sothis/ceos alternative

i was looking for alternative for these places in means of distance. right now i finished winged pirate-killing mission were to blow up 28 baddies from sirius corp. i hit share button and he hit accept button aswell,i did finish this mission and claimed my reward but he said that the reward can be collected in station i did take mission so he must fly to sothis. hes on deep exploration trip with krait phantom,he is half way to coalsack. i was about to accept more winged pirate killing but after he realized cant collect reward i didnt pick more wing missions so trying to find better place for him to run missions together,he want to be bait and i have to blast baddies one by one.

i did depart to look for extraction systems with boom state but so far checked 18 places and notthing good. we need system that offer wing-missions for mining rush and comflict zone missions. his idea is that once he finish coalsac exploration he will return and help. since hes flying unarmed he cant go combat until he buys decent ship for combat.
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bump to the top. looking for systems that offer mining missions for wings. best if can be done from A to B and from C to B also from B to A and from B to C. boom state,extraction,refinery states dont give mining missions at all,already tried this. and all did find were just two for osmium samarum but no indite gallite cobalt and bertrandite.

tried google, tried inara tried eddb but there was no any valuable information as there is no any tools to help find places with mining missions. tried browse reddit eliteminers but there is no any clues too,its just about general mining but not doing mining missions.
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