Game Discussions Star Citizen Discussion Thread v12

Good to see SC making use of multi core processors and how even the load is split amongst the cores.


I can almost hear your CPU crying for its mother.
I mean, I'm sure you'll be able to fly around in them SC as well. Not sure that counts as "gameplay". I guess it is as much gameplay as nebula's add to elite.
Every celestial body i scan in ED has already been discovered, it tells me that at the bottom, it even tells me who found it to rub it in...

Doesn't stop me doing it or taking an interest, your people put a man into orbit first, that doesn't stop the rest of the world wanting to do the same, even today, perhaps even more than ever, why is that?

As a species, as the human race we are preprogrammed to explore, we have a genetic need to know what's beyond the horizon and even if we know what it is we still have to see it with our own eyes.

Art in games is very expensive and work intensive, but they do it because we like to explore nice things, and for 99.999999999999% of us our imagination helped by artists is the closest we will ever get to exploring new things.

It not stupid, its human. Yuri Gagarin took a huge risk on his life because he wanted to know what its like up there. To him it was all worth it.
You did not travel far enough from bubble, huge majority of galaxy in ED is unexplored.
This new capacitor gameplay is going to cause some tears...all good for me, power to shields and thrusters will still work in voice attack, don't need guns. A bit concerning they're leaving my S3 shields out of the rework for the time being...may be a good thing...maybe not :unsure:
Hiding in them in WW2 sims? Has anyone tried the new clouds in DCS?
Hiding in clouds only works on the servers that have the player tagging and the target padlock feature disabled... for the likes of IL2, Cliffs of Dover, Desert Wings, Rise of Flight or Flying Circus...none of those have true volumetric clouds anyway... although you can hide in them ;)



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There is gameplay wanted for gaz clouds in space (hiding signature). Don't know for atmospheric clouds.
For Crusader they want to add pressure , but it's not tied to clouds.
Perhaps space whales visually hiding in it ?
meh, exploring in E:D gets kinda boring because you hardly ever find something interesting. If you want to see some cool stuff, do the Passenger missions that want to go sight seeing. You can "explore" on your way there and back. They are in all kinds of different distances from the bubble.

You'll get to see some neat stuff. If you end up going to high gravity worlds, they are no joke, be careful. :)
Assuming that SC does eventually do something along the lines of exploration, it's a fun path that they need to tread.

You're stuck with either "huge and empty*" like ED**, or something more "interesting" that would require more handcrafting but will be, by definition, far more finite in scope. You can't really have both.

* Can be argued. YMMV.

** I'd also add NMS here too. I found it repetetive even if, on the surface, there's more to do.
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