IMPORTANT: Spooky Pack new DLC coming soon!

I believe what ojonas wrote is the crux of the problem for several of our members here. Alpha players (of which I was one) want to have their cake and eat it too. What you all paid that exorbitant $70 for was ALPHA/BETA access. You got a game what, six to eight months before anyone else. THAT is what you paid for, the ability to play the game and to offer feedback/constructive criticism, but not for unlimited free downloads or fixing what you feel is wrong with the basic game. Note that, what you feel is wrong.

Who decides there is something wrong with the base game? You? The company that created the game seems to think what they have released is a playable game. Is it perfect? No. But it is their game, not yours. The company was also very up front and said repeatedly that not everything shown or described would make it into the final game itself. One quick example; They showed us about twenty different directions the sci fi theme was going to go in, but only released one set kind of Star Wars looking. They showed all kinds of concept art and obviously abandoned some and kept some. They showed renders of people sitting to eat, which I would like to have but was not promised. I was also looking forward to the barbershop quartet. Yes, they showed us Security Guards, but then also announced they would not be in the initial release of the game. They were later added either because they worked out the bugs, or because so many whiners complained. To me personally, they add absolutely nothing to the gameplay and after using them once, I have never utilized them again. But that's me.

To try and turn this thread around into something a little more positive, I would like to ask a question of those of you who are less than satisfied with how things are going. I have heard numerous complaints about the lack of management. What exactly do you mean by this? I am frankly curious exactly what you feel is incomplete about this aspect of the game?

You have to note that you didn't get a finished game in that period, though. Even for finished games, 70 dollars is quite a price, let alone for one that isn't even in beta (ergo, not even close to being finished or perhaps playable in some aspects). You could even argue that having people pay for such a thing is also a dubious business practice (seeing the plethora of games that just remain in permanent alpha/beta, and you're paying to bugtest a game, basically doing work for the developer), but I don't know the details of this particular case, so I'm not cracking open that can of worms.

Also, if I'm correct EA and/or DICE decided nothing was wrong with the base game of Star Wars Battlefront for release, but I can imagine some people disagreeing with that.
In my case in particular, PC has crashed 2/3 of the times I've played it (on a brand new gaming PC), although those were all GPU (driver) crashes. I'd say the game has a couple problems, and not necessarily of the funny kind.

The problems with management are, if I recall correctly, that certain aspects do not work properly (like workload, for example), whilst others are missing (e.g. being able to buy land, or a scenario editor like we had in RCT3). Ironically, the Security aspect might in my opinion be one of the best working ones, with significant impact on happiness of you discardid on higher difficulties.
A place where you can find some of these arguments is in the "MAKE MANAGEMENT GREAT AGAIN"-thread under Planet Coaster discussions, although this contains also a fair amount of suggestions rather than merely fixes.
The spooky pack sounds very promising and accept the price for what is in the pack as well as to support further development. But i will buy this pack only after Frontier Expo if they announce some overdue changes and improvements to the management part and overall aspects of the game. If not i know that i would play Planet Coaster less and less with only the creative part (which i also enjoy very much) being added to. This is not against the developer or anyone, it's just my preference that i only enjoy creating a beautiful park when it is also required proper management.

Here's hoping that we won't see just another edition of "adding new assets to PC" at Frontier Expo!
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The whole argument between the "I want everything for free because the initial game didn't have everything I wanted" crowd, and the "I'm happy to pay occasionally to get more content, realizing I've already received several free major updates" crowd is a completely pointless exercise. Nobody is going to convince anyone on the internet, on this or any other topic.

A post you're never likely to see on the internet (if the poster is being serious):
"You know... you make some really valid points that have changed my mind about this topic. I've changed my views in light of your reasonable discussion. Thank you for helping to enlighten me about this!"

New Facebook Picture
As for early access all i have to say is the extra price paid was not completely worth it. Several suggestions made in that period about improvements and fixes (and there where some very good ones in that time) have still not been worked on (or they still are working on it).

Thats my opinion about it and yes it was my decision to do so and it was still fun in the time. So afterwards i did feel i should have waited so i could have had the advantage of a fairer price for the product released.

Edit: those screenshots look good!
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You have to note that you didn't get a finished game in that period, though.

The problem with this statement is that you will never find two people who agree on what a "finished game" looks like. Everyone has their own priorities. Some hold RCT3 as a standard of what a "finished game" looks like, even though the community continued to add to it (even after expansion packs) because it didn't have what they were looking for.

When I first played the release version of PC, I felt that it was a finished game, as far as being ready for release. I had a lot of fun with it. That was before 3 free seasonal updates, several in-between patches, 3 paid (and optional) mini-DLC packs, and an upcoming free anniversary update (and more in the future). I don't think PC is ever a "finished game" since it will continue to grow and develop via Frontier and the community. I've certainly gotten my moneys-worth out of the original game. I did my homework and watched all of the videos and knew what I was buying. I was buying what existed at the time for the price at the time. Even if Frontier had not come out with another DLC (free or paid), it wouldn't matter. I paid my money for what I got. I expect that if I want even more, I can pay more later. I certainly wasn't expecting quarterly free updates, but got them anyway. I wasn't expecting the licensed DLCs, but they looked fun so I gladly purchased them. I wasn't expecting the spooky pack (nor did not having it prevent me from having a great time in PC). I can choose to buy it or not buy it.

This update doesn't "complete" PC for me. No update will do that for anyone because it won't address everything that you may feel made PC unfinished at launch. I respect your opinion, as much as I respect the opinion of anyone I don't know and am not personally invested in. You have your opinions and I have mine. That's ok. Find me two people who agree on everything, and I'll find you two liars.
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Why are they being so secretive between releases, though? For example, we know nothing about what is going to be in the next DLC or even in the anniversary update. We have to wait until a certain date to know what the next update is even about. Like what the theme is, what types of rides are included, etc. Do they want to keep everything a surprise? This spooky pack was a complete surprise to me.
You have to note that you didn't get a finished game in that period, though. Even for finished games, 70 dollars is quite a price, let alone for one that isn't even in beta (ergo, not even close to being finished or perhaps playable in some aspects). You could even argue that having people pay for such a thing is also a dubious business practice (seeing the plethora of games that just remain in permanent alpha/beta, and you're paying to bugtest a game, basically doing work for the developer), but I don't know the details of this particular case, so I'm not cracking open that can of worms.

Point is that buying the early bird was completely optional. No one was forced to spend the money. There was an option to buy the regular game at a lower pre-order price than what it was after release. Frontier never said that you would get a complete, or close to complete, game during the alpha/beta period. They laid out the road-map ahead of time, telling us it would be three phases plus a short final Beta test that also invited people outside of the early birds program to participate in. The whole point with the early bird program was to get the core players, that were willing to pay the $70 it cost, to test the different game mechanics on a larger scale and give feedback to Frontier. That happened and made it to the game we have today. A lot of core items in the game today were influenced by the early bird players. Another way of looking at the high price is to weed out and limit the player base during this phase. Having too many testers would not be good either and you could, hypothetically, get feedback reports from players that didn't really care about the game. Enough of these reports and the game may have taken a less fortunate route. This is just speculations, but the price tag did in fact limit the number of alpha/beta testers which I think was one of Frontiers goal.

For people to complain that they did not get a full featured game during the alpha/beta process makes no sense. You only paid to get early access to the game and a chance to influence it. If you didn't believe Frontier would deliver a product you would like, maybe you places your early bird bet on the wrong horse.

In order to buy something, anything, most people first do some research if they don't know enough about the product they are buying. Some products you know by experience, like milk or eggs, if they are good and worth your money. Some need research, like a car. If you can't find the information you need in order to make the purchase decision, well then you have two options, you either don't buy the product and wait until you have gathered the information you feel you need, or you take a chance/risk and go ahead and buying it, knowing it may or may not turn out the way YOU hoped for. There is also a chance that it would turn out even better than what you could have imagined (that is my feeling about the game but certainly not everyone's since we all have different bars that sets the standards for ourselves). Basic risk analysis.
What we have seen so far is more than good.
But one little think I don’t like, is the king coaster mascot. I already have 3 versions of him. Gold, normal, Christmas. Why did they choose again for king coaster? I hoped to get a new type. Vicky Vampire or whatever... [bored]
What we have seen so far is more than good.
But one little think I don’t like, is the king coaster mascot. I already have 3 versions of him. Gold, normal, Christmas. Why did they choose again for king coaster? I hoped to get a new type. Vicky Vampire or whatever... [bored]

Vicky Vampire will be in the Spooky 2 DLC pack for the absolutely unarguable price of $14.50. Also included will be the rest of the castle pieces left out of the base Fantasy theme and the first Spooky DLC. Get your credit cards ready...[squeeeeee]
Why are they being so secretive between releases, though?

I think the mere fact that there are at least two and possibly more threads all dealing with complaints and approvals of what is or is not in the game, what was promised or not promised, what we paid versus what you paid, etc etc etc is the answer to your question.

Unfortunately, Frontier is in the unenviable position of darned if we do, darned if we don't. If they lay out the complete road map, they open themselves up to criticism from the "I think I saw a squiggle on that page and it's not in the game" crowd, and if they reveal nothing, the "why don't they ever ever communicate with us" crowd goes crazy.

As a for profit business, it can be very hard to walk that line of satisfying everyone. Personally, I think they are doing a pretty decent job.

is the path that was shown in the screen caps a new path texture?

Bo did mention new paths, so I'm going to say yes it is.
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Are people this ungrateful and mean-spirited when other games release downloadable content for a cost? This just boggles my mind. Is it a generation thing? Am I just an old geezer? Kids these days... Grumble grumble...

Personally, speaking as an artist myself, I support paying the designers for their hard work.

With RCT3 we gladly payed for Soaked! and Wild! How is this different? Why should we expect everything for free? I just don't get that. Call me old-fashioned I guess.
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