ANNOUNCEMENT September Update out now!

Next time you release an update, FDev, why not make it one where you repair everything that is broken, rather than introducing new features that seem to break other, unrelated features that already work perfectly?

You introduce new training videos - great. You introduce a new animation on the speed indicator - great. And that somehow breaks the existing engineering on stored modules. That's like my drains being blocked at home and that means that the McDonald's ice cream machine is broken again.

And the thing about the black adder - surely that's an Easter egg by one of the lunatic programmers, that has been accidentally exposed in this update, Baldrick?
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I too am asking for payment for my beta-test role. Now that you have made getting the store back up and running your first priority, I am sure the money will be there.

Oh, wait, no-one is going to buy new livery when they either can't log on or their ship is broken or something. Well that's your own fault for publishing such a crap update.

Why not revert to the previous working iteration while you sort out the rubbish you have foisted on us in this update?

But of course you never listen to us; you just hope we will all eventually calm down. Well I think I will vote with my feet for at least another six months. Maybe by then you will have sorted things out. But I doubt it.
logged into Solo mode already at Palin Research Centre prior to update. Starport Services is in red text and can't be accessed, even after un-docking and re-docking the starport services are unavailable. I am unable to login to the issue tracker to add it as an issue even after linking my Steam account.

after quitting game I have to end task in task manager to get it to exit properly also
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Well, the galactic map has been out of alignment for ultra wide scrns [1080x2560] forever now it's been on the error pages since before he last update but instead of fixing things like that, they implement chevrons for players who cannot tell if their throttle is forward or backwards

I cannot imagine the galmap alignment is any more than a scaling factor based on scrn width...

I fine myself increasingly disappointed and bitter with each update.
The chevron speed thing is ugly as sin and is confusing, looks like an intern had a go.
The way I see it, they should make a rollback, and try to code this upgrade again. It is one big mess. And nope, engineering bug is not just visual. I've took engineered Imperial Hammer from the store. It has (had?) that effect that allows it to use fuel as ammo. And there was still option to replenish the ammo, just as if the effect was not there. When I've attempted to put it back into the store, I've got the error msg 1st, then I've been kicked out of the outfitting. I actually cannot store that gun - so this obviously goes beyond visual. The lesson here is - test the upgrade before the release.
I think we’re all fed up to high heaven, in all honesty. We look forward to an update to basically install even more of an insidious micro transaction system and the game, in some cases, becomes unplayable! It’s a very poor show and folk won’t or shouldn’t put up with this for long!
I jumped twice, and banked 2 ARX, maybe four.

Arx-ing around is getting a proper meaning, eh? :)

logged into Solo mode already at Palin Research Centre prior to update. Starport Services is in red text and can't be accessed, even after un-docking and re-docking the starport services are unavailable. I am unable to login to the issue tracker to add it as an issue even after linking my Steam account.
View attachment 143450
after quitting game I have to end task in task manager to get it to exit properly also

Palin was attacked some time ago and he was forced out of Maia, you can find him in Arque now
I think we’re all fed up to high heaven, in all honesty. We look forward to an update to basically install even more of an insidious micro transaction system and the game, in some cases, becomes unplayable! It’s a very poor show and folk won’t or shouldn’t put up with this for long!
Not to mention the fact that I’ve personally paid into this beautiful and laudable project twice, on two separate platforms. That, of course, was my choice so I expect no sympathy but I DO expect better care taken over the game I enjoy so much!
When I was into playing Freelancer, I used to set up storage hulks; unused ships in which I stored all my unused modules for possible future use. Next time there is an ED update, I might just set up a series of such ships to store my modules in, so they are not 'Stored' in a distant station, but instead are actually installed in a working ship.

Trouble with that idea is, 1) With this kind of problem, nothing is truly 'safe', because no-one knows what the errors will affect. So nowhere is sacrosanct; next time it could equally be onboard engineered modules that revert; 2) Related to (1) above, how would you know in advance what you needed to protect? Would your credits disappear? How about limpets or unsold cargo; your ratings or Federation ranks maybe? There's just no way of knowing and the faults appear to be wholly unrelated to the additional features in the update.

Look, FDev, PLEASE ROLLBACK THE UPGRADE! Sort it out, then republish.

Not that you will, of course.
I think we’re all fed up to high heaven, in all honesty.
Well, I'm just rather mildly irritated. I mean I've seen some screw-up-patches in various MMO's, but I've also saw some rollbacks when patch was obvius dud. The thing here is so messed up there is no point in fixing it - and surely not in a hurry, as then it has a potential to screw up even more things. The only safe thing that can be made fast now is a rollback. This upgrade has to be done anew, and carefully tested before the release. I know it will propably screw up some timetables, but there is no other option to both make an upgrade, AND keep the game playable.
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