Game Discussions Star Citizen Discussion Thread v12

Cool, thanks LA. So between 6.5min to 18min depending on the planet and city, again assuming no bugs stop you along the way.

That only leaves the whole none of that is fun to me, regardless if it's 6min or 18min problem :p Oh and the dying from thirst/hunger/cold/heat and rest of superfluous mechanics.

Sadly, yes, not playing many games these days in general. Prefer YT and anime. The time commitment for, specifically online, games is too high. Swore off MMOs after the last addiction.
Cool, thanks LA. So between 6.5min to 18min depending on the planet and city, again assuming no bugs stop you along the way.
That only leaves the whole none of that is fun to me, regardless if it's 6min or 18min problem :p
18 min for Orison only, all other cities are around 6 min. And the time for Orison will certainly be modified.

2 min 42 is also too much for you to start a gaming session ?
Which space game are your playing exactly that makes you walking 2 min 42 an unbearable waste of time ?
Basically, what folk spend and on what is none of my business unless it's illegal, neither is it your place to judge.

Are you seriously saying that a guy getting giddy about Star Citizen, spending $500 on a non-existent ship, then regretting it massively and feeling scammed, all within the space of a few weeks, isn't worthy of comment? That it should not be commented on at all?

but discussion of the spending habits of any private individual for open ridicule or arbitary judgement is bordering on an unhealthy fixation. At the same time by doing so, suggest you're being somehow righteous? That's where I draw the line and call bollox.

I'm not highlighting incidents like this to mock or judge the guy's choices. I'm highlighting them because they reveal the negatives of CIG's more deceptive marketing practices, and their impacts on individuals.

At no point have I suggested that it makes me somehow righteous or superior. Nor is it what I think, or care about. So I call bollox right back at you there young man ;)

I'll own being slightly obsessed with SC, for sure. And this delve I'm taking into these individual stories is shall we say... a fuzzy area. But my objective is purely to investigate the above. IE to see what happens when a bunch of SC noobs meet CIG's marketing machine and 'playable now' alpha up close.

And the answer so far is: Lots of things. Some love it, some hate it, some grind happily, some buy happily. And some feel more than a little bit scammed ¯\(ツ)/¯

Where they all end up after the honeymoon period will be interesting. If most are romping away and happy with their purchases, that's what I'll write up. If some are angry and feel misled, I will for sure be highlighting that too though. And I honestly don't see what's wrong with that, with regards to shining a light on the worst end of CIG's practices ¯\(ツ)/¯

Chances are that anyone who feels money was taken on dubious pretences would rather that message was shared, than not...
18 min for Orison only, all other cities are around 6 min. And the time for Orison will certainly be modified.

2 min 42 is also too much for you to start a gaming session ?
Which space game are your playing exactly that makes you walking 2 min 42 an unbearable waste of time ?
It's more the fact it's a superfluous mechanic that makes it not fun, not the time commitment. You can say "but it's only 6-7min" or whatever, it still does not make it fun. We (at least used to) spend enough time on trains commuting for real life work. Don't particularly want to have to do that just to play a game.

GTA otoh (to use one example) does it right in that it makes it interactive and gives you the choice. Need to get somewhere for a mission/pick up a vehicle? Choose your favourite mode of transport, motorbike, helicopter, boat, on foot, hail a cab, doesn't matter, and just ride around and enjoy the city. Odds are you find something interesting along the way that distracts you from your original goal, go exploring and hey presto, you're having fun.

When there is nothing to do, nothing to discover, nothing to distract you from the fact you're forced to sit on a train for X minutes just to get to "your" ship.. it's just SimCommuter.
I think if you only have 1 hour of gameplay time. Space may be the wrong genre.
It depends upon the game. Kerbal space program is a game where missions can take years in real time, but you have time acceleration and the ability to pause your game. Many online games don’t force you to log out at specific locations, allowing you to resume playing where you left off after a session.

I guess I’ll be able to judge SC for myself in a few days. Still haven’t decided on what name I’ll be using.
It's more like spam than scam. Oh and money isn't coerced from people they give freely.

It comes down to product delivery really...

They’ve still got to make all of this ;)


The longer time goes by without them being able to deliver, the scummier it looks, at minimum ;)
GTA otoh (to use one example) does it right in that it makes it interactive and gives you the choice.
You are serious ?
2 min 42 of walking (not even tram) is too much for you and you compare SC and ED to GTA ?
It's like saying take off in FS2020 is a superfluous mechanic because you just want to fly...

I don't know why you follow this thread, you are absolutly not interested in spacesim games. You are more into arcady space games, you should try Arena Commander in SC, you are directly in the ship and you just have to fly on icons to refuel and get ammo, 0 superfluous mechanic.
Are you seriously saying that a guy getting giddy about Star Citizen, spending $500 on a non-existent ship, then regretting it massively and feeling scammed, all within the space of a few weeks, isn't worthy of comment? That it should not be commented on at all?

I'm not highlighting incidents like this to mock or judge the guy's choices. I'm highlighting them because they reveal the negatives of CIG's more deceptive marketing practices, and their impacts on individuals.

At no point have I suggested that it makes me somehow righteous or superior. Nor is it what I think, or care about. So I call bollox right back at you there young man ;)

I'll own being slightly obsessed with SC, for sure. And this delve I'm taking into these individual stories is shall we say... a fuzzy area. But my objective is purely to investigate the above. IE to see what happens when a bunch of SC noobs meet CIG's marketing machine and 'playable now' alpha up close.

And the answer so far is: Lots of things. Some love it, some hate it, some grind happily, some buy happily. And some feel more than a little bit scammed ¯\(ツ)/¯

Where they all end up after the honeymoon period will be interesting. If most are romping away and happy with their purchases, that's what I'll write up. If some are angry and feel misled, I will for sure be highlighting that too though. And I honestly don't see what's wrong with that, with regards to shining a light on the worst end of CIG's practices ¯\(ツ)/¯

Chances are that anyone who feels money was taken on dubious pretences would rather that message was shared, than not...
Folk getting all giddy and buying ships in Star Citizen then regretting the purchase has been happening since 2014. I could class myself among those giddy thousands since the initial enthusiasm and support I offered Ci¬G was thrown back in my face during the Citcon live demo in 2016. Fortunately, I was able to refund my initial over enthusiastic donation. Since then, I've been a strong proponent of issuing caution when I see the same over enthusiastic or wide eyed naive approach to backing the project. Whilst I'm still in for more than most people would find comfortable...or sensible... I have no reason to regret buying back in at the level I'm at...neither do the majority of backers in a similar position. I know this because I'm in an org full of them and talk to other backers outside of it.

We're in agreement on most things related to Ci¬G and Star Citizen except for the need to question every idiot who spends the rent money buying jpegs. Ci¬G's predatory marketing is as abhorrent as it is obvious...but then again, it's not illegal or's entirely voluntary. Exactly the same as online poker or hurling cash at some internet evangelist in some states in the US.
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You are serious ?
2 min 42 of walking (not even tram) is too much for you and you compare SC and ED to GTA ?
It's like saying take off in FS2020 is a superfluous mechanic because you just want to fly...

I don't know why you follow this thread, you are absolutly not interested in spacesim games. You are more into arcady space games, you should try Arena Commander in SC, you are directly in the ship and you just have to fly on icons to refuel and get ammo, 0 superfluous mechanic.

Nah. Arena Commander has nobody playing. NMS is better for casual play.
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