Say goodbye to Anarchies

I went to the settlement, but it has switched faction, and is now controlled by a lawful faction, so no screenshots possible. Sorry guys.

EDIT : ok, it's marked as owned by the local anarchy in EDDB, and also in the system map. But when I go there, the settlement is marked as owned by another faction when I target it.
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Kills are still a transaction as far as the BGS is concerned.

First time I hear that killing NPC in lawless space (of course in ship) have effect on BGS. I was thinking that killing NPC in anarchy space have no effect on influence.

50km or something.

Radius for influence bubble is: 1Mm if station or outpost, 400Km if installation/planet port/settlement.

For me playing as a outlaw have more fun than lawful, because I have more fun with it and still discover new things, which normally didn't know.
However, now anarchy space is in danger on lockdown states, that I also know.

Deleted member 115407

Radius for influence bubble is: 1Mm if station or outpost, 400Km if installation/planet port/settlement.

For me playing as a outlaw have more fun than lawful, because I have more fun with it and still discover new things, which normally didn't know.
However, now anarchy space is in danger on lockdown states, that I also know.
Thanks for the info.

I enjoy playing a bad guy, too.

I also enjoy a diverse BGS that makes sense and provides for an interesting backdrop to my space adventures. And having anarchy factions on the verge of being wiped out due to poorly designed game mechanics is the antithesis of that.
First time I hear that killing NPC in lawless space (of course in ship) have effect on BGS. I was thinking that killing NPC in anarchy space have no effect on influence.

Haven't you ever stopped to think why the only places you used to see lockdown and famine states was the local pirate bands of bounty-hunting hotspots? Killing faction ships/dudes hurts politically, no matter what the local law thinks about it.
So I still went there, and it spawned the proper pirates (despite the weird who own it issue). But the settlement is not the target for a restore mission anymore. I think both are related.
If the settlement is a target for a restore mission, it spawn "random" scavengers, so they can be used for the restore mission bonus. Otherwise, regular anarchy.
The march of progress and civilisation. Anarchy is naturally stymied by having no unifying direction from a central government, unlike other powers... until civilisation falls, of course.
The march of progress and civilisation. Anarchy is naturally stymied by having no unifying direction from a central government, unlike other powers... until civilisation falls, of course.
It's a videogame. We need bad guys to play the good guys. There is no batman without the joker. Even though, in real life, everyone would be happier to see the joker gone, and batman to cease to exist.
Also remember that anarchy, like others civilisations have tendency to upgrades and develop new things for their own cause. This could be means for example easier piracy or smuggle. I'm thinking, why anarchy don't have here own things and ships ?
Also remember that anarchy, like others civilisations have tendency to upgrades and develop new things for their own cause. This could be means for example easier piracy or smuggle. I'm thinking, why anarchy don't have here own things and ships ?
Too disorganised to work together and develop them? Anarchies are more chaotic than directed efforts.
Government type = politics. Anarchy = no government. That has consequences - chaotic = unproductive.
Given that Frontier have made a thread acknowledging the difficulties currently facing Anarchy factions and are asking for details, do you think there was a conscious decision to nerf Anarchy factions because of their organizational structure? While leaving every other type of government largely unchanged?

And even if they were using that logic (in spite of petty things like "balance" or whatever) that's an awfully one-sided way to look at it. If Anarchy is so fundamentally flawed, why does it still exist in 3307?
Anarchy factions needs promotion! And how to promote then, if with every update becames weaker ? This must be changed, otherwise no one will be work for it, and anarchy systems are still needed.

Deleted member 115407

Anarchy factions needs promotion! And how to promote then
  • Anarchy factions should impose bounties upon players who kill members of the faction in the faction's own space.
  • Black Markets in Anarchy Stations shouldn't exist - they should just simply be called the "Commodities Market" and buy everything, stolen or not
  • Black Markets should exist literally everywhere else, and should benefit resident Anarchy factions when sold to
  • Lawful factions should target each other on the mission board as much as they target Anarchies (because it's a dog eat dog galaxy)
  • POI "bad guys" should be pulled from an equally distributed random distribution of all factions present in the system'
  • Anarchy space should be as dangerous, PvE-wise, as High Security systems are "safe", i.e. being able to travel around them with ease should be end-game content, just like traveling around High Sec is noob game content. I'm talking you get pulled in Anarchy space, instead of three cops showing up to defend you, there should be three pirates showing up, pounding on your ass.
There's a start

P.S. This one is for FD, in case you weren't tracking - Black markets exist because things are illegal. For instance, heroin is illegal where I live, thus a black market exists for heroin. Just sayin'.
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Yeah, look dude, I love to troll and derail threads as much as the next guy, but this isn't the place to do it.

People are trying to have a serious discussion about severely broken game mechanics.
It's not "mechanics". It's how Anarchies worked in the original Elite. They're dangerous systems full of criminals where trade is virtually impossible. They're not organised polities. Don't expect them to work like ones. IF they did before - THAT was broken.
It's not "mechanics". It's how Anarchies worked in the original Elite. They're dangerous systems full of criminals where trade is virtually impossible. They're not organised polities. Don't expect them to work like ones. IF they did before - THAT was broken.
elite 1986 isn't canon, get with the program
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