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I'm flying the Cobra. I've tried searching for a better FSD (my current one is a 4A) but I haven't found one.

Getting a really good FSD is one part of extending your jump range but just as important (if not more so) is reducing the weight of your ship. Remove anything unnecessary (e.g. Guns - there are no NPCs beyond the 1st 200ly or so) and, aside from the FSD, fit all D class modules where possible as they're lighter weight. You can also seriously downgrade the power plant in many cases (i.e. a lower number). When you're hovering over replacement modules in outfitting keep an eye on the range stat's over on the right and the blue arrow that tells you that the module your looking at will increase it.

Good luck commander!
I'm flying the Cobra. I've tried searching for a better FSD (my current one is a 4A) but I haven't found one. But okay, I'll upgrade my scanner and get some heat sinks. Every so often I'll drop a few frames while I'm scooping and I'll accidentally fly into the emergency drop zone and overheat the crap out of my ship before I even have time to react. It's a struggle.

But thanks man, I'll get prepped and start my expedition. I've wanted to fly to Sgr A* since I got the game but have only now worked up the courage to actually start the trip.

As for that Buckyball Run*... I may have to get in on that. I'm currently between jobs so I have plenty of time for it lol.

Check out something like this.
You could further downgrade the Power Distributor (if you don't mind not being able to boost in normal space) or throw out one of the AFMs.
Because of your occasional FPS drops I'd suggest keeping the Heat Sink (maybe even add another one). When you're scooping try to stay around 66-70% heat and don't get so close to the star.
For Cobra 4A FSD is the best you can get so don't look for any better.
For the long trip like that scanners are a must - take Adv Disco AND Detailed Surface Scanner for better cash.
In the above loadout I've added 4C Fuel tank to improve total range (~300Ly) but you can also skip it to slightly improve jump range (but scoop more often).

Bon voyage and Fly safe
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Just tidying up my Sag A* screnshots folder ...

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