Star Citizen Discussion Thread v11

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wow, good job. 2 people express their liking of sc and the dogs are out again in pack to eat then đź‘Ź

No, sorry, that's no fair at all.

This thread is imho generally pretty well balanced based on the evidence/product to date - ymmv.

My feeling is that: few here doubt that the game looks (in parts) fantastic; many question the stability; most are confounded by the time/money/results triangle for SC/SQ42; and many are frustrated by the 'economy of truth' used by CIG. Nonetheless, and despite all this, I do believe that most here would be absolutely delighted if SC/SQ42 proves enjoyable, should they ever actually arrive.

All said though, almost no-one here tolerates fools or 'rote' nonsense being endlessly regurgitated.
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Timex Sinclair 1000 with 16K RAM PAK...

I never knew such a thing was even a thing! Wow!

My first computer was a BBC-B - I saved for ages from my paper round and Saturday job to be able to afford it - the second big purchase in my life that I consciously budgeted and planned for. Belatedly I've realised that such things are very important life lessons, and I've always (broadly) saved rather than borrowed ever since.
Between May 26 and June 1, 2020, Star Citizen backers pledged around $8 million. That is less than one week, meaning it was significantly more than $1 million per day.

There were 23,677 new accounts made between our two points of reference and if they purchased only the basic pack, which costs $45, the total funding increase would amount to $1,065,465.

That hypothetical situation would leave around $7 million in pledges from the rest of the community, hinting that the Drake Pack, which was being sold during that period, amassed quite the lump of money for CIG.

No public data that explicitly states all that money went into $4,600 ship packs is available but the spike in funding during that exact week leaves little room for doubt.

I simply cannot understand spending the price of a small car/very good holiday on a computer game.

It's not that I'm judging such people, merely that I simply cannot comprehend the mind-set.

But, all said, each to their own.
I simply cannot understand spending the price of a small car/very good holiday on a computer game.

It's not that I'm judging such people, merely that I simply cannot comprehend the mind-set.

But, all said, each to their own.

Depressingly, I genuinely know someone of that persuasion. He's a 1 RTR guy, who's family have been of that 'class' forever (Mole will get the kind of person aim talking abouy) who threw a four digit figure at the project back in the day.

The uncomfortable thing for a few of you though who seem to have decided this is a 'Star citizen thing', is that he threw similar figures at ED as well, as did a fair few of the forum stalwarts here
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To be completely clear, my words apply to any game. SC is simply this thread's subject. I'm not criticising, just... erm... utterly nonplussed - I cannot understand this mind-set. ymmv.

Nah... I totally get it.

Throwing xxxx figure at a game boggles me regardless, however it boggles me more when people argue that giving xxxx figure to a company for a game is ok but giving the same figure to another company is somehow 'bad'.
It's not that giving money to either company is bad, it's that one company has released a product - taken it through it's lifecycle with delivered updates and new features, and as it approaches the end of that lifecycle it still adds new content with the "next version" already in product development, whereas another company has still not developed, let alone released, a product meeting it's announced development goals upon the basis on which it was funded.
Why does it have to be 'embarrasing' to anybody. Most folk outside of this weird 11 part threadnaught don't care about Star Citizen in the same manner people within it do
Speaking for myself. I don't care about SC. I care about games, and I'm agaisnt micro transaction, early access, games as a service, advertising rendered animation as in game footage and a few other things. It's a bad trend and steer games from being thought provokng or mental exercises in problem solving to being time sinks, shallow repetitive mechanics, or pretty viduals with little else etc. What's worst with CR is he advertised from the beginning he is going to save PC gaming. With what's he's doing I am very much against it.

I simply cannot understand spending the price of a small car/very good holiday on a computer game...

But, all said, each to their own.
I like to think they have money, just not Elon Musk money. Maybe Elon Musk should invest in SC, it might get some air of credibility.
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Why does it have to be 'embarrasing' to anybody. Most folk outside of this weird 11 part threadnaught don't care about Star Citizen in the same manner people within it do

I don't know, I mean, don't you think it might get a bit embarrasing trying to defend a game that has taken in such money and still hasn't released a game?

You don't think there comes a point where no matter what defenses you try and offer up (GTA5 took 20 years to develop and cost a billion dollars, yadda yadda) even the person offering up the excuses realizes they look silly?


Overall, it shows that the Star Citizen community still has confidence in Chris Roberts' vision and that the game will release properly.

Gave me a chuckle anyway.
Between May 26 and June 1, 2020, Star Citizen backers pledged around $8 million. That is less than one week, meaning it was significantly more than $1 million per day.

There were 23,677 new accounts made between our two points of reference and if they purchased only the basic pack, which costs $45, the total funding increase would amount to $1,065,465.

That hypothetical situation would leave around $7 million in pledges from the rest of the community, hinting that the Drake Pack, which was being sold during that period, amassed quite the lump of money for CIG.

No public data that explicitly states all that money went into $4,600 ship packs is available but the spike in funding during that exact week leaves little room for doubt.

So roughly 1500 packages of those Drake packages. That would be about 1% of the backers which is consistent with mega whales accounting for 1%-2% of a game's playerbase.
Why does it have to be 'embarrasing' to anybody. Most folk outside of this weird 11 part threadnaught don't care about Star Citizen in the same manner people within it do

The embarrassment should rest squarely on Chris Roberts' shoulders. That embarrassment should have started about 6 years ago when he was just 2 years and $50M into development. That's about the same time and cost an established and reputable game dev company would have spent on the SC we're seeing TODAY. Even that's being kind, since a competent games company wouldn't own up to a buggy mess. He's made a whole business strategy of churning 80% of backer's funds through a sausage making machine spewing out ships/jpegs, just so that the other 20% can be used for actual game development. It's a rinse and repeat ecosystem of game dev inefficiencies and mismanagement, but pure genius with regard to a business model, using as it does entirely other people's money.

TLDR; The $250M Chris Roberts has wasted of the $300M+ backers money is his embarrassment.
That's a great deal of why it's an 11 part threadnaught. We care about Star Citizen. We cared enough about the idea to spend $$$ backing it, funding it, expecting it. We cared enough to ignore (or perhaps, even forgive) past history and show support for a new idea - the BDSSE.

2022 is full decade circle, right? I think someone said at some time development started in 2012

Now, nearly a decade later - well, just look at what we have.
Dropped Frames doesn't usually talk about Star Citizen but I was surprised their guest is still CIG is still working on tools.
Don't knwo how to do time stame but it's starts at 1:08:52, right after talking about ED VR.
We put DJ Knight in prison once and he was not happy and ended his stream.
DJ Knight was amongst the bunch of SC streamers who received a $5k PC courtesy of CIG.


Volunteer Moderator
SC hitting 300 million in pledges


I wonder at what point its going to get too embarrasing for even the hardcore backers?

Imagine it reaching 500 million and say 15 years and still in alpha and they are still saying everything is fine.

Surely there has to be a point where they delete all their posts and if asked say "Star Citizen? No, never heard of it!"

The difference now is that CIG has committed quite strongly to a SQ42 beta this year (although it is not even clear yet if open or closed). Many a backer pent up expectations and hype are probably at all time highs on that basis. Be it for the actual game itself or because that beta should showcase a glimpse to the quality to be expected for the actual final product and PU and thereby vindicate their sunk costs. So at some point in the next few months there will likely be a key reckoning of some kind.

If the SQ42 beta can not be released as planned by CIG (asuming it actually intended to do it), then an excuse or rational for it will need to be presented by CIG. Now one of CIG´s core competencies is manipulating and spinning information so in that scenario I would imagine there would be a fierce effort put up by Chris and co to change the narrative to something they can have the initiative again on. Either way it is going to indeed be interesting to see if the backers and the market swallow it whole or not.

The key is funding. If funding continues as it has allegedly done for the past 6-7 months, record breaking, then CIG will easily brush off any criticisms and continue doing whatever they want to do, i.e. anything except a game apparently.

Either that or CIG actually releases a cool and good SQ42 beta as planned.
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