So, about 2.4...


Yeah you arrived during a weird time for the game. Old timers were confused (I was...), new players were happy but in the end... everybody felt something was off, and still is off.

Waiting is all you can do really, so at least try and get comfortable :p What's that thing you're waiting for ?

Fer exploration to get fixed...regards the beigification issue elsewhere.

See heres the thing...Im not a fanboi obviously and even though Ive been gaming a long time and was very much around in the good ol days of 84, I was never a fan of frontier games. Never played their earlier games, just dabbled here and there but nothing serious. So while others who love them speak from their experience of frontier, thats not something I have. I can only base my judgement on what Ive seen and so far, that leaves a lot to be desired Im afraid.

I am passionate about the game...wouldnt be here at all if I hated it, but passion is a double edged sword. Hell hath no fury like a gamer scorned and all that.

I remember people used to say that frontier was the best at this and that and the other, and after a year and a half I can without any reservation say they are not. In terms of community relations, they are at the lower end of the scale...even eve, as toxic as their forums used to be, still score higher when it comes to dev/player relations.

Anyway...preaching to the converted know as well as anyone what things are like and we either accept it or move on. Based on what I can see right now though, I wont be here fer season 3 and I sure as hell wont hand over any more money until I know a fair bit more than what I do right now which is almost nothing. Admitedly, its not hard to know more than nothing but...that seems to be the way this crowd do business. Good luck to them ^
Anyway...preaching to the converted know as well as anyone what things are like and we either accept it or move on. Based on what I can see right now though, I wont be here fer season 3 and I sure as hell wont hand over any more money until I know a fair bit more than what I do right now which is almost nothing. Admitedly, its not hard to know more than nothing but...that seems to be the way this crowd do business. Good luck to them ^

All you do is complain on the forum amirite.



I'm more optimistic about the future. My major concern is that they'll push back Space Legs too far. The first iteration should come with season 3.

Ill be optmistic when I have something to be optimistic about...having faith in those who have failed to retain a good rapport isnt in my nature. Treat me with indifference and ye get indifference right back, I dont care who ye are or why.

Its a space game with spaceships...why Id wanna have legs is beyond me Im afraid, I literally just dont get it, neither enthusiastic or a critic...I really dont care if they appear or dont appear. I dont think yer gonna see them anytime soon though because a great many other things have to be fleshed out first. All well n good getting out fer a wee dander, but what then? What do ye do? What can ye do?

Although being locked into a chair suits my immersion considering Im disabled in real life, so my avatar mirrors my real life in that respect. Its part of the reason I do love this game...Ill never see the stars in real life but I can in this game and thats why I hate the part where they broke it 11 months ago. Thats the source of my salt ^
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Frontier said 2.4 would launch in Q3 2017. That means September at the latest. That's before Frontier Expo in October.

It's time to put Peekson McWeekson in the newsletters again.

Frontier said 2.4 would launch in Q3 this year. That is BEFORE October.

Says here Elite Dangerous: Horizons 2.4 – The Return will launch for all platforms in Q3 2017.

Indeed and the Frontier Expo specifically states they will be revealing beyond 2.4.

The development of Elite Dangerous continues full throttle and we’re delighted to share with you news on what’s coming beyond 2.4 The Return.

On our Main Stage, we will be talking about exciting future developments of our major space simulation title, Elite Dangerous.

Elite Dangerous has continued to grow since its initial launch. With new content and new console Commanders making their way to the galaxy, Elite has never been a more thriving hub than it is today.

With our passionate and incredibly involved community at the centre of development, Elite Dangerous continues to evolve further, and we want to share with you what that future holds.

With core game play improvements planned, we know you’re eager to hear more about the year 3304 in Elite Dangerous.

Be sure to join this talk led by well-known developers and have all your questions answered.
Main Stage.

Please note That seating is limited (front row section seating will be reserved for Founder's Ticket holders), and standing space will be available in accordance with fire regulations. Make sure you are there ahead of time if you want to secure your place at the talks.

Its a space game with spaceships...why Id wanna have legs is beyond me Im afraid, I literally just dont get it, neither enthusiastic or a critic...I really dont care if they appear or dont appear. I dont think yer gonna see them anytime soon though because a great many other things have to be fleshed out first. All well n good getting out fer a wee dander, but what then? What do ye do? What can ye do?

Although being locked into a chair suits my immersion considering Im disabled in real life, so my avatar mirrors my real life in that respect. Its part of the reason I do love this game...Ill never see the stars in real life but I can in this game and thats why I hate the part where they broke it 11 months ago. Thats the source of my salt ^

Sorry to hear that. The first person moving around could be done with a hover chair or something as well. First person gameplay is the most personal level of immersion. It would be awesome to see different sections of ships, explore stations, go to a space bar, board other ships. It also adds more role play opportunities.

Even Braben said it's always been about being a person in a real futuristic setting, not just a ship.
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Sorry to hear that. The first person moving around could be done with a hover chair or something as well. First person gameplay is the most personal level of immersion. It would be awesome to see different sections of ships, explore stations, go to a space bar, board other ships. It also adds more role play opportunities.

Even Braben said it's always been about being a person in a real futuristic setting, not just a ship.

Thats like building a completely different game into another game...ton of work I would imagine. Theres also the tiny little detail that Braben says a lotta things, only a few of which ever see the light of day. I hope fer yer sake ye get these legs, but personally fer me, they are a non thing...Id be more interested in them fixing what they already have rather than add new stuff fer the time being. Maybe thats whats coming "soon" and thats what Im more interested in. That will decide if I even see a third season because as it stands, theres not enough to make me wanna pay fer it ^
Thats like building a completely different game into another game...ton of work I would imagine.

Yes it's like integrating another type of game (first person simulation). It's also part of development goals that were mentioned during the Kickstarter. They can first release a basic version and expand it. Just like they did with other features. I imagine they'll expand multicrew too, cause now it's too basic and combat oriented.

Theres also the tiny little detail that Braben says a lotta things, only a few of which ever see the light of day. I hope fer yer sake ye get these legs, but personally fer me, they are a non thing...Id be more interested in them fixing what they already have rather than add new stuff fer the time being. Maybe thats whats coming "soon" and thats what Im more interested in.

Improvements to the core-game are important too, but that shouldn't delay space legs imo.

They said they are not going to be on stage at GamesCon

It's Gamescom, they won't do an event there this year, they're saving it up for Frontier Expo.
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That's the thing though...whatever the future holds, one can only guess and imagine. Take my situation fer example...I wasn't here fer this Kickstarter so whatever was or wasn't said has absolutely no bearing on me whatsoever. It means exactly zero to me. Like I said, I can only judge them on what I see in the here and now and that's where it gets tricky.

Whatever their past achievements were also means nothing to me...past is past and it serves no other practical purpose to me...I judge on what I can see now and atm, that ain't really an awful lot.

I admire yer optimism but don't share it...that's based upon what I've seen so far.
...First person gameplay is the most personal level of immersion. It would be awesome to see different sections of ships, explore stations, go to a space bar, board other ships. It also adds more role play opportunities. Even Braben said it's always been about being a person in a real futuristic setting, not just a ship.

I agree.

Even just walking around the ship cockpits is cool today in VR, and I'd love to be able to walk around each of my ships (inside and out) as well as stations etc.

I'm sure whatever FDev does, it will be to make the game even more fun as well as include many qol features like they have been doing.

I mean, I can't imagine going back to when we didn't have module storage, ship transfer, SLF, holo me, passengers, ship naming, etc.

So many of the updates have really improved the core of the game, and many more still need some additional work that I don't see FDev running out of things to do.

And if it doesn't include walking, or planets with atmospheres, no worries - I also own NMS and SC which already has these features.

That said, I hope they do include those two features and more :-D
Fer exploration to get fixed...regards the beigification issue elsewhere.

See heres the thing...Im not a fanboi obviously and even though Ive been gaming a long time and was very much around in the good ol days of 84, I was never a fan of frontier games. Never played their earlier games, just dabbled here and there but nothing serious. So while others who love them speak from their experience of frontier, thats not something I have. I can only base my judgement on what Ive seen and so far, that leaves a lot to be desired Im afraid.

I am passionate about the game...wouldnt be here at all if I hated it, but passion is a double edged sword. Hell hath no fury like a gamer scorned and all that.

I remember people used to say that frontier was the best at this and that and the other, and after a year and a half I can without any reservation say they are not. In terms of community relations, they are at the lower end of the scale...even eve, as toxic as their forums used to be, still score higher when it comes to dev/player relations.

Anyway...preaching to the converted know as well as anyone what things are like and we either accept it or move on. Based on what I can see right now though, I wont be here fer season 3 and I sure as hell wont hand over any more money until I know a fair bit more than what I do right now which is almost nothing. Admitedly, its not hard to know more than nothing but...that seems to be the way this crowd do business. Good luck to them ^

Yesterday I was talking with a streamer playing ED, he said he was there since the first days of beta. When I asked him how he felt about Frontier's communication right now he told me that it was because FDev were sulking.
Since they got really bad feedbacks for the most part of 2.3 (even 2.2 was a bit meh) they wouldn't speak as much to their community anymore.. I don't know if this is what is happening but I feel like it.
Anyway... I'll keep playing, but I wont buy anymore if they don't change their way of doing things. Even more so if the new model replacing the season is another cashmine.
Yesterday I was talking with a streamer playing ED, he said he was there since the first days of beta. When I asked him how he felt about Frontier's communication right now he told me that it was because FDev were sulking.
Since they got really bad feedbacks for the most part of 2.3 (even 2.2 was a bit meh) they wouldn't speak as much to their community anymore.. I don't know if this is what is happening but I feel like it.
Anyway... I'll keep playing, but I wont buy anymore if they don't change their way of doing things. Even more so if the new model replacing the season is another cashmine.

Personally I don't think that's true. Before 2.0 was announced we didnt know it would be planetary landings. So from that point of view the fact we know nothing about 3.0 (or whatever it might be) is not any different.
Anyway... I'll keep playing, but I wont buy anymore if they don't change their way of doing things. Even more so if the new model replacing the season is another cashmine.

We got much more value for money with the Horizons major updates than most other games imo.

I think season 3 will have major updates that can be bought individually rather than as a whole season.
spring, summer, autumn, winter and then spring again.....

We got much more value for money with the Horizons major updates than most other games imo.

Multicrew was worth EVERY PENNY!
it's like ship launched fighters V2.0 combined with some third person shooter I would never play but with lots of disconnects and a player base the size of CQC's.

The alien bases are a work of art though.
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remember that live stream thing at e3? im guessing theyll do the same with gamescom, though it would be rly nice if they launched before cause of my vacations.
Anyway... I'll keep playing, but I wont buy anymore if they don't change their way of doing things. Even more so if the new model replacing the season is another cashmine.

Cashmine? I think the whole of season 2 is radiculously cheap imho, it's just taken a bit long.
Multicrew was worth EVERY PENNY!
Did you only get multicrew with horizons? My self, I got a whole lot more then that like landing on planets, SLF, engineers (which I enjoy a lot), updated missions and passenger missions. Also all the other goodies coming in 2.4.

The only thing that I didn't like was the multicrew feature. The rest of 2.3 was great though.
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