Game Discussions Star Citizen Discussion Thread v12

Lots of 3.14 adventures about


I changed my gender to female. And now I managed to get out of bed.

Sounds like a Monday morning to me.
Things really are going well!

Things really are going well!

What kind of space are you expecting to have a romantic relationship with a cannon that wears out even though you haven't fired a few shots?

I don’t know how to answer that question :/
Aye, we all had several issues inviting me to a party when standing next to a team mate and promptly vanishing before his eyes. The server backend services were complete trash...mobiglas and equipment manager mayhem with vanishing stuff, stuff not equipping on ships or on armour...a ton more random stuff which made doing anything at all constructive a complete pain if not impossible.

We all said 3.14 wasn't ready, even though it was long overdue....and they once again released a buggy patch on a weekend with no possibility of fixing the issues until next week.
We all said 3.14 wasn't ready, even though it was long overdue....and they once again released a buggy patch on a weekend with no possibility of fixing the issues until next week.

For a moment I thought I was reading the ED update thread ;)

But jokes aside, the complete pointlessness of Orison (is that how you spell it?) and the desire to never visit it again really does highlight the problem of introducing new features without the content that goes with it. I mean like expanding station concourses to other area in the station. I would love to see access to the garden ring of spaceports, what a fantastic view, but unless there was actually some content there to engage me how many time would I bother visiting it?

So when people say, why do we only have concourse, why can't we visit the rest of the station, it's just silly only having the concourse. But of course unless there was meaningful content there all it would mean is the devs spending time developing stuff that most players would only visit once! So just introducing the concourse now was probably a good move on FDEV's part despite the criticism!
I am starting to worry about the backflow of EDO refugees. (I know it's not funny, this kind of things hurts).
Don't get me wrong, 3.14 has some very good changes in it but it's all being undone by server backend issues once again. As for the combat balancing, some of the troll-lol-lols don't like not being able to tape the fire button down and circle strafe while keeping an eye on Netflix any more...they can't comprehend that it's now all about balancing power between finite resources or figure out how to press a couple more buttons on the keyboard to allocate that power where it's needed and when.

There's less desync...but it's almost like Ci¬G decided to sacrifice the adjudication and authentication server performance to improve the desync and server lag on the gameplay servers...and it's ended up breaking everyones experience once again. There's little or no desync or server lag on the gameplay servers but all the backend stuff is being overloaded and collapsing. Folk can't claim ships, stuff is vanishing...including players.. you can't install equipment or upgrades and the basic inventory and mission tools in Mobiglas are so lagged the inventory shows as empty and the missions are vanishing once being selected only to suddenly appear up to 5 minutes later.

They're juggling finite server resources whilst trying to pretend the game is a live service at the same time, they're also not willing to put the investment into the server capacity to do it...all that costs money.
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Aye, we all had several issues inviting me to a party when standing next to a team mate and promptly vanishing before his eyes. The server backend services were complete trash...mobiglas and equipment manager mayhem with vanishing stuff, stuff not equipping on ships or on armour...a ton more random stuff which made doing anything at all constructive a complete pain if not impossible.

We all said 3.14 wasn't ready, even though it was long overdue....and they once again released a buggy patch on a weekend with no possibility of fixing the issues until next week.
This is basically what I said in a thread on reddit. I get that it was overdue and they already committed to releasing it this week earlier in the week but they could have waited until Monday at the least in the event that bugs that hinder playability arise. In this case, they can roll out subsequent hotfixes over the following days as opposed to now - having to wait until after the weekend - to address larger bugs/instability.

But as usual, the "we're testers/this is alpha" crowd is out in full battle rattle, ready to stomp any dissent. There's gonna be bugs, duh. I get it. But we can at least think to minimize them with smart opportunity. Even worse is bringing it up on the Spectrum forums. People see a join date of July of this year and all of a sudden I'm a nobody who doesn't know what they're talking about because I haven't endured the hardships of sipping the CIG kool-aid since 2014.
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You're not going to tell me that Ci¬G is strapped for cash, are you? Or is it really such a tightwad...?

All I really meant to say was that those who left the boat because everything looks more promising in SC are not necessarily those who are interested in the technical details of why exactly such things happen (otherwise why would they have left in the first place?) That doesn't mean I know much more about these things. But I can at least vaguely imagine what's going on and that's why my schadenfreude is kept in check.

(Schadenfreude! 🤪 That was my translator. Madness, how my mother tongue merges into yours, and then with this unflattering quality of all things).
Everything Ci¬G does or doesn't do is controlled by the marketing department... I've little doubt that was the case with the premature live release of 3.14. It was delayed again and again in PTU, the marketing snakes were getting nervous so out it went, ready or not.

To be clear, I have absolutely no understanding of how AWS services work.... nor server architecture for that matter except for the fact it's expensive...but put it this way, I'm taking a rough guess that all those persistent and recurring server issues that have been plaguing Star Citizen for years aren't all due to crap coding but more than likely tied to budgetary or financial contraints with regard to server capacity...Which would also conveniently explain the development continually marking time rather than progressing.

For the last 2 patches, we've had a login flash box appearing while we wait to connect for almost every day to day game session and have done since 3.12...first time that appeared was during the clusterfarce of the first Invictus event where there weren't enough servers available to handle the influx of log in attempts. Some backers were locked out of the game and couldn't connect for 2 to 3 days. They've tried to hide the queue box by fading the loading screen out to a pure black screen in 3.14...but we know it's still there, the length of time the black screen is there is roughly the time it's taking to fit you onto one of the login servers.

Squadron 42 - Star Citizen Screenshot 2021.03.30 -

We all know as well as Ci¬G does that the servers are beyond current capacity already, have been for years, they've admitted why aren't they adding more servers or increasing the size of them a priority?...Since it's a live service game and all that...or so they keep telling us. They can't add any more content, server meshing isn't yet a viable as much as I reckon Ci¬G are merely hoping it'll relieve the pressure on the sadly overloaded servers without adding more capacity 🤷‍♂️

I'm probably talking out of my butt...but there's more to this nonsense than crap server code and glacial development.
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how is SC community doing ? discovering new planets yet or the same one 1inch at a time ?

I prepared a comparison, Odyssey vs Star Citizen

This is Odyssey.

and this is SC

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