Soontill Relics, the Regor Permit Sector and DB's cryptic hints....

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Drew's stuff was not connected directly to the UA, so the only "real" hint we have had is "have you listened to it", and the recent statements by Braben and on Kerrash's stream that there is something in-game that we have not found yet (and that we were overanalyzing and it was more obvious than we thought in the latter case).
Can you link me to that broadcast if it was saved? I think there's someone I know who can find the smallest of hints in what people say.....
I feel like my post was skimmed over and so is why I'm reposting it as I feel that it's important to notice.

EDIT: I have now been given a link though I hear there's an interview with DB where it's mentioned....
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Got bored today! watched a couple of movies : Contact & Stargate

Got me thinking. (Not bothered to wade through all 626 pages so sorry if I missed anything) We have heard that we might be over thinking things so simple is easy for me >_<

So back to basics:

1) How many of these artefacts have we discovered?
2) Where were they discovered?

It could be a simple "Stargate" style co-ordinate system (to pinpoint any location in space you need 6 points of reference X+, X-, Y+, Y-, Z+, Z-) and where all 6 meet up is the location you're looking for. (it could also be done with only 3 or 4 points of reference).
Then if you take one or more of the artefacts to that location the message may make sense. i.e. The key to decoding the message is held within the message, in Contact it was 6 pages in a cube arrangement, in game it could be somethinlg like that 6 locations pointing to a specific system.

As i said I'm rather bored and simple mineded today... must be the UK heatwave....
If you're going to test if the sounds are random, or related to different places in a system, may I suggest that you do three recordings:

  1. In place A
  2. In place B
  3. Back to place A


If step 1 & 3 produce identical results, and different to step 2:
Sound == Not random
else if step 1 & 3 produce different results:
Sound == Probably random, or at least not related to in system position.

Then you can use the same rationale for system-system comparisons. Its a very hard thing to test 'scientifically' I reckon, and a lot to ask of the two people with UA's, I think, but thanks for doing it.

- - - Updated - - -

What we CAN all do, is logically re-assess what the clues are so far.

10 March: 1.2 is released. Includes "- Adding valuable salvage convoys to three permitted systems: LFT 509, Isinor, Witch's Reach"
13 March: The UA appeared for the first time as cargo on board the ship in the Wings trailer, there must be clues in that video we missed? (link)
28 April: Michael Brookes comes into this thread and says "Have you listened to them?"
29 April: MB confirms in this thread that Soontill relics are not the same thing as UA's, and that they cannot be bought
02 May: MB says that they are "exceedingly rare [sic] and can only be found within a certain region of space - that does include multiple systems though." and then later clarifies that they can only be found in "certain regions in the galaxy"
02 May: Senator Kahina Tijani Loren’s Imperial Courier undergoes significant refit (link)
04 May: Wishblend finds the first UA in 109 Virginis, but unfortunately doesn't get it. Henceforth officially celebrated as UA Day across the galaxy. That afternoon, a further number were spotted (including by myself) but RedWizzard finally managed to actually grab one in Timocani. Due to a bug a couple more were duplicated. They were spawning a lot that day, for sure.
06 May: President Halsey's tour of the frontier announced (link)
13 May: President Halsey sets off from Sol (link)
17 May: Kahina Tijani has an advanced scanner fitted to her ship (link)
26 May: Halsey's Starflight One goes missing (link)
27 May: Report on what happened to SSOne (link)
28/29 May: Conspiracy theories abound (link)
02 June: Hudson becomes president.
22 June: Mahddogg publishes his panel discussion about PP, in which Kerrash mentions that 'there is definitely still something to discover related to the UAs but he can't say what it is" and that "FD feel that they have given enough clues and any more would be giving it away"

My personal theory is that all the Hudson/Halsey stuff is not related to the UAs. That was all just leading up to PP with Hudson as one of them, and Halsey was assassinated.

My other personal theory is that the Kahina Tajani stuff is also unrelated, because I *think* it was written by Drew as a user submitted story [citation needed] and we have since learned that Drew knows as much as we do about the UAs (see MahdDoggs panel discussion). All the code cracking stuff was a distraction, (Right On Commanders), and therefore anything to do with the Formadine rift, and 'things worse than Thargoids' is a red herring.

There are other player submitted stories in Galnet, but as far as I can see, I don't see a way to tell which is which? Which doesn't help when you're looking for clues from FD.

So, really, I think that leaves the Wings trailer, and Kerrash's hint? Unless I'm missing something huge...

That's my research, I have spent a bit of time going back over old threads, and galnets and youtubes etc. I don't see any obvious clues personally, I hope that the timeline helps someone else think of something.

Of course, it would be great to know 3 things:

- Are the UAs still spawning at all?
- Where should we be looking for clues? Galnet, forum, community site, Bulletin board, Community Goals, SSS, WSS, Elite Fiction, official trailers, dev diaries, interviews? Where?? What is lore and what is misdirection? Because, I think that the misdirection is much more prevalent than they realise.
- What are these clues meant to be pertaining to? A place, an object, a ship, a person, a race, aliens... without even the slightest idea, we are literally barking up trees, without even knowing if trees are the right thing to be barking up. Or if barking is the right thing to be doing.

I am still interested, but its waning now to be honest. A mystery to solve is fun, but after 2 months this is still an infinite crossword without a single clue or any black squares.

A very nice summary. Thank you.
I also agree with your personal theorys.
10 March: 1.2 is released. Includes "- Adding valuable salvage convoys to three permitted systems: LFT 509, Isinor, Witch's Reach"
13 March: The UA appeared for the first time as cargo on board the ship in the Wings trailer, there must be clues in that video we missed?
28 April: Michael Brookes comes into this thread and says "Have you listened to them?"
29 April: MB confirms in this thread that Soontill relics are not the same thing as UA's, and that they cannot be bought
02 May: MB says that they are "exceedingly rare [sic] and can only be found within a certain region of space - that does include multiple systems though." and then later clarifies that they can only be found in "certain regions in the galaxy"
02 May: Senator Kahina Tijani Loren’s Imperial Courier undergoes significant refit (link)
04 May: Wishblend finds the first UA in 109 Virginis, but unfortunately doesn't get it. Henceforth officially celebrated as UA Day across the galaxy. That afternoon, a further number were spotted (including by myself) but RedWizzard finally managed to actually grab one in Timocani. Due to a bug a couple more were duplicated. They were spawning a lot that day, for sure.
06 May: President Halsey's tour of the frontier announced (link)
13 May: President Halsey sets off from Sol (link)
17 May: Kahina Tijani has an advanced scanner fitted to her ship (link)
26 May: Halsey's Starflight One goes missing (link)
27 May: Report on what happened to SSOne (link)
28/29 May: Conspiracy theories abound (link)
02 June: Hudson becomes president.
22 June: Mahddogg publishes his panel discussion about PP, in which Kerrash mentions that 'there is definitely still something to discover related to the UAs but he can't say what it is" and that "FD feel that they have given enough clues and any more would be giving it away"

My personal theory is that all the Hudson/Halsey stuff is not related to the UAs. That was all just leading up to PP with Hudson as one of them, and Halsey was assassinated.

My other personal theory is that the Kahina Tajani stuff is also unrelated, because I *think* it was written by Drew as a user submitted story [citation needed] and we have since learned that Drew knows as much as we do about the UAs (see MahdDoggs panel discussion). All the code cracking stuff was a distraction, (Right On Commanders), and therefore anything to do with the Formadine rift, and 'things worse than Thargoids' is a red herring.

There are other player submitted stories in Galnet, but as far as I can see, I don't see a way to tell which is which? Which doesn't help when you're looking for clues from FD.

So, really, I think that leaves the Wings trailer, and Kerrash's hint? Unless I'm missing something huge...

That's my research, I have spent a bit of time going back over old threads, and galnets and youtubes etc. I don't see any obvious clues personally, I hope that the timeline helps someone else think of something.

Of course, it would be great to know 3 things:

- Are the UAs still spawning at all?
- Where should we be looking for clues? Galnet, forum, community site, Bulletin board, Community Goals, SSS, WSS, Elite Fiction, official trailers, dev diaries, interviews? Where?? What is lore and what is misdirection? Because, I think that the misdirection is much more prevalent than they realise.
- What are these clues meant to be pertaining to? A place, an object, a ship, a person, a race, aliens... without even the slightest idea, we are literally barking up trees, without even knowing if trees are the right thing to be barking up. Or if barking is the right thing to be doing.

I am still interested, but its waning now to be honest. A mystery to solve is fun, but after 2 months this is still an infinite crossword without a single clue or any black squares.

Nice work. Maybe Arcanonn can post this to the first page of the thread?

A few observations:

- You can determine what was player-submitted news usually by checking this thread:
That said, I know of at least two players, and a couple of player/authors, who may be submitting things directly to FD without posting them to that thread. So the problem of identifying FD vs other Galnet submissions will remain to some extent.

- No one has yet (to my knowledge) been able to get a permit to LFT 509 or Witch's Reach, to be able to test taking a UA there (Not sure about Isinor, I think folks got permits but not sure if anyone took a UA there?)

- Peregrina "plague" outbreak and quarantine should be added to the timeline, not sure when this happened exactly or if it was in Galnet, could not find it in the Galnet archive and earliest reference I found online was in January, but it may have been in from launch? Anyone know, or have the patience to try and read back and find it?

- HE BO alien parasite plague outbreak on 30 April should be added to the timeline:

- Soontill Relics appearance could be added to the timeline 10 February 3301:

- Subsequent report on Soontill Relics in Galnet, 18 May 3301

- SAP 8 Core Container appearance could be added to the timeline, came with launch of 1.3 so 5 June 3301

We still do not know if UAs are related to Soontill Relics or SAP 8-Core Containers, or the Peregrina quarantine, but as they are all probably alien in nature (as is the HE BO plague and probably the Peregrina plague given the lore behind that planet) we likely should try to track developments for all of them.

Edit: We could also add the links to the series of "My Husband is a Thargoid!!" Galnet articles if someone wants to dig them out. I believe there was a system or two mentioned in them and some speculation as to its location earlier (much earlier) in this thread.
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With all these summaries, and the thread several thousand posts long, now would be a good time to start a new thread with what we know, what has been debunked, and what is still unknown.
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Just to add, and I know this is alluded to in OP but I've been trying variations on things and well others might be doing the same :

This is an Ancient Artefact :


It's just dawned on me, if you have an item in your cargo hold you cannot store your ship.

So essentially if I did locate one I would have a ship that continuously degrades and there's no way to prevent that?
This thread is still going on? Wow, I applaud the dedication. Besides finding the UA's though, there's been no real momentum forward on this mystery, has there?
This thread is still going on? Wow, I applaud the dedication. Besides finding the UA's though, there's been no real momentum forward on this mystery, has there?

nope none. An no new UA have been found for weeks either. I think until we do find some new ones and get a fresh pair eyes on the actual UA there won't be any progress.
Got bored today! watched a couple of movies : Contact & Stargate

Got me thinking. (Not bothered to wade through all 626 pages so sorry if I missed anything) We have heard that we might be over thinking things so simple is easy for me >_<

So back to basics:

1) How many of these artefacts have we discovered?
2) Where were they discovered?

It could be a simple "Stargate" style co-ordinate system (to pinpoint any location in space you need 6 points of reference X+, X-, Y+, Y-, Z+, Z-) and where all 6 meet up is the location you're looking for. (it could also be done with only 3 or 4 points of reference).
Then if you take one or more of the artefacts to that location the message may make sense. i.e. The key to decoding the message is held within the message, in Contact it was 6 pages in a cube arrangement, in game it could be somethinlg like that 6 locations pointing to a specific system.

As i said I'm rather bored and simple mineded today... must be the UK heatwave....

Well we have 2.....and where they were discovered I think is on the first page.


It's just dawned on me, if you have an item in your cargo hold you cannot store your ship.

So essentially if I did locate one I would have a ship that continuously degrades and there's no way to prevent that?

Nope except to drop it or dock which is just a temporary solution.
I feel like my post was skimmed over and so is why I'm reposting it as I feel that it's important to notice.

EDIT: I have now been given a link though I hear there's an interview with DB where it's mentioned....

I could have swore there was one at e3 where he mentioned it but cannot find it now. I blame Thargoids.

Most of my posts are skimmed over, so I wouldn't take personal exception to that, esp. as people are generally not here 24/7
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I could have swore there was one at e3 where he mentioned it but cannot find it now. I blame Thargoids.

Most of my posts are skimmed over, so I wouldn't take personal exception to that, esp. as people are generally not here 24/7

I don't skim any posts! Except the total crackpot ones - which would be my own ;)

And does refreshing the page and catching up every hour or so I'm awake, count? I've had a browser window on my phone open to this thread permanently now for two months!

I know... I need to get out more... Into SPACE!!! Mwahahahaha!!!

It's just dawned on me, if you have an item in your cargo hold you cannot store your ship.

So essentially if I did locate one I would have a ship that continuously degrades and there's no way to prevent that?

Yep which tells us that if we have to take this somewhere to reveal something special, it somewhere in or near human space. Which probably still a few million systems. Ferrying the thing in a wing could be a possibility and could certainly cover thousands of light years if you did it like that.

Have any one measure the amount of damage it does to a ship,

does it decrease or increase depending which direction you are going in?. How fast you going?.

What about turning off the life support systems does that effect the UA?
I don't skim any posts! Except the total crackpot ones - which would be my own ;)

And does refreshing the page and catching up every hour or so I'm awake, count? I've had a browser window on my phone open to this thread permanently now for two months!

I know... I need to get out more... Into SPACE!!! Mwahahahaha!!!

The first step is admitting you have a problem... ;-)
With all these summaries, and the thread several thousand posts long, now would be a good time to start a new thread with what we know, what has been debunked, and what is still unknown.

This is probably the longest thread in general discussion that doesn't debate the shortcomings of the game, bring out the champaigne!


CMDR Danubezoe Klendathu
After looking at this thread about a gazillion times a day, I am sadly on the verge of losing interest. When FD said there would be thargoids I didn't actually think they were building a real thargoid ship from scratch! This has taken too long. The game needs the Thargoids now, and they need to be real bad and scarey! FD, , hurry up!
If you're going to test if the sounds are random, or related to different places in a system, may I suggest that you do three recordings:

  1. In place A
  2. In place B
  3. Back to place A


If step 1 & 3 produce identical results, and different to step 2:
Sound == Not random
else if step 1 & 3 produce different results:
Sound == Probably random, or at least not related to in system position.

Then you can use the same rationale for system-system comparisons. Its a very hard thing to test 'scientifically' I reckon, and a lot to ask of the two people with UA's, I think, but thanks for doing it.

- - - Updated - - -

What we CAN all do, is logically re-assess what the clues are so far.

10 March: 1.2 is released. Includes "- Adding valuable salvage convoys to three permitted systems: LFT 509, Isinor, Witch's Reach"
13 March: The UA appeared for the first time as cargo on board the ship in the Wings trailer, there must be clues in that video we missed? (link)
28 April: Michael Brookes comes into this thread and says "Have you listened to them?"
29 April: MB confirms in this thread that Soontill relics are not the same thing as UA's, and that they cannot be bought
02 May: MB says that they are "exceedingly rare [sic] and can only be found within a certain region of space - that does include multiple systems though." and then later clarifies that they can only be found in "certain regions in the galaxy"
02 May: Senator Kahina Tijani Loren’s Imperial Courier undergoes significant refit (link)
04 May: Wishblend finds the first UA in 109 Virginis, but unfortunately doesn't get it. Henceforth officially celebrated as UA Day across the galaxy. That afternoon, a further number were spotted (including by myself) but RedWizzard finally managed to actually grab one in Timocani. Due to a bug a couple more were duplicated. They were spawning a lot that day, for sure.
06 May: President Halsey's tour of the frontier announced (link)
13 May: President Halsey sets off from Sol (link)
17 May: Kahina Tijani has an advanced scanner fitted to her ship (link)
26 May: Halsey's Starflight One goes missing (link)
27 May: Report on what happened to SSOne (link)
28/29 May: Conspiracy theories abound (link)
02 June: Hudson becomes president.
22 June: Mahddogg publishes his panel discussion about PP, in which Kerrash mentions that 'there is definitely still something to discover related to the UAs but he can't say what it is" and that "FD feel that they have given enough clues and any more would be giving it away"

My personal theory is that all the Hudson/Halsey stuff is not related to the UAs. That was all just leading up to PP with Hudson as one of them, and Halsey was assassinated.

My other personal theory is that the Kahina Tajani stuff is also unrelated, because I *think* it was written by Drew as a user submitted story [citation needed] and we have since learned that Drew knows as much as we do about the UAs (see MahdDoggs panel discussion). All the code cracking stuff was a distraction, (Right On Commanders), and therefore anything to do with the Formadine rift, and 'things worse than Thargoids' is a red herring.

There are other player submitted stories in Galnet, but as far as I can see, I don't see a way to tell which is which? Which doesn't help when you're looking for clues from FD.

So, really, I think that leaves the Wings trailer, and Kerrash's hint? Unless I'm missing something huge...

That's my research, I have spent a bit of time going back over old threads, and galnets and youtubes etc. I don't see any obvious clues personally, I hope that the timeline helps someone else think of something.

Of course, it would be great to know 3 things:

- Are the UAs still spawning at all?
- Where should we be looking for clues? Galnet, forum, community site, Bulletin board, Community Goals, SSS, WSS, Elite Fiction, official trailers, dev diaries, interviews? Where?? What is lore and what is misdirection? Because, I think that the misdirection is much more prevalent than they realise.
- What are these clues meant to be pertaining to? A place, an object, a ship, a person, a race, aliens... without even the slightest idea, we are literally barking up trees, without even knowing if trees are the right thing to be barking up. Or if barking is the right thing to be doing.

I am still interested, but its waning now to be honest. A mystery to solve is fun, but after 2 months this is still an infinite crossword without a single clue or any black squares.

Firstly thank you for the great chronological summary I will indeed put it on the front page.

Secondly I completely understand if this is becoming less apealling as we are floundering in the dark and have been pretty much been told there are no more clues.

I for one will be sticking with it, but I would not blame anyone who decided regard to the larger picture I, (if their still with me Stevelaw and Huros) also hopefully with Drews help ;) intend to campaign for more of this sort of thing in game.

Any FD staff still reading along cmon throw us a bone! :D
Firstly thank you for the great chronological summary I will indeed put it on the front page.

Secondly I completely understand if this is becoming less apealling as we are floundering in the dark and have been pretty much been told there are no more clues.

I for one will be sticking with it, but I would not blame anyone who decided regard to the larger picture I, (if their still with me Stevelaw and Huros) also hopefully with Drews help ;) intend to campaign for more of this sort of thing in game.

Any FD staff still reading along cmon throw us a bone! :D

I've been more of a stranger than a regular as of late and that's mainly because the game has taken a different direction for the time being. PP had my (and I suspect many others') interest for a bit but it turned out to be a major grindfest with not much benefit other than a feeling of belonging for a while. I think in general the game has suffered from some stagnation even with PP and I do believe Frontier knows this that's why they probably have something up their sleeve to turn things around a bit but they aren't telling. E3 was a great exercise in restraint and diversion I think we'll know more in the coming weeks but until then quiet reflection is going to be the norm.
Any FD staff still reading along cmon throw us a bone! :D

Or at least new UA's to gain!
No UA's any more and no clues smells like a great hocus-pocus.
And they don't say it, they let say it CMDR Kerrash?

All new Elite/Founder missions currently smells the same ...
And permanent 20% discount for almost all, and Elite in Exploration for one-third, and and and ...

To bring something new in:
So against my first observation: "Trinkets" are reachable for non Founder/Elite but until now in my game not the "SAP 8".
"SAP 8" convois spawn massiv (today) if a CMDR is at the Elite Combat mission: "Discret Redistribution". But only then for me so far.
And I can assure: It tooks ages to test this all out!

Edit #1: Yesterday I saw a thread where a CMDR claimed to have found "SAP 8" as salvage from an NPC (without the misssion)
But can't find thread anymore. So maybe "SAP 8" is also available for non Founder/Elite. I was unable to verfy this so far.
Frontier has and will change any time without an notice. Thats for sure ...
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