Game Discussions Star Citizen Discussion Thread v12

Box missions take you a lot of locations on different moons is what Intrepid means...gets you around the system to places you might not otherwise go. Nobody explores the moons...unless you can call hanging around Olisar or a planetary outpost waiting to gank someone exploring :D

I get around a bit on the moons either ROC mining or in the Prospector but it's a dying artform these days...too many pew-crew who see nothing outside of a gunsight :confused:

So... taking a mission in ED to deliver something to a base is also exploration gameplay? Because, i just don't get it. I'd never call that exploration gameplay. And people still are not exploring those moons, they are just flying to a known location, one they were told about or found via google. They aren't discovering anything new.

Its multiple boxes from multiple locations or multiple boxed to multiple locations.

As in ED its a reason to go somewhere you might not otherwise go, those MSR on early dawn Hurston sreenshots i put up earlier, i was delivering boxes, that's the only reason i was there to see that.

Are you sure? Because in the post it seemed like they were talking about boxes from a single location. If its multiple locations, then that explains why it took them so long. Got to factor in that fidelitious flying time!

But as i just said to Mole, i don't count that as exploration. Its not finding something nobody has seen before.
So... taking a mission in ED to deliver something to a base is also exploration gameplay? Because, i just don't get it. I'd never call that exploration gameplay. And people still are not exploring those moons, they are just flying to a known location, one they were told about or found via google. They aren't discovering anything new.

Are you sure? Because in the post it seemed like they were talking about boxes from a single location. If its multiple locations, then that explains why it took them so long. Got to factor in that fidelitious flying time!

But as i just said to Mole, i don't count that as exploration. Its not finding something nobody has seen before.
Not exploration in the ED sense...more of just exploring some locations you might not go to otherwise. I've never done a single box mission but I'm down on the surface a lot when mining, especially in the prospy so I tend to see a lot of things down there 90% of the folk playing SC don't. Credit where credit is due...the planetary tech is very good, diverse too. My favourite is still Lyria for pootling about on just for a wander. There are some easter egg locations here and there you won't find unless you look.

Not having any exploration gameplay...because there's little point of it stuck in the one system with no POI gameplay either, you can forget the moons are pretty nice to just wander about on. The box missions at least give you a reason to be down there rather than just running from the ship to a trade terminal at one or two specific locations to load up with cargo, there's little reason to hang about there unless you fancy exploding when someone else sees you. For newbies, it's a way to go see something at a reason to do it in the first place. 🤷‍♂️
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So... taking a mission in ED to deliver something to a base is also exploration gameplay? Because, i just don't get it. I'd never call that exploration gameplay. And people still are not exploring those moons, they are just flying to a known location, one they were told about or found via google. They aren't discovering anything new.

Are you sure? Because in the post it seemed like they were talking about boxes from a single location. If its multiple locations, then that explains why it took them so long. Got to factor in that fidelitious flying time!

But as i just said to Mole, i don't count that as exploration. Its not finding something nobody has seen before.
Every celestial body i scan in ED has already been discovered, it tells me that at the bottom, it even tells me who found it to rub it in...

Doesn't stop me doing it or taking an interest, your people put a man into orbit first, that doesn't stop the rest of the world wanting to do the same, even today, perhaps even more than ever, why is that?

As a species, as the human race we are preprogrammed to explore, we have a genetic need to know what's beyond the horizon and even if we know what it is we still have to see it with our own eyes.

Art in games is very expensive and work intensive, but they do it because we like to explore nice things, and for 99.999999999999% of us our imagination helped by artists is the closest we will ever get to exploring new things.

It not stupid, its human. Yuri Gagarin took a huge risk on his life because he wanted to know what its like up there. To him it was all worth it.
I think the more interesting question is how is CIG planning to implement exploration? Through procedural generation of some kind?
I've no doubt you'll fill in the gaps with your vivid imagination and let us all know anyway...Personally, I very much doubt they'll ever implement it at all. The PU is rapidly turning into a purely arcade space shooter not far removed from Star Wars Squadrons...but not nearly as good :D
I figured that, its why i bought an Anaconda, now i just need to engineer its range and then i'm off on one..... Sayonara :)

meh, exploring in E:D gets kinda boring because you hardly ever find something interesting. If you want to see some cool stuff, do the Passenger missions that want to go sight seeing. You can "explore" on your way there and back. They are in all kinds of different distances from the bubble.

You'll get to see some neat stuff. If you end up going to high gravity worlds, they are no joke, be careful. :)
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this will be interesting

Good to see SC making use of multi core processors and how even the load is split amongst the cores.

Stop fishing in my Imgur, that was not meant for you :p


Edit: it was not you, sorry, someone nabbed it from the EFT chat..... where did you get it?

Edit 2: SC Leaks.
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If you want to see some cool stuff, do the Passenger missions that want to go site seeing. You can "explore" on your way there and back. They are in all kinds of different distances from the bubble.

You'll get to see some neat stuff. If you end up going to high gravity worlds, they are no joke, be careful. :)

Repeated for emphasis! My BGS group were always amused when I took every Sight Seeing mission I could find. Some of the locations truly are amazing.

And if a mission ever sends you to the ghost moon, fly around a little when you get there... (enough said...) 😲
Every celestial body i scan in ED has already been discovered, it tells me that at the bottom, it even tells me who found it to rub it in...

Doesn't stop me doing it or taking an interest, your people put a man into orbit first, that doesn't stop the rest of the world wanting to do the same, even today, perhaps even more than ever, why is that?

As a species, as the human race we are preprogrammed to explore, we have a genetic need to know what's beyond the horizon and even if we know what it is we still have to see it with our own eyes.

Art in games is very expensive and work intensive, but they do it because we like to explore nice things, and for 99.999999999999% of us our imagination helped by artists is the closest we will ever get to exploring new things.

It not stupid, its human. Yuri Gagarin took a huge risk on his life because he wanted to know what its like up there. To him it was all worth it.

You need to go further out ;)
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