Simple, binary question: is Raxxla in-game and findable currently?

Thinking about it, they said it was in game, but they never said it was anything good or actually worth finding, they never said it was particularly well hidden, and they never said it would be obvious when you'd found it.


Ra X(XL) a

"Ra" is a system name.
"X" is the roman numeral 10
"XL" clearly means that object 10 is very large
"A" would then conventionally be its first moon.

And ...
- the Ra system exists (and has done since the original Elite),
- Ra 10 is its largest gas giant (bigger than Jupiter), and it has some moons.

So, there we go. Ra 10 A is "Raxxla". It was there all along.

Ra is a populated, pretty well travelled system so I don't think it's there, or that simple.
Chances are that if you were to find it one of the following would happen:

1. It would be invisible and you'd never see it
2. It would throw you to the menu with a server transaction error
3. It would corrupt your commander save

I wouldn't bother. It will be found "mysteriously" coinciding with a major release version by some "unknown" pilot when frontier have decided that they are ready to move the glacial pace story onto the next sentence and leak it to a shill.
Well heres the claim theres lots of stuff in the game that simply hasnt been found yet. Of course, nobody can prove that claim as being either accurate or just sales fluff designed to get players chasing their own tails whiloe attempting to find a needle in a giant haystack of needles with nothing but a mark 1 eyeball...

Im gonna have to go with will flip the magic switch when they are good and ready to have us discover something new, and then claim its always been there. Nobody can prove otherwise and because of that, I just gave up looking or even believing them some time ago after hitting elite in exploration on two accounts and finding naff all in all that time, just different variations of the system templates.

If players wanna believe theres something there, then fair play to them...but I dont ^

I'm of a similar thought. I simply don't believe them anymore. Things seem to magically appear after updates, Raxxla will be the same.
I wouldn't bother. It will be found "mysteriously" coinciding with a major release version by some "unknown" pilot when frontier have decided that they are ready to move the glacial pace story onto the next sentence and leak it to a shill.

Yup, you can watch Youtube vids of this happening with the Salome plot.

Deleted member 38366

Given what's happened in the past?

No, it's not in the game.
If it was, it would have be found already. A long time ago.

It'll be "discovered" within days after some major patch. As always.

What FDev says and what FDev does is two entirely different things. Never go by what they say, always go by what they do or did. Then plan accordingly. It never fails.
And if M.B. said it, I'd give it zero credibility in the 1st place due to proven (by own postings) "100% disconnect from reality" syndrome.

Still, if you like to chase ghosts or enjoy a "Holographic Carrot on a Stick" - by all means go for it. Heavy Role Play is strongly recommended though.
But it'll work, especially if you team up with the Rifters or Canonn and enjoy the Group/Social play that comes from it.
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I'm of a similar thought. I simply don't believe them anymore. Things seem to magically appear after updates, Raxxla will be the same.

Not gonna just call them liars...but that little seed of doubt just isnt gonna go away and in a court of law, such a thing could collapse the case entirely as the jury must decide whether its an absolute yes or no. There cannot be any doubt whatsoever to get a final verdict and in this case, there is doubt that words alone cannot make go away.

Ergo why we have this elite myth of the magic switch that gets flicked as and when they decide something needs to be ¨discovered¨
Spraying some cold water on the "not in the game unless the magic switch gets flicked" hyperbole...

In the game and recognizable might be two totally different things. IE : Its a planet.. inhabited... would they name it Raxxla and have it show up on your scanner as such ?

In the game, and reasonably accessible... 7,000k ls out from the jump point.. would you crawl all the way out there to get within planetary scan range ? 90 minutes in SC ? I know I'm not.

Maybe it's only there on certain occasions, such as certain points in it's orbit, or times of day/month/year, or only visible from a certain perspective.

My point is that it very well may be in the game, sitting right there, and it hasn't been found yet. But given the work that has gone into it, and the lack of clues, I don't think anyone will find it soon or it would have been. I would think someone, somewhere, might have an inkling. An NPC. Or a bit of lore. Or a GALNet article/blurb. Or maybe in one of Drews books. But so far, we've got " nuthin' ".

In short, I think it's technically there. Reasonably ? Feasibly ? Not so much.

I'd love to see a full scale search. I'd love to participate in a " Total Scan of Every System in 1000 LY of Earth " CG. Pass out lists of systems, and start checking them off. We could at least say "Not Raxxla" and point to that area.

And then we get the actual discovery.. So.. What then ? Is it like the Generation ships ? A few cool voice logs ? Or Jamesons wreck ? ( a few logs.. ) Or the Zurura ? A few logs... See a pattern ?

What does it do, or what do I get for finding it ? A bazillion credits ? Cool new unique upgrade ? A 1000 LY FSD drive ? Super class 6 laser that fits on my medium hard point ?
I saw a reddit thread that referenced an interview with someone at FDev who confirmed the system in which it exists had been honked by a player, but the planet was not detail scanned.

I didn't see the source material, so it's just hearsay from me, but I like to believe that it's true. If nothing else for the, "missed it by that much" aspect. Was it you? Me? We may never know.
This wiki page references confirmation that it's in the game:

...but I don't know that it's in the game in the same way that, say, Jameson Memorial or Sol are in the game, or in the game in the same way the Thargoids were/are in the game - ie were totally inaccessible until fdev flicked a switch with a patch and they suddenly were findable. There are still permit locked systems out there that we can't access or Raxxla may be there but any relevant data point may not be findable yet because it's there but not switched on as such.

Honestly, if fdev made a clear statement that "it's in the game now and is totally findable" I'd really try to do some research and look for it, but I have a feeling that some wordplay is being used and it's just not accessible, in the same way that some optional extras in your car are technically already in the car but until your dealer reprograms your ECU to enable that option they're effectively inaccessible.


When I did actually explore and found a system I liked, I scanned everything in it...and Ive spent enough time in SC to make the Hutton run look like a fart in a spacesuit. Id spend days in some systems just tagging and exploring each and every place the game allowed me to land on...hours on end in orbital cruise looking fer geysers, wrecks anything.

The sheer amount of ground ye need to cover is simply staggering with the tools we currently have. A squad of explorers could spend a whole day just eyeballing every square inch of a system, and still miss some small thing.

The possibility has crossed me mind that even frontier dont know where they are...perhaps they just threw the numbers into the big machine, pulled the handle and let rng take a few surprises to corners of the universe even they wouldnt know. Maybe even Braben himself doesnt know where they are...which would certainly explain the complete lack of clues as they wouldnt have any clues themselves.

Its actually scary how much that makes sense actually. A slim possibility, but still...bad choice of words perhaps? Moving swiftly onwards lets not dwell on that one too long...

If...and its a fairly above average sized ¨if¨ theres something out there, then I truly hope someone does know where they are otherwise the reality is that we upto 0.1% or 0.2 something tiny anyway of the number of systems explored in total since day one. I say explored when in reality thats more like tagged and mapped.

Reality being that at this rate, it could take centuries to start making a dent on it. Just to give that some perspective, how many of those systems ye think were explored in great detail? Every square inch eyeballed and not just scanned from a distance where the planet is a dot on the screen?

Roll on Q4...cos the words utterly and futile spring immediatly to mind with the tools we currently have, organised or otherwise ^
I saw a reddit thread that referenced an interview with someone at FDev who confirmed the system in which it exists had been honked by a player, but the planet was not detail scanned.

I didn't see the source material, so it's just hearsay from me, but I like to believe that it's true. If nothing else for the, "missed it by that much" aspect. Was it you? Me? We may never know.

Interesting. I doubt there is any validity to that or it would be huge news, but if it is true then it only reinforces the notion that Raxxla in ED is something very normal and mundane that will not stick out at all.
This reminds me of days past when David Braben said there was a Thargoid ship in Frontier: Elite II. It was there but only as a graphic visual at some planetary stations. Hacking the game a Thargoid ship was in the coding, never implemented in the game but one could fly it. With the specs it flew backwards a lot faster than forward. I wonder if Raxxla is the new verion of this coding. The problem is that we cannot hack ED to find out. I really miss solo offline play, reverse engineering and floppy discs! It was fun having an Eagle Mk II with a 5,000 LY jump range and a plasma accelerator!

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I'd say no, because if it was someone would have found it in the code and then magically reported it as "happened upon it".
Yea sure its in the game. Like the firmidine rift crash site that all if the sudden appeared as a mega ship from nowhere while it was always in game.
I would suggest that you should wait for the magic switch..

It was there, it was a derelict anaconda, they switched it to a megaship when megaships were was scannable with a message....they turned it into an audio message when once again megaships were introduced.
"Where is Raxxla?" Brookes: "Well it's in the Milky Way, but I can't tell you where it is. It's a journey that everyone has to travel for themselves."

Raxxla is a metaphor for the journey; not a physical place.
"Where is Raxxla?" Brookes: "Well it's in the Milky Way, but I can't tell you where it is. It's a journey that everyone has to travel for themselves."

Raxxla is a metaphor for the journey; not a physical place.

That's not the entire quote though,

Question: "Where is Raxxla?" Brookes: "Well it's in the Milky Way, but I can't tell you where it is. It's a journey that everyone has to travel for themselves." Question: "You have said that there will be no clues though?" Brookes: "That's true, but I think you have to make some of it a tiny bit obvious just so people know what they're doing. There's nothing to be revealed at this stage."[7]
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