Star Citizen Discussion Thread v11

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... Coutts demanded all UK assets and Sq42 IP as security for a payday loan in June 2017 (which is still outstanding).

Oof! I didn't realise the Coutts loan was still outstanding. So much for CiG's explanation about a tax rebate. In which case I'll revise my opinion, CIG are sailing in Mole's choppy waters.

Servicing both streams of finance - either directly or by making accounting provision for - would further explain why pledge money doesn't go as far these days. To continue the nautical theme, it's looking like time to cut and run, so its a good job Chris bought himself a nice fast boat...

Remind me, how do we summon Yaffle...?
I love your photos Mole HD... you have a keen eye!. have you considered taking some to sell? I have bought images for our house which i dare say are no better than some you could likely take!.
It's not difficult to take nice photos up here...even on a cheapish smartphone. It's just a matter of pointing the phone in any direction and clicking the button :D


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Welp...storm Dennis has hit with a vengeance early this morning...winds gusting to 80mph which has cut the mains power again, my wind turbine has stopped since it has a built in safety feature and it stops generating when winds are over 45mph, although I have enough stored electricity from it to last a day or 2.

I'm back to running from the 12.5KVa diesel generator again...just as well I went with triple redundancy for the power. I'm guessing there'll be no ferries until the winds subside too :oops:

I took these yesterday up the north end of the island when the wind was a mere 45mph... one of these days when nature can make you feel very small.


So is this game ever coming to VR?

From what I remember there was some "big talk" about VR in the future so I think its still planned.
Would be surprised if they didn't jump in to VR as Chris likes to put every new possible gadget in to the game (look face mimic tracking from last year). In theory.
In other complete unrelated news, ship sales stop overnight! :D

(Actually no, but would be funny if true... maybe the word needs to spread a bit first)
They don't really become owned ships...since they get deleted during a wipe. Come 3.8.2, all those ships will be gone.
From what I remember there was some "big talk" about VR in the future so I think its still planned.
Would be surprised if they didn't jump in to VR as Chris likes to put every new possible gadget in to the game (look face mimic tracking from last year). In theory.
ED and IL-2 in VR have completely ruined 2D flying games for me (with the exception of MSFS 2020). I still enjoy FPS games like Overwatch and even RDR2 on a flat screen, as well as top-down strategy games like Stellaris, but my beloved Space Engineers now feels "flat" thanks to VR... I suspect SC would be similarly disappointing to me.

It's funny, because I'm kinda bored in ED right now, even with VR, but at least I'm fully immersed in my "boredom", LOL.
Based on the latest Virpil advert which uses a lot of Star Citizen footage, VR support is already in 🤔
The only VR option available in SC is via 3rd party emulation software (VorpX) to work with the fakes it at low res basically. Head tracking works via recent native Track-IR support in SC, but that's it. I'm still gutted as even the emulation software I use (FaceTrackNoir) to enable a track-ir mode with the Tobii 4C doesn't give me eyetracking support...I'm still trying to get my brain around just moving my head instead of using both head and eyes to look's a lot harder than it sounds :D
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The only VR option available in SC is via 3rd party emulation software to work with the rift..
Speaking of (slightly off-topic, forgive me), is it possible to emulate ANY 3D game in VR? I'm not talking so much about playing, but about just seeing the world in true 3D and realistic scale. I'd love to "look around" my creations in Space Engineers like I was actually there, even if I can't do anything else I'd normally do in 2D.

As for actually PLAYING a game, I would want VR to be natively supported. Even then, some games (I'm looking at you, Subnautica) fall short.
Well they could implement something like BigScreen and call it done: they'd have both VR (technically) AND cinema-like experience in one effortless move ! :)

Speaking of (slightly off-topic, forgive me), is it possible to emulate ANY 3D game in VR? I'm not talking so much about playing, but about just seeing the world in true 3D and realistic scale. I'd love to "look around" my creations in Space Engineers like I was actually there, even if I can't do anything else I'd normally do in 2D.

As for actually PLAYING a game, I would want VR to be natively supported. Even then, some games (I'm looking at you, Subnautica) fall short.
The emulation software I've seen videos of being used in Star Citizen is VorpX...I don't have a rift since I'm content with head/eyetracking, so I've no idea how it works.
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