Spacelegs are coming or what? (YES! Again those spacelegs)

My opinion is that you are never going to be able to steal ships (not even from NPC's) .. I have serious doubts about ship boarding too. As others have said, you get a system message that you are being boarded, Esc to menu - 15 second timer, safe. But my big question is what happens if you die whilst outside of your ship? .. It's gonna have to be some serious handwavium to get around that little chestnut. My only guess would be that we can now be cloned, but doesn't Star Citizen use that? .. would it look like FD are "Stealing"* ideas from C.R?

*For want of a better word.
As long as i can explore lost generation ships with a flashlight and a motion tracker, walk around my vessel and beat the hell out of that filthy CMDR who shot down my AspX after 6 months of exploration (imaginary scenario), i am totally for spacelegs. And walking through thargoid bases and guardian ruins, getting out of the SRV just anywhere... Love it already...
My opinion is that you are never going to be able to steal ships (not even from NPC's) .. I have serious doubts about ship boarding too. As others have said, you get a system message that you are being boarded, Esc to menu - 15 second timer, safe. But my big question is what happens if you die whilst outside of your ship? .. It's gonna have to be some serious handwavium to get around that little chestnut. My only guess would be that we can now be cloned, but doesn't Star Citizen use that? .. would it look like FD are "Stealing"* ideas from C.R?

*For want of a better word.

Is that another one of those "never done before" features from CIG? cough...Eve Online...cough

If anyone wants to go down the "appropriation" route in relation to CIG I think the post size limit will need extending, as the list of assets, ideas and mechanics supposedly coming in that tech demo, that have been "borrowed" from elsewhere is long and distinguished ;-)
Is that another one of those "never done before" features from CIG? cough...Eve Online...cough

If anyone wants to go down the "appropriation" route in relation to CIG I think the post size limit will need extending, as the list of assets, ideas and mechanics supposedly coming in that tech demo, that have been "borrowed" from elsewhere is long and distinguished ;-)

To be honest I don't know, I don't follow that game. It's just something I think I heard. But it doesn't really matter in the long run. and because of FD's (and to be fair a lot of CMDRs) insistence on explaining everything for immurshun! .. cloning seems to be the way to go if you get killed whilst on your Elite: feet.

That is unless we never actually get out of our seat and 'Holo-Me' walk everywhere! ... that would certainly solve the gravity issue brought up in this thread! :eek:


Oh god. What have I done! .. Walking about as Telepresence/Holo-Me would solve a lot of issues when it comes to walking about.

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I really want Space-Legs to appear next year. Not because I particularly want the feature, but it would mean 45% of the forums would just shut up about demanding space legs.

That would leave 45% of the forums demanding atmospheric landings, and then the irritating 10% left who want to walk about on atmospheric planets.
To be honest I don't know, I don't follow that game. It's just something I think I heard. But it doesn't really matter in the long run. and because of FD's (and to be fair a lot of CMDRs) insistence on explaining everything for immurshun! .. cloning seems to be the way to go if you get killed whilst on your Elite: feet.

That is unless we never actually get out of our seat and 'Holo-Me' walk everywhere! ... that would certainly solve the gravity issue brought up in this thread! :eek:


Oh god. What have I done! .. Walking about as Telepresence/Holo-Me would solve a lot of issues when it comes to walking about.

ED comes full circle.

You are a CMDR, who is actually a hologram controlled by the real CMDR, who is behind a desk somewhere safe, who is controlled by a real person behind a desk, somewhere safe. :p
ED comes full circle.

You are a CMDR, who is actually a hologram controlled by the real CMDR, who is behind a desk somewhere safe, who is controlled by a real person behind a desk, somewhere safe. :p

While i am all in for realism, i stopped thinking about telepresence. I just enjoy the game and as long as it feels like i am there, i don't care (anymore). Respawning is an ugly necessity, unless it is an iron man style game. What the respawn is called just doesn't matter.

Yea, baby! And to celebrate, I'm walkin' the whole way!

And then you realize, that Hutton Orbital has no human sized external hatches...

Oh god. What have I done! .. Walking about as Telepresence/Holo-Me would solve a lot of issues when it comes to walking about.

I reckon they're way ahead of you ;). Seems pretty likely Holo-Me was introduced not just to allow stuff like telepresence, but to help explain away gamey deaths/respawns when Legs come and other sticking points. (I guess we'll see, but I wouldn't be surprised if it plays a major role in that sense.)

I could see a two tier system being kinda cool, where Holo-Mes can interact with a more limited toolset, but the physical you can rock different suit loadouts that lean towards stealth or combat or engineering etc.

Like say if you did get killed in your own ship you could Holo-Project back into it for a last rearguard action, or to requisition it back if they don't shield it correctly at all times? There could be plenty of fun and games there potentially.

The main issue, from an ED 'realism' point of view, is how to deal with death of the 'real' you if we can roam in that form. Cyborg bodies inhabited by telepresence probably :D
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When I think of space-legs in ED I don't imagine fighting on foot, stealing ships, etc; I just think of being able to step out of the ship and walk around space stations, getting a nice view out of the windows and bumping into other Commanders. A sort of Playstation Home but decent, if you will.

That would suffice for me; it would be a nice way to break the monotony of flying and give us a change of environment once in a while, or even a neat way to socialise in game and meet other players.
And Braben said a bunch of things during kickstarter which are never coming so he can't be trusted at all.

The stuff you're talking about, the bigger pillar outlines, were all supposed to be in paid expansions right? We got one, the next one is coming. Seems a strange time to claim that nothing else will ever come ;)

There have been no hints.

I'm leaning towards the OP's pic being a fan mock up tbh. Can't find it in any official channel.

But there have been hints.

*hint hint*
And Braben said a bunch of things during kickstarter which are never coming so he can't be trusted at all.

And with time and experience things change. I wouldn't say Braben can't be trusted. I always saw that stuff as a "we would like to do" .. not a "we WILL do" .. Just look at other developers at the pre alpha stages of a game.

I can't think of a single game that delivered everything that was proposed at the pre alpha stage.

I would rather devloper thought BIG .. than limit their idea's .. If it doesn't pay off, then so be it. Is ED a good game? ... Yes.

Is it what everyone want's ... Of course not.
Brett recently admitted on these forums that space legs and atmo were PROBABLY still coming...once "the tech can handle them."

He did not not set a date for when Frontier tech would finally be capable of delivering promises made 4 years ago, however.
And Braben said a bunch of things during kickstarter which are never coming so he can't be trusted at all.

That may be a bit of a stretch, even for the most bitter folks who paid too much to join a forum where they were allowed to listen to the developers talk, post messages that may not have even been read, under the illusion that their opinions matters, but that's another story entirely.

Brainstorming happens all the time during project development, and sometimes things come up that do sound good, interesting, even fantastic, that prove to be unfeasible, unrealistic, or outright impossible, once concept become code. This doesn't impact the person who had the idea's credibility in any way.
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