuel scoop, then spent 98 hours of full time on the game heading to the centre of the galaxy (well done).

So i am curious, how the heck have you got over 1,000,000 credit? I don't think any one has that figure since gamma started while trading doing missions for a few days and purchasing highly expensive upgrades. I obviously am doing some thing wrong.
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I had a million after the weekend of Gamma release, and I was mucking around a lot looking for FSD upgrades, and only playing afternoons/evenings. Your second million comes a lot quicker...
I had a million after the weekend of Gamma release, and I was mucking around a lot looking for FSD upgrades, and only playing afternoons/evenings. Your second million comes a lot quicker...

Interesting comment to consider when reading these posts.

Issues with trading

Yet you say you made a million ( in the first few days of gamma), how odd and confusing. Any chance of posting you stats up?
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You say you spent time in the the first week of gamma earning credit, in trading doing missions over a few days days to raise funds to upgrade the FSD, thrusters, discovery scanner, power distributor, power plant, and other things, plus get a decent fuel scoop, then spent 98 hours of full time on the game heading to the centre of the galaxy (well done).

So i am curious, how the heck have you got over 1,000,000 credit? I don't think any one has that figure since gamma started while trading doing missions for a few days and purchasing highly expensive upgrades. I obviously am doing some thing wrong.

You can boost yourself to a Cobra in about a day with a proper mining spot. Especially if you sell your starter Eagle. If you keep at it for a week, I could see a Python there, nevermind a Cobra.
You say you spent time in the the first week of gamma earning credit, in trading doing missions over a few days days to raise funds to upgrade the FSD, thrusters, discovery scanner, power distributor, power plant, and other things, plus get a decent fuel scoop, then spent 98 hours of full time on the game heading to the centre of the galaxy (well done).

So i am curious, how the heck have you got over 1,000,000 credit? I don't think any one has that figure since gamma started while trading doing missions for a few days and purchasing highly expensive upgrades. I obviously am doing some thing wrong.

You must understand that Z R started out with a kickstarter pledge tier Cobra Mk III Explorer. Kitted from the start with a Rating B FSD, most of the components are between Rating C and B.
So the cost difference to get a Rating A component is less extreme (because you sell your previous high-tier component when you switch them out).
So i am curious, how the heck have you got over 1,000,000 credit? I don't think any one has that figure since gamma started while trading doing missions for a few days and purchasing highly expensive upgrades. I obviously am doing some thing wrong.

If you watched his videos, you can see that he actually made 7 million with trading. While this sounds a lot, the economy was way more stable in the beginning of Gamma than it is now.

So it was rather easy, if you had the time, to go
1. Sell Freagle
2. Trade to Hauler (2-3 hours)
3. Trade to Cobra (2-3 hours)
4. Trade to Lakon 6 (3-4 hours)

So on the end of Sunday the 23rd, or in 10 hours, you could have a Lakon 6. If you found the cargo racks, and didn't waste a lot of time and money.
With a Lakon 6, if you have 100t of cargo, you can - with good knowledge and a bit of luck - easily earn 600k in an hour. By finding something giving 1.600 / t on the roundtrip taking 15 minutes. So you are at 6400 / ton / hour * 100.
So another day, and he had 7 million, enough to get his nice scouting outfit. With the Docking Computer. ;)

EDIT: Trading success is all a matter of tonnage * profit per ton * time per trip. A stable route will earn you 1600 Cr. / ton on the roundtrip in 15 minutes. All the other stuff, missions, mining, etc.... well, they work as well, but trading scales so much better than anything else. Have a Cobra? Make 2,5 times the money of a Hauler. Have a Type 6? Make twice the money than in a Cobra.
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