Patch Notes September Update - Downtime and Patch Notes

Lol. Last update brought another funny bug: in assassination missions where I have to kill some pirate - I drop into mission signal source, kill that guy - Mission complete - and after a few seconds when I'm already going to jump - the same guy drops again in the same location wanting to be killed just one more time :) Although, hi isn't a mission target already - as mission is complete, just "wanted"... Funny :)
Greetings, commanders and Frontiers !
Question to the developers when to expect a full recovery workshops engineers (hangs UI when it runs out of some resource). The same thing happens when you try to go to a remote workshop of engineers-if the necessary resource is not available for any nut, it is not possible to engineer a module that does not yet have any improvements. The interface hangs. There's a video for the engineer's workshop.
Perhaps this question already discussed, in this or other threads, please post links.

Привет, командиры и Фронтиры!
Вопрос к разработчикам, когда ожидать полноценного восстановление работы мастерских инженеров (зависает интерфейс, когда заканчивается какой-нибудь ресурс). Тоже самое происходит, когда пытаешься зайти в удаленную мастерскую инженеров - если необходимого ресурса нет для любой гайки, то не возможно инженерить модуль, у которого еще нет ни одного улучшения. Интерфейс зависает. Есть видео для мастерской инженера.
Возможно этот вопрос уже обсуждали, в этой или других ветках, киньте пожалуйста ссылку.

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Has anyone considered the "Black Adder" / "Red Krait" crash errors have such obvious and reportable names they may be a deliberate conditional test inserted by FDev to collect player behaviour data for something, fishy? Maybe they wanted to know how many of us are trying to mine for the fleet carriers?

Could be they're still trying to estimate a 'reasonable' FC price that won't enrage the forums?

To anyone that gets the 'black adder' or 'Red Krait'' error message when mining, all you need to do to fix it is sell your refinery then buy another one. Simples!

Sounds ridiculous, but it really does work!
No need to go to the commodities market, your cargo space is displayed in the right-hand panel.
Thanks for that, with the small addendum that you have to depress the middle mouse button in order to "look" over to access it. This is what I didn't realise but have since figured out. I know it's in that panel, but wasn't aware that I could disengage main UI without losing it.

Thanks anyway :)
Greetings, commanders and Frontiers !
Question to the developers when to expect a full recovery workshops engineers (hangs UI when it runs out of some resource). The same thing happens when you try to go to a remote workshop of engineers-if the necessary resource is not available for any nut, it is not possible to engineer a module that does not yet have any improvements. The interface hangs. There's a video for the engineer's workshop.
Perhaps this question already discussed, in this or other threads, please post links.

Привет, командиры и Фронтиры!
Вопрос к разработчикам, когда ожидать полноценного восстановление работы мастерских инженеров (зависает интерфейс, когда заканчивается какой-нибудь ресурс). Тоже самое происходит, когда пытаешься зайти в удаленную мастерскую инженеров - если необходимого ресурса нет для любой гайки, то не возможно инженерить модуль, у которого еще нет ни одного улучшения. Интерфейс зависает. Есть видео для мастерской инженера.
Возможно этот вопрос уже обсуждали, в этой или других ветках, киньте пожалуйста ссылку.
Apparently, on the Elite Dangerous 'issue tracker', Fdev are claiming that it's been fixed. Though clearly since you are still reporting it, it has not been.
Thanks for that, with the small addendum that you have to depress the middle mouse button in order to "look" over to access it. This is what I didn't realise but have since figured out. I know it's in that panel, but wasn't aware that I could disengage main UI without losing it.

Thanks anyway :)
I use a HOTAS but I'm sure that using a mouse would be similar -- there are bindings in the Controls menu/UI that allow you to assign a button/key to give focus to the right & left panels. This is different from the MMB you are using, which is (I think by default?) used for "Mouse Look" -- free orientation of the view camera via the mouse. Using the focus-switch option puts the player directly into the right & left panel UIs, so various configurations can be made and information accessed. This is how you view the Navigation, Transactions and Contacts UIs (left panel) and much more on the right.

I hope this info isn't redundant for you. I recall it took me some days to get used to the many means of accessing the in-depth UIs in the cockpit.
Has anyone considered the "Black Adder" / "Red Krait" crash errors have such obvious and reportable names they may be a deliberate conditional test inserted by FDev to collect player behaviour data for something, fishy? Maybe they wanted to know how many of us are trying to mine for the fleet carriers?
Makes you wonder realy, certain bugs have names attached to them, like they knew they were going to happen.

Last night I had connection issues (I'm sure it was a local ISP issue) and I got disconnected a couple of times with different colour and ship names. I not 100% sure but I think one was Magenta Adder and another Red Mamba. The point being that one was a different colour Adder and the other was one of the colours we've already seen but a different ship.

My guess would be that it's something like the colour is the severity of the error and the ship is the category of error (or maybe vice versa?). It's just a fancy way of representing error types. It wouldn't be the first time something like this has been done and if it were me, I'd do rather do that than a string of numbers or somesuch.
Hello guys I'm YAD and I'm having an issue seams the latest version 1.38 is out. I can't get access to the mission board it is saying (unable to get an up to date mission list from server) is there someone else having the same issue with the game and please can we have a solution
Connecting to Frontier servers is not possible. Try again later. So it became in the game every day after the patch on September 18th. Connecting to servers became impossible. Before releasing the patch, the developers had to test it with beta testers, which had to pay money, and not on lively pranks - taking away their free time and patience. Let the game developers to those players who are playing now and report the September patch errors, suffer their mistakes, pay beta to testers in real or game currency. A whole week has already passed since September 18. It’s time for programmers to correct their mistakes.


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I finally give up on holding off and updated yesterday. All good for me. My data syncs with the few extras I use ( Inara, EDSM and TCE) and no issues seen yet though in truth, I've not done a huge amount. But server access OPEN and SOLO was good, stable and so far so good.
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