Slow Down Time Please!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Today I've done an experiment. Played 10 hours without pausing a game (for me pausing a game is not an option). Franchise mode, 9 species, 80 animals, 67 game years.
I've managed to build one tiny habitat for tortoises, redo one old habitat and build four or five guest facilities (using blueprints). I think I've spent 2 hours of 10 to do that.
Guess what I was doing the rest eight hours? Selling animals! Clockwise and counterclockwise! From A to Z, then from Z to A! Breeding, inbreeding, growing up and fighting! Moving, selling, rehoming, trading, releasing! I've managed to earn 47K CC. Do you think it is fun? Hell, no!
I agree with slowing down regular time (and, btw, speeding up the fastest speed). It's insane how much time I have to spent just micro-managing the zoo (fighting for alpha status, animal is hungry/starving/dehydrated/otherwise unhappy), having to sort through the offspring of faster-breeding species (which is why I've resorted to only keeping longer-living exhibit species; otherwise the breeding gets completely out of control), having to continually sell/trade the animals that are overcrowding a habitat, having to deal with notifications about cleanliness of a habitat (even with three keepers assigned and staff facilities literally around the corner). I want to expand my zoo by creating a new habitat with new animals, but the only way I can do that is by pausing the game, which I feel shouldn't be necessary for longer than perhaps a few minutes to tend to the most pressing matters. The AI of especially the keepers is very much lacking in that regard.
I'm not exactly sure where you see me or anyone else on this thread ask that they don't work on fixing bugs and only work on tweaking the timescale. But in case you do somewhere, here it comes: of course they should fix the bugs! That's not feedback, that doesn't even need mentioning. In fact the game should have never released with as many bugs as it did. I have some of the bugs you menioned, including my first zoo not loading anymore after tens of hours put into it, and yeah, it's really frustrating.

Does that mean that we can't make other suggestions ang give them feedback on what the game needs, in our opinion, to be better? Did this thread disturb you so much, because a bunch of us are asking for time to be slower?
I freaked out about an Post from gaijin even if he had deleted it just as i posted. Where he state how the game is ded to him cuz the devs didnt jump on the speed issue. That was the reason why i posted that they should work on the bugs etc.

Read my post again. I have no Problem with an challenge mode speed change, i have an prob if they do it to franchise of course. And that is what is demanded here just reread all the comments of the speedfanatics. And then it also affect my game so by all fairness i can post here too?
Today I've done an experiment. Played 10 hours without pausing a game (for me pausing a game is not an option). Franchise mode, 9 species, 80 animals, 67 game years.
I've managed to build one tiny habitat for tortoises, redo one old habitat and build four or five guest facilities (using blueprints). I think I've spent 2 hours of 10 to do that.
Guess what I was doing the rest eight hours? Selling animals! Clockwise and counterclockwise! From A to Z, then from Z to A! Breeding, inbreeding, growing up and fighting! Moving, selling, rehoming, trading, releasing! I've managed to earn 47K CC. Do you think it is fun? Hell, no!

And what exactly do you think the Franchise Mode was intended to be and to play like? It certainly was never intended to be easy.
Then why make it sound like you are complaining that there is too much to do or that things happen too quickly? I'm sorry, but you are confusing in your argument.
Too quickly. That's the point. I have no time for fun things in the game. I'm constantly busy with getting rid of animals. It is boring. I have no time to expand, to build, being engaged in other management areas, such as education, beautification or merchandise. I think I expressed my thoughts clearly.
Too quickly. That's the point. I have no time for fun things in the game. I'm constantly busy with getting rid of animals. It is boring. I have no time to expand, to build, being engaged in other management areas, such as education, beautification or merchandise. I think I expressed my thoughts clearly.

What I can surmise from your complaints is that you are playing in the wrong mode for what you claim to want from the game. It seems that there is too much for you to manage in the Franchise Mode. Franchise Mode has never been the mode where it was intended for players to grow overly attached to the animals. It is the mode where the player is supposed to face issues as you describe that you are having and the player is supposed to figure out how to resolve those issues. Many other players have been able to figure out how to resolve and to manage those issues. I even play the game on the fastest settings because, to me, the game is boring on the slower speeds and things take waaaay too long to happen.
I Think this is not a question about someone likes it or not, or if it is good for game. Simply, If you have an option to make the game faster for the players who enjoy breeding and working the animal market etc.. I'm happy for them. But listen to me guys... we really do need the option to slow the game down, a lot of us. We would like to feel every pregnancy, every birth, every death of an animal. I want to feel the game. I would like to see this thread will be heard, because I basically don't know what's the name of my tigers anymore. And frontier, u know I like my tigers. But they feel like numbers anymore..

Another very important point, management system feels very good. But when I imagine I want to invest 10 000 into a habitat, i can reach it simply. Just waiting. The game always gives u profit, if u manage it properly. So if the time would be slower, it would also make another difficulty level choice to the game, which i think a lot of players seek. You know, the deciding if I invest into a store, make some money and make some cuts or can I afford to build a home for new animals? I would like these decisions. The profit is ok, every manager should aim for profit, and also I like to see green profit numbers. But I am constantly getting so much money in the number value.... Because the profit converts to money so fast... I feel rich and so easy. Just by waiting. What a manager am I.

As hard as I try, I don't see any point from the players perspective why would we not have the option to make time slower in the game.
Let me enjoy this amazing game, I beg you.

your praying gamer.
What I can surmise from your complaints is that you are playing in the wrong mode for what you claim to want from the game. It seems that there is too much for you to manage in the Franchise Mode.

Funny, I read the post completly different. There is actually to little to do besides selling animals. And no, that's not because someone playing a wrong mode, but because running a franchise is more than buying and selling. It is extremly repetitive. Even if you do not want to gro attached to the animals, even if you don't want to build, enjoy the animals or whatever. If your franchise is running well, nothing can stop it and tha's repetitive.

A challenge would be to have a marketing disaster from time to time with serious guest drops. Dealing with real problems. A challenge is more than seeing numbres of CC climb up and telling every player who critisizes franchise that he or she does play the wrong mode or does not manage a zoo well does inded really simplifies the things to just one single playstyle: Climbing up a CC ladder.
And a management game is not a jump and run game. Selling babies fast enough before the parents go wild on them is the only challenge franchise has. And that's like jumping in the right moment. If I want that, I'll go play Mario Brothers.
What I can surmise from your complaints is that you are playing in the wrong mode for what you claim to want from the game. It seems that there is too much for you to manage in the Franchise Mode. Franchise Mode has never been the mode where it was intended for players to grow overly attached to the animals. It is the mode where the player is supposed to face issues as you describe that you are having and the player is supposed to figure out how to resolve those issues. Many other players have been able to figure out how to resolve and to manage those issues. I even play the game on the fastest settings because, to me, the game is boring on the slower speeds and things take waaaay too long to happen.
Hello, I would like to suggest one point, and that is we are not talking here about deleting the option to have time faster, we would like the slower time option added. You can play your game as you like it.
Hello, I would like to suggest one point, and that is we are not talking here about deleting the option to have time faster, we would like the slower time option added. You can play your game as you like it.
And you would like to play this slower time option then and watch all animals and visitors in slow motion?
Funny, I read the post completly different. There is actually to little to do besides selling animals. And no, that's not because someone playing a wrong mode, but because running a franchise is more than buying and selling. It is extremly repetitive. Even if you do not want to gro attached to the animals, even if you don't want to build, enjoy the animals or whatever. If your franchise is running well, nothing can stop it and tha's repetitive.

A challenge would be to have a marketing disaster from time to time with serious guest drops. Dealing with real problems. A challenge is more than seeing numbres of CC climb up and telling every player who critisizes franchise that he or she does play the wrong mode or does not manage a zoo well does inded really simplifies the things to just one single playstyle: Climbing up a CC ladder.
And a management game is not a jump and run game. Selling babies fast enough before the parents go wild on them is the only challenge franchise has. And that's like jumping in the right moment. If I want that, I'll go play Mario Brothers.

If you read Aiste's other posts/comments you should get a completely different understanding as to their complaint.

Today I've done an experiment. Played 10 hours without pausing a game (for me pausing a game is not an option). Franchise mode, 9 species, 80 animals, 67 game years.
I've managed to build one tiny habitat for tortoises, redo one old habitat and build four or five guest facilities (using blueprints). I think I've spent 2 hours of 10 to do that.

Guess what I was doing the rest eight hours? Selling animals! Clockwise and counterclockwise! From A to Z, then from Z to A! Breeding, inbreeding, growing up and fighting! Moving, selling, rehoming, trading, releasing! I've managed to earn 47K CC.
Do you think it is fun? Hell, no!

Aiste clearly inferred that there is too much for them manage. That or they aren't sure how to manage the issues. The speed of the game is NOT a factor in their complaints, even if they claim it is. Their issue is clearly player error and mismanagement. For starters, they could learn to use the contraceptives if their animals are breeding too fast. And contrary to their first sentence using the pause button is a choice and one they admitted they refuse to make. Hence: player issue. Clearly accruing cc's isn't a problem for Aiste as they claim to have accrued 47,000 cc's.

I currently have 66 Flamingos within a single habitat. They get hungry and have other issues. I certainly can NOT blame the game nor the speed of the game if I do nothing about how crowded that habitat is and address the issues that habitat currently has. That's ALL on me!

Hello, I would like to suggest one point, and that is we are not talking here about deleting the option to have time faster, we would like the slower time option added. You can play your game as you like it.

Unfortunately that point is NOT entirely true for some. I know it's not because I have had this same discussion with others who want the speed slowed down and they have literally stated they want the speed slowed for everyone in the game and in all modes.

Then there is simply the point as to what the Franchise Mode was designed to be. By slowing the speed of the game down in that mode it detracts from and changes the game from the developers original vision of the game. If players can't learn to play the game the way it was designed in that mode then that mode, Franchise Mode, is highly likely not the mode they should be playing in!
Aiste clearly inferred that there is too much for them manage.
No, no, no! You completely misunderstood me. I am a fan of management games - the more the better. I would like to have water pipes and power lines in addition :)))
I've spent 8 hours of 10 on repeated actions - selling animals, which reproduced like rabbits and died too quickly, giving me no time to manage other aspects of the game. That is boring and no fun.
I can spend 3-4 hours getting rid of animals, the rest 6-7 I want to spend on quality breeding, building, expanding, marketing, education, etc. If only the game pace would be slower.
And I play very much OK. I have 5 stars zoo park rating, 60K CC and 2.5 million in the bank.
No, no, no! You completely misunderstood me. I am a fan of management games - the more the better. I would like to have water pipes and power lines in addition :)))
I've spent 8 hours of 10 on repeated actions - selling animals, which reproduced like rabbits and died too quickly, giving me no time to manage other aspects of the game. That is boring and no fun.
I can spend 3-4 hours getting rid of animals, the rest 6-7 I want to spend on quality breeding, building, expanding, marketing, education, etc. If only the game pace would be slower.
And I play very much OK. I have 5 stars zoo park rating, 60K CC and 2.5 million in the bank.

Your issue is still a player issue and has nothing to do with the speed of the game. I already mentioned one thing you could do that would help manage your breeding and inbreeding issues. Using the contraceptives would have a direct impact on your animals breeding. It would prevent them from breeding altogether. Thus resulting in less animals for you to place on the market or release to the wild. By default it would give you more time to do other things.

But if you refuse to take advise as to how to manage your zoo you and only you are to blame. Others have been able to keep up with all the issues and the breeding of the animals. They are proof positive that it can be done.
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