
I've got something funny to show you, since we were talking abt fireplaces. I don't have one in my house, so I put a 24hr youtube video of a fire on my tv in my living room, and it genuinely feels really cosy 😂

Yeah! Tell us more about the fox you saw!
It was around 9, about pitch dark. I was driving home from a local theater and I saw something cross the headlights in front. (It got across the road safely!) It trotted like a fox and was definitely smaller than a red. I didn’t get a super good look at it, but it was definitely a gray from the context and features.
Just after dusk is when I've seen otters and badgers. Its always a thrill. I keep meaning to wake up really early and go to where i know some setts are, but I'm terrible at waking up early
Just after dusk is when I've seen otters and badgers. Its always a thrill. I keep meaning to wake up really early and go to where i know some setts are, but I'm terrible at waking up early
I know we have (what I think is a) Northern Harrier near my neighborhood. It’s a small-ish hawk that I’ve seen flying pretty low over the streets. There’s a marsh nearby so that’s probably why it’s there 😄
Oh that's a pretty hawk, I had to google it. We have peregrine falcons in my village, nesting on a church. Also lots of kestrels around, they're small but easy to spot because they can hover in one spot, which most other birds can't do. And I watched a sparrowhawk catch a wood pigeon in my garden this summer. Cool to see but also sad bc I feed the wood pigeons and love them!
Oh that's a pretty hawk, I had to google it. We have peregrine falcons in my village, nesting on a church. Also lots of kestrels around, they're small but easy to spot because they can hover in one spot, which most other birds can't do. And I watched a sparrowhawk catch a wood pigeon in my garden this summer. Cool to see but also sad bc I feed the wood pigeons and love them!
I only saw a falcon once, there aren’t too many in Boston, which is where I’d think they’d be 😂

We have a ton of mourning doves near me. I watched a red-tailed hawk eat one once on my telephone pole. I named him cooper. he frequents my neighborhood.
I've got something funny to show you, since we were talking abt fireplaces. I don't have one in my house, so I put a 24hr youtube video of a fire on my tv in my living room, and it genuinely feels really cosy 😂

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Ha ha, that's funny. My house was built in the 60s, so we have a real fireplace. However, we closed the chimney and put in one of those electric fireplaces, because carbon monoxide and all that
I think you're always well received but I just noticed a couple pps mentioning the thread being offtopic and its my fault basically 😅
Who knows, maybe I'm the big yapper with my constant yakking
It was around 9, about pitch dark. I was driving home from a local theater and I saw something cross the headlights in front. (It got across the road safely!) It trotted like a fox and was definitely smaller than a red. I didn’t get a super good look at it, but it was definitely a gray from the context and features.
That's real fun. Animals are always exciting to see, no matter how common or seemingly boring they appear. At least, I love to see animals constantly
Ok, wildlife encounters. Well, my maternal family owns property up in northeast Texas, in the countryside. We're on the edge of the Piney Woods. Because we're out of town (15 minute drive to get back into town, but still), there's a lot of wildlife.

I've seen white-tailed deer so often, and they seem to recognize us, in particular us, because they don't really show a fear around me and my family and they will sometimes stop and run around, allowing us to watch them.

I've also seen roadrunners many times, sometimes fulfilling their namesake.

@Villanelle, you'll like this one in particular: I saw a melanistic raccoon. It was jumping around from tree to tree...

And @Orkan, I've seen many coyotes, but once I saw a melanistic coyote. Beautiful animal...

I've also seen a local bobcat about 4 times, too. He's a cute little ball of fluff that can kill me if it wanted to
Oooooh I'm jealous! Of everything, but especially that raccoon, how gorgeous.

I was visiting my family in America on my 16th birthday and my gma was taking me to visit Stanford uni cause she'd worked there and she was hoping I'd apply (I stayed in the UK for uni in the end). Anyway a HUGE raccoon came right up to me as we were sitting on a bench! Like, massive. I had no idea they could get that big, like a medium-sized dog. It was the best bday present ever. I wanted to cuddle the floof but my gma told me to keep my hands well away from its face 😅

Another trip I went camping in Big Sur and it was hot so we slept outside the tent. In the night I woke up to a massive hoard of raccs all around us. I was entranced. And a little scared, cause the signs have such gory warning pictures on them! But I stayed very still and they were fine. Also saw a bobcat on that trip, and lots of sea otters.

Nothing as exciting as that around here, which is the main reason I love to travel...
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