*Sending* modules to stations and more...

Hey guys.

Happy New Year!

I've been thinking of my "bucket list" for 2019 and though I say it myself, it is a modest list. Nevertheless, these changes could help a lot of Commanders in very significant ways.

The first is the ability to send modules to stations. I don't mind the costs involved in doing so but given that all of the engineers are based within the bubble (mostly) it's a very time-consuming affair for Cmdrs based out in Colonia to keep travelling to and from The Bubble in each ship they want to engineer. Don't make me play the "discrimination card" here!!! :D

The second is around additional fuel tanks. I would be grateful if we could have the ability to enable / disable them at will as we can do with almost all the modules we already have fitted to the ship. The reasons for this are:
a) as a Fuel Rat, there are occasions when I have to travel a long distance to get to a stranded Cmdr. I may not need the additional fuel tanks to get me to their system but once there, I will need the extra fuel tanks in supercruise to get to the said Cmdr.
b) As it stands, once fitted, I have to manually plot my jumps because the galaxy map plotter assumes that all my tanks are full when in actual fact, I'm only refuelling my main tank for each jump in the same way I would without the additional tanks. So as an example, if my ship has a jump range of 50ly without the additional tanks, the route plotter assumes that the additional tanks will be full and only gives me a jump range of 22ly instead. We're in 3305 now. Even in 2019, back on planet Earth, aircraft could shut off fuel tanks if they weren't required!! So please, could you provide a function to enable / disable additional fuel tanks?!

Finally, by popular request from other Cmdrs who've seen this, can we also have the ability to send ships to other stations as well please!

Thank you so much for your time!

Cmdr Highwaywarrior
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I completely agree with all the requests. More so for the ability to turn on and off the extra fuel tank especially given the good work you do, I would have thought it would have been implemented by now.

Anyway here's hoping someone out there in the depths of FDev come across these modest requests and allow them to come into being a reality in the game.

Fly safe Cmdr's
The first is the ability to send modules to stations. I don't mind the costs involved in doing so but given that all of the engineers are based within the bubble (mostly) it's a very time-consuming affair for Cmdrs based out in Colonia to keep travelling to and from The Bubble in each ship they want to engineer. Don't make me play the "discrimination card" here!!! :D
This one we can solve locally, though - upgrade the local engineers and you won't need to travel. Some of the blueprints are already pretty close to maximum (G4 armour or engines) and many of the rest are rising quite quickly.

Also, if you pin blueprints at the bubble engineers (which only takes one trip back there) you can use the local engineers as far as they go + the experimental, then use the remote workshop to finish the modules off. Much quicker - and cheaper! - than flying backwards and forwards even in a fast ship.
I notice there is a way to drop all our cargo in one go, so what about giving Cmdr's the ability to drop their fuel within the fuel tank when needed or even drop the tank itself. Our Aircraft have the ability so why not the Spacecraft, we are after all in the future, arn't we?

Fly safe Cmdr's
Sending modules and ships ahead sounds totally sensible, implement please.

Regarding Colonia, they should have a single accessible Engineer that can unlock the rest out there.
So when anyone starts a new toon they will have Felicity Farseer access and equivalent Colonia engineer right from the begining.
The first is the ability to send modules to stations. I don't mind the costs involved in doing so but given that all of the engineers are based within the bubble (mostly) it's a very time-consuming affair for Cmdrs based out in Colonia to keep travelling to and from The Bubble in each ship they want to engineer. Don't make me play the "discrimination card" here!!! :D

What discrimination card? It should have been quite obvious from the start that Colonia did NOT have any engineers, just as Colonia did not have all the ships or all the variants of modules. These restrictions should have been quite clear for ANYONE that do the minimum effort of researching this.

So relocating to Colonia was a decision made by the player. There is no start option to begin in Colonia, so player had to move there on their own choice from the bubble! Since then, there have been Engineers that have moved to Colonia, more ships and modules have became more available etc.

Just that you even mentions the "discrimination" card here tells plenty of your motives, regardless if it was supposed to be meant as joke. It just makes you appear more ignorant/stupid.
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