Game Discussions Star Citizen Discussion Thread v12

Causal lurkers who are reading this... want "to care" why it is taking so long. Squadron 42 is a MASSIVE draw on resources.

Obviously its going to slow down the development of the Persistent Universe.

Squadron 42 has approximatly 300+ Devs plus drawing on resources from its offices around the world to get completed.
CIG has flip-flipped multiple times on which game is the focus of their development efforts. They'll say whatever's convenient to explain the lack of progress with one or the other on any given day. The advantage of blaming it on S42 is that it's happening behind closed doors. Last year, even their S42 progress update video was 6 months late. And when they finally squeezed something out it was nothing but some fly-throughs of completely empty environments. Because "spoilers", right? I'm sure they don't want to spoil the surprise of how far away they are from a deliverable.
Besides, it doesn't matter how many people they have making shiny spaceship models. If the AI, animation or physics is trash in SC, then it's trash in S42 too.
"Alpha" is just an internally-defined label that means nothing at this point. There will never be a SC beta. The game has effectively been in maintenance mode for the last couple of years. There's literally no incentive for CIG to make any more progress, as long as they're still raking in money for old rope.
But sure, keep deflecting to ED. Because we all know the more Frontier messes up, the closer SC and S42 get to release.
Love it...inspecting the troops at the refinery :D

Keep the screenies coming, you certainly have an eye for a good pic (y)

First time I've looked at Crusader from orbit in a scenic sense...mainly because of a bug in the current PTU build that sets the escape altitude at 750km. It takes 10 minutes or more, depending on the ship (bigger ships take longer and run out of hydrogen fuel), going at full burn from Orison to escape atmo before you can QT anywhere...even just heading to Port Olisar (or Orison) from anywhere else, the drop out of QT at Crusader is at 350km which means you have to fly 400km back out to exit atmo before you can continue the journey to Olisar or Orison....hence the screen shot, I was trapped there for over 5 minutes just trying to escape.

Current workaround until Ci¬G fix it in the upcoming PTU build is to drop out of QT in further away than you can QT past Crusader or on to Orison.

Kudos to the CIG team of engineers that got this done, in spite of CR.

SC has made progress in the last year, and I'm now a bit more curious that it might actually be able to make it to a somewhat decent release candidate in another 3 years (though likely still incomplete, and having spent 5x the money with 5x the team as FD have on Elite so horrid inefficiency and waste of resources, + CR inane blather and lies. Also, I dislike the entire flight model in SC still, and travel times and QT travel method itself even more than travel times in ED (super-cruise is awesome except the ramp up/down rates).

Having said that, the ability to fly to Orison and this picture says a lot IMHO about where FD has struggled with their approach to monetizing ED development vs. the players wanting all the stellar forge planet types and such rolled out asap. One thing that is clear, is that when FD get to gas giants, their approach will allow them to pop billions of these into the game "instantly", and populate the ones in the bubble with multiple stations each. Whereas this is a single 1/6 scale planet for SC with a hand-crafted but still "boring" station to visit and little to do ("shallow") but repetitive kill pirate or move box missions (both games are boring when looked at from repetition and non-gamer point of view). The main interest here at the moment is exploring the eye candy.

Interestingly, the two distinct approaches have both upset many gamers at this point. But the journey continues.
Well there was an injection of private venture capital but yes... 90%+ from Backers like myself.

Technically more than 500+ developers if you count subcontractors such as Turbulent, 3Lateral, Faceware Technologies, Firesprite among other partnerships.

The last statement from CIG put it at around 720 employees, although it wasn't stated whether that included contractors or not. There are also roughly 100 open positions on CIG's vacancy page.
Causal lurkers who are reading this... want "to care" why it is taking so long. Squadron 42 is a MASSIVE draw on resources.

Obviously its going to slow down the development of the Persistent Universe.

Squadron 42 has approximatly 300+ Devs plus drawing on resources from its offices around the world to get completed.

Im just glad CIG is finishing this game that Frontiers abandoned for its gamers.

Actually we don't know for sure how many people are working on SQ42. In theory, its just the UK office, but the two games share a lot of tech, so the US and Germany offices, working on tech for SC, are also indirectly working on SQ42 anyway.
I've seen from YT that quite many ED commanders are in to SC now and praising it. That's cool and all, but I predict that the honeymoon will soon be over. While I think SC has some very cool stuff going on, it really is in no way a substitute for ED. I'm honestly quite baffled by this.
Frontiers is controlled by my worst nightmare... Shareholders. Why do you think Odyssey... A smoldering pile of dung was released like it was?

CIG also has shareholders. CR is the majority shareholder, with his brother, wife, and Ortwin holding most of the other shares. Then there are 3(?) board seats taken by external investors, one of which holds 14% of the stock.
Ah, yes, David who made an apology for the bad release

Actually we don't know for sure how many people are working on SQ42. In theory, its just the UK office, but the two games share a lot of tech, so the US and Germany offices, working on tech for SC, are also indirectly working on SQ42 anyway.
The offices in England are referred to as 'Foundry 42.' Granted... an office is mentioned in Frankfurt but their focus is Squadron 42. Yes... Some tech is ported to the Persistent Universe as it is developed.

Meh... financially "free" Crypto Investor / Military retired with nothing better to do today. I am enjoying the Crypto bounce today thanks to Elon/Amazon. Shorting DOGE was fairly profitable but back to a long position.

Might be a dip when Congress (USA) talks about regulating it (somehow) on the 28th of July.

But... back to the banter about ED vs SC

Hope you're not holding all your assets in crypto. One day you might find yourself holding nothing but dreams. ;)
CIG also has shareholders. CR is the majority shareholder, with his brother, wife, and Ortwin holding most of the other shares. Then there are 3(?) board seats taken by external investors, one of which holds 14% of the stock.

Fair point... But as someone who has bought and sold stocks for decades... private ownerships is much different than public ownership in terms of thousands and possibly millions of shareholders demanding a profit.
They are getting to conditioned to exploring their ship while in quantum drive

How much exploration of a ship can you do? About as much exploration i can do with my navel?

Come off it. Planets, cool. Mining in caves, cool. FPS (erm, ED has this you know?). Exploring massive space stations (erm, you mean spending 5 minutes walking or taking a train to get where you need to be? Sure!).

But exploring their ship? LMAO!
Hope you're not holding all your assets in crypto. One day you might find yourself holding nothing but dreams. ;)

I'll ponder that as I drink a cold frosty one overlooking my private lake. ;)

Not to mention I short on occasion.

Bitcoin Nears $40,000 as Shorts Fuel Rally on Amazon Speculation
Fair point... But as someone who has bought and sold stocks for decades... private ownerships is much different than public ownership in terms of thousands and possibly millions of shareholders demanding a profit.

Indeed it is, and while it was fully in family and friends hands it was safe from the influence of external investors. Now Calder holds 14% of the stake CR might (horror or horrors) be pushed to actually deliver a product instead of waffling on about wanting virtual air to run through virtual pipes on spaceships which all will need refactoring to accommodate said virtual pipes.

Why is CR moving to the UK next year to help finish SQ42? His own decision? Or orders from elsewhere?

We don't know what was agreed between Calder and CR when the investment was made. We know CIG were in a bad situation, they badly needed those funds. Did CR contractually agree in return for the money to ship SQ42 by a certain date, and having failed to meet that date, is now facing clauses in that contract being activated?
I'll ponder that as I drink a cold frosty one overlooking my private lake. ;)

Not to mention I short on occasion.

Bitcoin Nears $40,000 as Shorts Fuel Rally on Amazon Speculation

Well, lucky you. Now, if you don't mind not lording it over those of us who can't even afford to buy a graphics card capable of running ED:O or SC, that would be great.

In the meantime, with so much disposable income, have you considered buying a Legatus pack? Only $37,000!!!
Well, lucky you. Now, if you don't mind not lording it over those of us who can't even afford to buy a graphics card capable of running ED:O or SC, that would be great.
I do need to het off my lazy ass and get to building my new RTX 3090 based system. Ironically it's because of the ED Refugees recently Im getting back into active Alpha Testing since 2015.

Occasionally I would dive into Arena Commander and take on the AI but the new ED Videos from Kate and others have inspired me to jump back in for 3.14 patch.

I have to admit... The quality of ED players we are receiving is impressive. A shot of energy needed for Backers like me.
The offices in England are referred to as 'Foundry 42.' Granted... an office is mentioned in Frankfurt but their focus is Squadron 42. Yes... Some tech is ported to the Persistent Universe as it is developed.

I thought the German office was focused on common tech. But maybe that changed over the years.

I presume you heard about CIG investing in a new state of the art office under construction in Germany?

CR showing off the trappings of success rather than actually proving success.


Money pledged goes directly to the game's development

Hmm..... i didn't know you needed to invest in buildings that were years away from being ready to make a computer game.
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